Monday 27 August
70 27 Aug
Examination Results
Best Marks

In addition to its warmest congratulations to all the candidates who successfully passed, the jury of the CSC final examination is pleased to announce the following distinctions


François Fluckiger, CSC Director

The 2012 Podium


Martin Ritter


 Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München - Germany



Samuele Carli  

CERN, Geneva - Switzerland


3 Martin Hellmich

CERN, Geneva - Switzerland


2012 Podium: all 3 students with pictures and bio


In addition to the podium, the jury of the CSC examination is pleased to award a special distinction to the five students below who obtained a mark of 30 and ranked 4th.


Christian Elsasser

University of Zürich - Switzerland


Sergio Fernandez CERN, Geneva - Switzerland 30
Wolfgang Kiesenhofer
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna - Austria
Ramon Medrano Llamas CERN, Geneva - Switzerland 30
Omar Pera Mira CERN, Geneva - Switzerland 30
2012 Special distinctions: all 5 students with pictures and bio
Individual marks can be provided to students upon request, by email, to the Examination Coordinator, Ivica Puljak (Ivica [dot] Puljak [AT] cern [dot] ch)

69 27
Photo Contest
We are pleased to announce the result of the photo contest.

Category People

Nikolaos Kasioumis


Many thanks to those who voted and to the Jury:  Alvarez Granda EliasAdde GeoffrayPetrova Petya, Fabienne Baud-Lavigne
68 27 Aug
Pictures wanted
We keep inviting you to post pictures  to the gallery. In particular, we are looking for pictures taken at the closing session, including photos of the podium winners, as well as during the closing dinner and the farewell party (many thanks to those who already posted some).
CSC2012 Photo Gallery
67 27 Aug

Evaluation Questionnaire

We value YOUR comments
As announced the last day, we preferr you to submit the evaluation questionnaire after the school. so that you have more time to do it quitely.  We are confident you will complete this final duty when back home.
When you are happy with your appreciations and comments, simply click the final submit button. We invite you to do the final submit this week that is, before the 1st of September.
I remind you than the questionnaire is strictly anonymous.
Thank you for your collaboration. François.
School Evaluation Questionnaire before:1 Sept. 2012 Everyone Closed
Friday 24 August
66 24 Aug Examination
After a second deliberation, the jury decided that all 34 questions should be validated.

However, as there was a possible ambiguity on question 30, two possible responses have ben considered as valid for this particular question (those having chosen one orf these two responses obtained the point attached to this question).

You may see the updated Fact and figures for the 2012 Examination as well as the List of students who successfully passed the CSC2012 examination
65 24
Schedule update
Slight change to the schedule tonight:
The bus to the closing dinner will depart from the hotel at 19:00 (and not 19:30).

No change to the group walk to the closing party which will start from the hotel at 11:30.
64 24 Aug
Park Inn Hotel
 Please note that tomorrow, Saturday 25 August, Hotel check out time is 12:00 a.m.
63 24
Uppsala University Badges
Today at 16:00 during the break and before taking the bus to the Hotel, would you please give back to Fabienne your Uppsala University badge. Thank you!
Thursday  23 August
62 22
Breaking news
25 August 2011, 19:15
The list of students who successfully passed the CSC2012 examination is now available.
Warmest congratulation to all.
François, on behalf of all your lecturers and organizers.
61  22

Breaking News:

Fact and figures for the 2012 Examination.

List of students who succeeded published soon.

60  22
I gave a wrong time this morning for the exam.
Consistently with the schedule, the exam will start at 17:00 for  Group 1 (and not 16:30) and at 18:00 for Group 2 (and not 17:30).

