Details of Activities in Sport Afternoon: Frisbee (Frisbee Disc Golf and/or Ultimate Frisbee)

Sport S2

Frisbee (level of physical difficulty 2)  
3 Hours 14:00-17:30
Overall Schedule.

Maximum number of participants:12
Local coordinator: Hans Karlsson
CSC coordinator:  (TBC)



Location: Uppsala Southern area, Ultuna campus

Direction to Sunnerstaåsen area


Unique opportunity for trying out Frisbee Disc Golf and/or Ultimate Frisbee at the beautiful Ultuna Campus, near the Fyris river, with professional instructor from the Uppsala Frisbee Club.
Includes 20 min walk after the session along the magnificent Fyris river to the Sunnerstaåsen meeting point.

Required skills and health condition

  • This is open to any participant , male and female, in reasonably good physical condition.

  • Full explanations will given by professional instructor


  • Dressing: walking or running clothes, sport shoes, rain jacket if weather is uncertain

  • A warm casual change (e.g. pull over) is recommended for use after the session if chilly or damp weather conditions

  • Participants are advised to bring a backpack with a bottle of water.

 How it will be organized

  • The the CSC Sports-day bus will drive the participants at the place.

  • A member of the Uppsala University will participate.

  • After the session participants will do a 20-minute nice walk along the Fyris river, to the .Sunnerstaåsen area where they will meet the canoeists and the hikers.

What will be provided?

  • Explanations and Supervision from Uppsala FDK (Frisbee Club) and Uppsala University

  • Transportation (bus) to the sport location and return (bus) with other sports participants



  Full size PDF map

Outdoor Sports-Day
Proposed Sports
S1 Hiking
S2 Riding
S2 Frisbee *
S4 Canoeing
Suggested Free Activity
F Rest at Sunnarstaåsen
Overall Schedule
List of participants
Stat. on participation
* Due last minute difficulties, Biking has been replaced by Frisbee

Copyright CERN

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