
inverted CERN School of Computing 2011 3-4 March 2011, CERN

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iCSC2011 Hot Topics in Software Engineering

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Theme: Hot Topics in Software Engineering
Modern Software Engineering meets HEP

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Friday 4 March

10:00 - 10:55

Lecture 5

Modern Software Engineering meets HEP

Frank Volkmer
Bergische Universität Wuppertal- Germany


Many techniques in modern software development can help greatly to improve the quality and maintainability of the written code. 


This lecture will introduce pair programming as a method for two people to fully collaborate on code generation with a very high code quality. Test Driven Development is one method to write code by first designing a test for the next piece of code and then test the code with the previous test.

Code refactoring is an often underestimated method to restructure your code to improve readability and maintainability.


This lecture will show some libraries and frameworks that can help you to use these ideas efficiently and easily.

The lecture is mainly targeted to anyone who develops software but has never properly or officially learned how to do so. It should give new ideas on the art of developing software.



Some knowledge of the following domains will help attendees to fully benefit from the lecture :

  • Project organization / management

  • Software development lifecycle: requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment, maintenance

  • Development models (waterfall model, Rational Unified Process, etc.) can help


Theme: Hot Topics in Software Engineering
Lecture: Metrics definition inside the software quality assurance process

A few questions addressed in the lecture

Friday 4 March

11:05 - 12:00

Lecture 6

 Metrics definition inside the software quality assurance process

Andres Abad Rodriguez


Metrics are important tools used in modern software engineering of  large IT projects. They provide in advance essential information  to help knowing whether the project is heading to the right direction or to detect in time needed adjustments. However, collecting metrics is not necessarily an easy task. 


In this presentation, a general overview of what metrics can provide will be given, together with a description of different approaches to collect them. I addition a schematic classification of the existing standards will be provided.


The presentation is targeted to developers, in particular -but not exclusively- those involved in quality assurance , as well as to IT managers interested in evaluating the potential of metrics for their projects or to reconsider the existing ones.



This lecture can be reasonably followed by anyone having a minimum of experience in software development and/or in software quality assurance processes.



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