Sorry for the confusion, it may be time for me to rest a bit :-).
59 22

Allocation of rooms
Group 1   16:30 - 17:30 Room 1 Room 2
A -> J K -> Z
Group 2   17:30 - 18:30 Room 1 Room 2
A -> F G -> Z
58 22
Photo Contest
Post and vote now!
The deadline for posting pictures and  voting for the contest as been postponed to  today to 19:30 .
See news 43 for the details for posting. Many thanks to the Jury:
- Alvarez Granda Elias
- Adde Geoffray
- Petrova Petya
- Fabienne Baud-Lavigne
57 22
Beware: schedule change tomorrow
Beware: Schedule for tomorrow has changed
09:30 New time

Bus to the campus


CSC2012 group photo (place TBD)

10:00 New time

Final compulsory lecture 1: presentations by students

11:00 New time

Final compulsory lecture 2: presentations by students


New time

Special session with Uppsala University Hosts



Closing session


Bus to Hotel


Bus to closing dinner (Gamla Uppsala)



23:30 New time

Depart from hotel to Farewell outing

55 22
Tennis Tournament
Breaking News!

Christian Uria Eismar defeats Ivica Puljak  in the final of the Tennis Tournament.

Francois Fluckiger and  Jiř Kunčar  finish third, after reaching the semi-finals.
56 22
Breaking News
Breaking News!
Yellow team defeats Grey Team  in the 2012 Official Football match.

However, the score does not fairly represent the match.  The Grey Team was to score multiple times, in particular his female forward players, and it only by bad luck and the exploits of the yellow goalkeepers that they did not.
Congratulations to all and special congrats to our 4 female players: Petya Petrova, Mariana Bustamante, Marilena Bandieramonte, Claudia Lazzaro.
The winning team The grey team which deserves warm congrats
Wednesday  22 August
55 22
Tennis Tournament
Results of the draw: the two football groups they will play a first phase, each player meeting the 5 others.
Group A Group B
A1   Jiř Kunčar
A2   Gautam Botrel
A3   Jaime Garcia Llopis
A4   Felice Pantaleo
A5   Blazej Kolad
A6   Francois Fluckiger
B1   Wolfgang Kiesenhofer
B2   Daniel Dieguez
B3   Christian Uria Eismar
B4   Teodor Ivanoaica
B5   Benjamin Radburn-Smith
B6   Ivica Puljak
54 22
Football Match
Results of the draw: the two football teams
Grey Team Yellow Team
Jiř Kunčar
Mattia Cinquilli
Nikolaos Kasioumis
Edgar Fajardo
Martin Ritter
Andrei Dumitru
Christian Uria Eismar
Petya Petrova
Jange Lavik
Andre Sailer
Gagik Karapetyan
Mariana Bustamante
Marilena Bandieramonte
Giuseppe Lo Presti
Ivica Puljak
Jaime Garca Llopis
Elias Alvarez Granda
Daniel Dieguez
Geoffray Adde
Lars Weuste
Giovanni Bianchi
Dzmitry Makatun
Xavier Espinal
Jose Castro Leon
Teodor Ivanoaica
Claudia Lazzaro
Sergio Fernandez
Omar Pera Mira
Benjamin Radburn-Smith
Francois Fluckiger
Alberto Pace
Tuesday 21 August
53 21
Buses tomorrow
A few of you were apparently confused by tomorrow's  bus schedule below in news #51. To clarify:
  1. There will be no bus from the campus to the hotel.
  2. The bus leaving the campus at 16:40 with the footballers  (not playing tennis) and supporters will pickup the tennis players and will drop the tennis players and footballers+supporters at the football place (indoor itch).
    If not playing football, you may join this bus, but will also be dropped at the football place and turn into supporters.
52 21
Presentations by Students
There are been some changes to the allocation of mentors to lecturers. See the updated table below on News #5.
The mentors will emphasize the following two messages:
  1. You will have 10 minutes maximum (8 for the presentations and 2 for the questions). This is extremely short and  you should focuss on the essential message you wish to pass.
  2. We are at the CSC: you should not talk about yourself or about what you do at CERN or elsewhere, but about the knowledge you have acquired (via your current work or not).
    As an example, you should not describe how technique x is implemented at CERN, but what this technique is, how different it is from others, its positioning, merits, limitations, ... A short reference to CERN is not exlcuded, but only if it really helps understanding one aspect of the technology or concept you are presenting.
51 21
Buses tomorrow
Beware: special schedule for buses tomorrow Wednesday 22nd.
13:20 Bus departs from campus to tennis place with tennis players
16:40 Bus depart from campus to tennis place with footballers not playing tennis (and supporters)
16:50 Same bus picks up tennis players at tennis place and brings tennis payers, footballers (and supporters)  to football place
19:30 Bus departs from football place to the hotel

Note 1: No bus from the campus to the hotel. Those not going to the football match are on their own to return to the hotel.
Note 2: No bus to the hotel after tennis for the 4 of you who are not playing football. They may go to the football or return on their own to the hotel
50 21
Presentations by Students

We are pleased to announce that all 10 proposals have been accepted.  However, the CSC mentor (a school lecturer) has been assigned to each presenter and will discuss the content with them. See details of proposals.


