Organized Outings: Sports/Excursions 2013
Organized outings are part of the Social Programme.
All social activities are optional.
Organized Outings: Sport and Excursions
Thursday 22
Sports afternoon
Sunday 25
Excursion Cyprus Island
Friday 30
Closing dinner and after dinner party
Self Tours - Suggestions (cost not born by the school organization)
Saturday 24
After dinners tours
Outdoor Sports-Day 2013: Summary of Options
Thursday 22 August:
S1 Hiking
S2 Scuba Diving only plus Free - Resting
S3 Kayaking only plus Free -Resting
S2+S3 Kayaking and Scuba Diving plus Resting *
S2 and S3 last one hour each. Subject to place availability, participants may participate in one only or in both activities.
In either cases this will leave one or two hours for resting, swimming.
Free resting afternoon
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