
inverted CERN School of Computing 2011 3-4 March 2011, CERN

Programme Overview


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Virtualization and Clouds

Computer Security

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iCSC 20011 Mentors Biographies

at the time of the school

Summarized list of mentors
Brice Copy



Brice Copy is software project leader at CERN where he has been working since 2002. After developing web-based project management tools for large CERN projects during six years, Brice is now applying his software expertise to industrial control systems engineering  and cybersecurity research (as part of the CERN Openlab).
Prior to coming to CERN, Brice worked as software engineer at the Oracle European development centre (Reading, UK) where he contributed to UML modeling tools and Java development frameworks.
He obtained a MSc in "Distributed Applications and Networks" from the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) in 2000.

Sebastian Lopienski


Sebastian Lopienski is CERN’s deputy Computer Security Officer. He works on security strategy and policies; offers internal consultancy and audit services; develops and maintains security tools for vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection; provides training and awareness raising; and does incident investigation and response. During his work at CERN since 2001, Sebastian has had various assignments, including designing and developing software to manage and support services hosted in the CERN Computer Centre; providing Central CVS Service for software projects at CERN; and development of applications for accelerator controls in Java. He graduated from the University of Warsaw (MSc in Computer Science) in 2002, and earned an MBA degree at the Enterprise Administration Institute in Aix-en-Provence in 2010. His professional interests include software and network security, distributed systems, and Web and mobile technologies.


Andrzej Nowak


Andrzej Nowak is a staff researcher at CERN openlab - a collaboration of CERN and industrial partners such as HP, Intel, Oracle and Siemens. He holds a Master Engineer degree in Computer Science from the Gdansk University of Technology, specializing in distributed applications and internet systems. Andrzej's early research concerned operating systems security, mobile systems security, and wireless technologies. During his studies in 2005 and 2006, he worked at Intel, where he researched custom performance optimizations of the Linux kernel and took part in developing one of the first implementations of the IEEE 802.16 "WiMax Mobile" standard. In January 2007, soon after obtaining his diploma, he joined openlab as a Marie Curie Fellow sponsored by the European Commission. Andrzej's current research is focused on performance tuning, parallelism and modern many-core processor architectures. Another significant area of his work is the teaching of these topics at courses both within and outside of CERN.



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Last update: Tuesday, 18. December 2012 17:58

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