CERN School of Computing 1995 - BULLETIN No. 3

The deadline concerning the 1995 CERN School of Computing has now passed, and no further applications can be accepted.
The CSC Advisory Committee - 2 June 1995
The School is open to postgraduate students and research workers with a few years' experience in particle physics, computing, or in related fields. The number of participants will be of the order of seventy, mostly from the CERN Member States or from laboratories closely associated with CERN, but a few may come from countries which are not Member States of CERN.
Personal contacts and informal discussions among the participants during leisure time are an important aspect of the School. For this reason, participants are asked to note that they should not be accompanied by family members or friends.
How to apply
Applicants must ensure that the following two documents reach the School Secretary (Miss Jacqueline Turner) by 31 May 1995 at the latest:
Instructions how to complete the form are included in the form itself. However, please note that each student is requested to provide, within the same form, a summary in English of about 100 words in length, describing his/her current work. The School booklet, which will be distributed to all participants before the beginning of the School, will include the summaries of the selected students.
The selection of the students will be made by the Advisory Committee and students will be informed of the outcome of their application in the first half of June 1995.
The Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation would be considered individually.
MR - 02 JUN 95 :-)
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