
inverted CERN School of Computing 2011 3-4 March 2011, CERN

Programme Overview


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Virtualization and Clouds

Computer Security

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iCSC2010 Software Management and Optimization

Details of all lectures

Theme: Virtualization and Clouds
Virtualization: what it is, how it works

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Thursday 3 March


10:15 11:10


Virtualization: what it is, how it works 

Luigi Gallerani

Carlos Garcia Fernandez


Virtualization has become over the past years a popular approach to try and use more efficiently computing resources.

In this lecture, a general overview of what virtualization is and what it can provide is given.  Server virtualization is a particular mode of implementation which is explained. In order to provide a clearer picture of the features and benefits of virtualization and to usefully complement the theoretical explanations, several practical demos will be presented to the audience.

Audience and benefits
Anyone interested in better understanding what virtualization is and  to see practical features through demos is invited to attend.

No prerequisite knowledge is needed to follow this lecture

Theme: Virtualization and Clouds
Lecture: Server Virtualization at Work

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Thursday 3 March

11:20 12:15

Lecture 2

Server Virtualization at work

Luigi Gallerani

Carlos Garcia Fernandez


After the introduction to virtualization in lecture 1, this second lecture focuses on server virtualization through practical demos.


Participants will see on a demo how to create a robust, redundant and high-availability cluster of Virtual Servers. They will see how to connect this cluster to multiple virtual networks, how to life migrate a server from one host to another one and how to manage and monitor a huge number of virtual servers in a real production environment.


Anyone interested in today's server virtualization possibilities and in the future trends.

A basic knowledge of linux shell will help to fully benefit from the lecture.

Theme: Virtualization and Clouds
Lecture: Unweaving Clouds: Principles and Practice

A few questions addressed in the lecture


Thursday 3 March


14:00 - 14:55

Lecture 3

Unweaving Clouds: Principles and Practice

Belmiro Moreira



Cloud computing has been a buzzword for many years but more than ever it continues to attract and keep the interest of both the computer community and businesses. In this lecture we discuss the concepts, applications and benefits of Cloud Computing. As an example of a Cloud Computing application at CERN, we present "lxcloud".

This lecture targets all participants with interest in Cloud Computing and virtualization



No special prior knowledge of the topic is required to benefit from this lecture.

Theme: Computer Security
Understanding Cryptography: From Caesar to Public-Key

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Thursday 3 March

15:30 - 16:25

Lecture 4

Understanding Cryptography: From Caesar to Public-Key

Nicola Chiapolini
Universität Zürich - Switzerland

In this lecture we start by explaining a selection of simple cryptographic algorithms as well as the methods to attack them. We then try and show how these basic algorithms evolved over time into the modern ones and give simple examples of how he recent algorithms work.

As a illustration, we will  turn to one of the most challenging  exercise given at CSC2010 in the "Writing Secure software" class (that is the "HTML-riddle problem" ) in order to show how this knowledge can to solve the problem posed.

After this lecture, the attendees should not only understand how modern cryptographic algorithms developed, but also master their basic principles.

This lecture targets everyone who wants to understand what is going on when using encryption or who is  interested in riddles..

This lecture can be followed by anyone. The ability to understand simple programs will help nevertheless.



Theme: Hot Topics in Software Engineering
Modern Software Engineering meets HEP

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Friday 4 March

10:00 - 10:55

Lecture 5

Modern Software Engineering meets HEP

Frank Volkmer
Bergische Universität Wuppertal- Germany


Many techniques in modern software development can help greatly to improve the quality and maintainability of the written code. 


This lecture will introduce pair programming as a method for two people to fully collaborate on code generation with a very high code quality. Test Driven Development is one method to write code by first designing a test for the next piece of code and then test the code with the previous test.

Code refactoring is an often underestimated method to restructure your code to improve readability and maintainability.


This lecture will show some libraries and frameworks that can help you to use these ideas efficiently and easily.

The lecture is mainly targeted to anyone who develops software but has never properly or officially learned how to do so. It should give new ideas on the art of developing software.



Some knowledge of the following domains will help attendees to fully benefit from the lecture :

  • Project organization / management

  • Software development lifecycle: requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment, maintenance

  • Development models (waterfall model, Rational Unified Process, etc.) can help


Theme: Hot Topics in Software Engineering
Lecture: Metrics definition inside the software quality assurance process

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Friday 4 March

11:05 - 12:00

Lecture 6

 Metrics definition inside the software quality assurance process

Andres Abad Rodriguez


Metrics are important tools used in modern software engineering of  large IT projects. They provide in advance essential information  to help knowing whether the project is heading to the right direction or to detect in time needed adjustments. However, collecting metrics is not necessarily an easy task. 


In this presentation, a general overview of what metrics can provide will be given, together with a description of different approaches to collect them. I addition a schematic classification of the existing standards will be provided.


The presentation is targeted to developers, in particular -but not exclusively- those involved in quality assurance , as well as to IT managers interested in evaluating the potential of metrics for their projects or to reconsider the existing ones.



This lecture can be reasonably followed by anyone having a minimum of experience in software development and/or in software quality assurance processes.


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Last update: Tuesday, 10. July 2012 15:07

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