Beware: as all proposals are selected, the number of presentations will be unusually high. They will be strictly limited to 10 minutes.

Almost all proposals have a content which is most likely to exceed 10 minutes. You are therefore invited to reflect on the essential points you would like to make, and to discuss it with your mentor (not all are defined at this point in time; some will act at a distance).

Presenter Mentor
Castro Leon, Jose Alberto
Cinquilli, Mattia Sebastian
Cury Siqueira, Samir Giuseppe
Fajardo, Edga Alberto
Fernandez, Sergio François
Galster, Gorm Ivica
Kasioumis, Nikolaos Ivica
Koloventzos, Georgios Giusepe
Medrano Llamas, Ramon Andreas
Pantaleo, Felice Andrzej
49 21
Updates to  Ivica's 1st lecture
Introductory slides to the first of lecture of  Ivica Puljak (part of the Data Analysis series) are available here .

More generally you may find updates to the education material on the programme update page. It includes the presentations given at the opening session by Arnaud Ferrari and Ingela Nyström.
48 21
Registration to the examination is opening today at 10:45. Deadline is tonight. Tuesday 21st  of August, 24:00
Register to the examination
(no late registration possible)
before Tue 21  24:00  Only if interested Closed
All information will be provided today at the update session. No point to ask more to the organizers, they will not answer.
All you need to know is on the web.
47 21
Hi Andreas
Andreas J. Peters arrived yesterday. Andreas will assist Alberto in the running of the exercises on Data Technologies.
Monday 20 August
46 20
Lunch menus week 2
Menus for week 2 are available here  and on the schedule.
45 20
Beware: schedule change tomorrow

There will be a swap Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 between the two hours on Data Technologies by Alberto and the two hours on  Data Analysis by Ivica. New schedule:
Tuesday 21 08:45 - 10:45 Data Analysis by Ivica
Wednesday 22 08:45 - 10:45 Data Technologies by Alberto
44 20
Hi Benjamin
 Welcome to Benjamin Radburn-Smith who arrived last Saturday.

Benjamin is assisting  Ivica in the exercises and will give a class later this week as part of the Data Analysis series.
43 20
Photo Contest
If you wish to participate in the Photo Contest, you must upload a selection of your pictures (up to 12) in the special album called "Photo Contest".
To do so:
   1. Select the "Photo Contest" album
   2. Select add-item
   3. Select the pictures you want to upload
   4. Make sure you give your name in the caption box of every picture you upload
CSC2012 Photo Gallery
42 20
Tennis Tournament

Registration is opening today for the Tennis Tournament, Wednesday 24, 14:00-16:00.  Tennis tournament and football match are in sequence the same afternoon, but this is not an excuse for not registering to both. Your lecturers do both.

Register to Tennis Afternoon
Registrations so far
before Tue 21  11:30 Only if interested Closed
41 20
Football Match

Registration is opening today for the match Wednesday 22, 17:00-19:00. All are welcome, beginners and confirmed, including ladies who would like to try football.

Register to Football Match
Registrations so far
before Wed 22  08:44 Only if interested Closed
Sunday 19 August
40 19
The solutions of the exercises of the Computer Architecture & Performance. Tuning series run by Sverre Jarp and Andrzej Nowak are available on the school exercise server. A full 15-page document is available with explanations.

You may find these corrections in the same directory as the exercise themselves..
39 19
Sunday excursion
Latest printed information handed over Sunday   Remember important times:
09:20: Start gathering in hotel lobby
09:30: Buses depart to Stockholm
16:00: Bus depart from Stockholm to Sigtuna
Saturday 18  August
38 18

Hi  Alberto

Welcome to  Alberto Pace , Lecturer at CSC1011 and member of the CSC Advisory Committee. He just arrived today, and is joining us for the excursion.

