6th  Inverted  CERN School of Computing 2013
25-26 February, CERN

iCSC 20013 Mentors Biographies

at the time of the school

François Flückiger CERN
  François Flückiger, Director of the CERN School of Computing, is Knowledge and Technology Transfer Officer for Information Technologies at CERN . Before joining CERN in 1978, he was employed for five years by SESA in Paris. At CERN, he has been in charge of external networking for more than 12 years and held positions in infrastructure and application networking, including the management of CERN's World-Wide Web team after the departure of the Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee. He is an adviser to the European Commission, a member of the Internet Society Advisory Council and the author of the reference textbook "Understanding Networked Multimedia" as well as more than 80 articles. He has 40 years of experience in networking and information technologies. François Flückiger graduated from the Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité in 1973 and holds an MBA from the Enterprise Administration Institute in Paris in 1977.
Maria Girone CERN
  Maria Girone graduated in Physics at the University of Bari (Italy). She earned her Ph.D. in High Energy Physics in 1994. Maria was awarded a CERN research fellowship in the ALEPH experiment and later worked at Imperial College, London as a research associate. In 2001 Maria joined the LHCb collaboration, where she contributed to the development of photon detectors for the RICH system.
Maria moved to the WLCG project in 2002 as a developer of the Persistency Framework, elements of which are still in use at the LHC. From 2004 to 2009 she was section leader and service manager of the Oracle database services for the LHC experiments, essential for the data acquisition, production and analysis of the data produced at the LHC accelerator.
In 2009, she was appointed deputy group leader of the CERN IT Experiment Support group and task leader of the EU project EGI-InSPIRE work package “Services for HEP”. She has supported the 4 LHC experiments during the challenging years of the first run. Her main focus has been on the delivery of common solutions across the LHC experiments in data management, analysis and monitoring in order to achieve a more sustainable operations and development model.
Since summer 2012 Maria leads the WLCG Operations Coordination team, responsible for the core operations and commissioning of new services in WLCG. It entails coordination between sites, the LHC experiments, service and infrastructure providers: a team of several dozens people located world-wide.
Vincenzo Innocente CERN
  Vincenzo Innocente has been responsible of simulation and reconstruction software for three generations of collider experiments at CERN.

In the CMS experiment at LHC he has been Chief Software Architect till year 2006 and later leader of the ``Performance Task Force''.

Since 2008 he is involved in R&D projects in the CERN Physics Department to adapt HEP software to run efficiently on new multicore computing platforms.

Sebastian Lopienski


Sebastian Lopienski is CERN’s deputy Computer Security Officer. He works on security strategy and policies; offers internal consultancy and audit services; develops and maintains security tools for vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection; provides training and awareness raising; and does incident investigation and response. During his work at CERN since 2001, Sebastian has had various assignments, including designing and developing software to manage and support services hosted in the CERN Computer Centre; providing Central CVS Service for software projects at CERN; and development of applications for accelerator controls in Java. He graduated from the University of Warsaw (MSc in Computer Science) in 2002, and earned an MBA degree at the Enterprise Administration Institute in Aix-en-Provence in 2010. His professional interests include software and network security, distributed systems, and Web and mobile technologies.


Andrzej Nowak


Andrzej Nowak is a member of the CERN openlab CTO office, leading the openlab collaboration with Intel in the Platform Competence Center (PCC). While the PCC focuses mainly on efficient computing solutions for the Large Hadron Collider, the openlab is a broader research partnership between CERN and HP, Huawei, Intel, Oracle and Siemens, with the aim of evaluating and advancing cutting edge IT in a demanding environment. Andrzej has been with openlab since January 2007, when he joined as a Marie Curie Fellow sponsored by the European Commission. Since then, his research concerned high throughput computing, modern parallelism challenges, and recently problems from the Big Data domain. Andrzej also pioneered the educational activities of the openlab: he co-founded multiple teaching series that, over the course of six years, have trained over a thousand scientists and engineers in dozens of workshops, tutorials and international computing schools.

Alberto Pace


Alberto Pace is a member if the IT department at CERN where he leads the Data Management group ensuring a coherent development process for Physics Data management activities, strongly driven by operational and user needs. He has more than 20 years experience in computing services, infrastructure, software engineering, accelerator control and accelerator operation. He graduated in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 1987.


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