CERN School of Computing 2013
19-31 August, Nicosia, Cyprus

Introduction to the traditional football match

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before Wed 28  11:30 Only if interested Closed

Traditional CSC Football Match


CSC2003 match


CSC2004 match


CSC2005 match


CSC2006 match


CSC2007 match


CSC2008 match


CSC2009 match


CSC2010 match 


CSC2011 match


CSC2012 match  

Since 2003, it has become a tradition to organize a football match the second week of the school. The match traditionally involves all those willing, beginners and experienced, male and female, students and organizers, old and young, tall and short ... players.



Back to past matches

2013: Uppsala. Sweden

The two teams

2013: Uppsala. Sweden

We played in the  in-door Anders Dios Hallen  football pitch located a couple of kilometers north to the  University Campus.


2011: Copenhagen, Denmark
The two teams

2011: Copenhagen, Denmark
John and Medhi

2010: Uxbridge, UK
The two teams

2009: Göttingen, Germany
The two teams

2007: Dubrovnik, Croatia
We played football in one of the Dubrovnik city official pitch.

2007: Dubrovnik, Croatia
The two teams

2006: Helsinki, Finland
 We played on an official full-size pitch adjacent to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium

  2006: Helsinki, Finland
 We played on an official full-size pitch adjacent to the Helsinki Olympic Stadium 

2006: Helsinki, Finland
The two teams

2005: Saint Malo, France
We plaid on the spectacular beach of Saint Malo

2004: Vico Equense, Italy
we played on the illuminated municipal pitch of Vico Equense


2003: Krems, Austria
We plaid on the full-size football pitch adjacent to the hotel


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