He will give lectures and exercises on Data Technologies. He is also ... ... and a very good Volleyball player ...

37 18
Suggestions for the afternoon
A few suggestions for afternoon:
36 18
Lunch today
Saturday 18th, the lunch will not take place on the campus but in at restaurant Lässen, Eklundshof.
35 18
Badges and codes
 needed today
Beware, we are Saturday!
Today you need the access code (4 digits given at the opening session) to enter any area controlled by card (Amphitheatre, exercise corridor, exercise room).
In  addition,  the access to the entire building is controlled as well (card + code)
Do not be locked outside.
Friday 17  August
34 17
Welcome to  Ivica

Welcome to Ivica Puljak, Lecturer at CSC1012, Chair person of the CSC Advisory Committee, and also Chair-person of the Local Organizing Committee for CSC2007 in Dubrovnik,  who is joining us from today.

Ivica is also the coordinator for the CSC examination and for the student presentations session ... and a very good  Basketball player.

33 17
Results of Sebastian's Contest
And the Winners are  ...
After Analysis of the results of the contest, the jury of the CSC Security Contest is pleased to announce the following.
Roberto Alvarez Alonso and
Omar Pera Mira are declared the Best Performing Student in Software Security at the CERN School of Computing 2012.
Creating Secure Software Contest
Winning Team

Roberto Alvarez Alonso

Omar Pera Mira 


32 17
Presentations by Students

The session of selected presentations from students will take place Friday 24 August, in the morning. See schedule of week 2.
Explanations on the objectives of this session (will take place if enough selected presentations)

You may wish to see examples of topics selected in past years: 2011; 2010; 2009;2008;2007;2006
Thursday 16 August
31 16
Welcome to Panos Razis
Welcome to Prof. Panos Razis, from the University of Cyprus.
He is the chair-person of the Local Organizing Committee of CSC2013, which will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus, in August 2013.
He is with us for a few days, to see directly how the School is organized and ran.

Prof. Razis is also an excellent volley-ball player, a former member of the national team, and an athletic champion in long jump.
He will participate in the daily sports session on Friday 17 afternoon.
30 16
Welcome to Catharine Noble
Welcome to Catharine Noble from CERN, who arrived Tuesday. She is a professional canoe instructor and will guide the canoe tour this Thursday.

Together with Andrea Mattera from Uppsala University, she has made yesterday a exploration of the sailing site, river and lake, to prepare the final itinirary.

She will provide the initial explanations and instructions to the canoeing session participants.
29 16
Special dinner tonight
As part of the Special events in the Social Programme,  a special dinner is organised today. Thursday 16, after the Sports afternoon.
It will take place at Norrlands Nations in the city.
Details and directions.
Wednesday 15  August
28 15
Sports-day tomorrow
Final reminders before tomorrow's Sports-Day.
- Come dressed for the activity (e.g. hikers) or get dressed at lunch time on the campus
- Bring warm clothes and for the canoeists a K-way
- It may good that you bring a bottle of water (can be bought at the station shop - until 22:00)
- A back pack and for the canonists a plastic bag inside may be useful (for wet clothes)

Detailed schedule          List of participants       Note as evening reminder
27 15
Pub Crawl tonight
Luca Cervigni is organizing a Pub Crawl tonight, after dinner.

Do not miss it. Full details in his email.
26 15
Sunday excursion
Registration to the Sunday excursion is postponed until today 13:00.
We are sorry for the bugs in the first version of the schedule, which confused many of you. The blame is on us.
Register to Sunday Excursion before Wed 15  13:00  Everyone Closed
25 15
Disco Party this Friday
Breaking News: Book your night this Friday17: CSC Disco Party at the Hotel .

    Time: 22:30 - 01:00
Professional DJ: Andrzej  
24 15

Evaluation Questionnaire

We value YOUR comments
Do not forget to give your marks and comments on the scientific programme as it goes along (e.g. after each series of lectures or exercises).
School Evaluation Questionnaire before:1 Sept. 2012 Everyone Closed

23 15 Aug Today's Daily Sports
As yesterday:
  • Campus 1477: Basket or Volley or Badminton  +  Indoor Football or Floorbal  +  Fitness
  • Uppsala Pool: swimming
  • Campus court: Beach volley

Full programme of the two-weeks.

22 15
Sauna at  Campus 1477 Sports Centre
In case, you went the the Campus 1477 Sports Centre yesterday, or have not noticed, there is a Sauna available to anyone from our group (two in fact, one per gender). They are located in the changing rooms (for the men's, the right room).

We also remind you that the hotel sauna is available every day until 22:00.
Tuesday 14th August
21 14
Conclusion on choices
In conclusion, all participants have seen their 1st choice accepted, except

- 6 people having chosen canoe and who received  their 2nd choice (4 for frisbee, 1 for riding, 1 for hiking)
- 2 people having chosen canoe with no other option.
20 14
Sports Day

Statistics on requests and final participants to Sports Day.



1st choice

2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice


Max. Number



38+1* 7 1 0 46+1* 30+1* 30+1*



3+1* 12 7 0 22+1* 7+1* 8+1*



13+1* 9 1 0 23+1* 14+1* 16+ 1*



13+1* 11 8 6 38+1* 14+1*


Free activity

0 0 2 2 4 0




-10 No_reply         0    
Total   67+4* 39 19 8 134+4* 65+4*

* Local organizer

(1): # of requests as 1st choice        (2): # of requests as 2nd  choice     (3): # of requests as 3rd  choice
(4): Total requests for this activity     (4): # of participants to the activity  (5): Max. # of participants

19 14
Who will do what
You may now see the List of activities and their participants.

You may also see how the choices have been satisfied.

Number of cases where
1st choice was granted

Number of cases where
2nd choice was granted
Number of cases where
3rd choice was granted
Number of cases where
4th choice was granted
53 3 0 0
18 14
Sunday Excursion

Registration to Sunday Excursion is opening Today. See details and schedule
Register to Sunday Excursion before Wed 15  13:00  Everyone Closed
Beware: People not joining the excursion will be on their own for the Sunday lunch and dinner
(i.e. at their own expenses)
17 14
Photo Gallery

The CSC 2012 gallery is now open, but before using it please have a brief look at  the instructions.
Viewing a well as uploading is available.
CSC2012 Photo Gallery
16 14
Bags during afternoons
f you do not need your bags during afternoons (because of sports or any other activities) they may be safely left in the CSC secretariat as follows:
Deposit From  12:30 to 12:40 Just before going to lunch
Collection From  16:00 to 16:30 Before classes resume
15 14
Hi Sebastian and Andrzej
Welcome to Sebastian Lopienski, and Andrzej Nowak, CSC2012 lecturers, who arrived last night.
Monday 113 August
14 13
Hi Pere and Jakob  and Ioannis
Welcome to Pere Mato, lecturer arriving today, as well as to  Jakob Blomer and  Ioannis Charalampidis assistant for exercises  who arrived yesterday.

They will run the series on Virtualisation and Clouds
13 13
Swiming Pool tomorrow
Those interested in the swimming pool may join tomorrow afternoon Sverre and Fabienne (they will depart by 13:30 or so, see with them directly).

Note that there are lockers without padlocks. Therefore, it is advised that you bring a padlock or buy one on the way to or at  the pool.
12 13 Aug Welcome reception and dinner

You are all invited  to the Welcome Cocktail  and Dinnerwhich will take place

Monday 13th  of August at 19:45
- in  the Markan Building, at Eklundshof, a place adjacent to the campus

Group walk to the place after the last exercise session.
11 13
Sports Day
You may wish to check again the details of the options before choosing:
Sport activities
S1 S2 S2 S4
Hiking Riding Frisbee Canoeing
Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 4
 Free activity Nothing
Sunnarstaċsen  area None
Level 0 Level -1
10 13
Sports Day
Registration to Thursday16th  Sports Day in now open.
Outdoor Sports-Day - Select your option before Tue 14  11:30 Everyone Closed
Problems? Mail to  aubry (dot) cholleton (dot) (at) cern (dot) ch
9 13

Evaluation Questionnaire

We value YOUR comments
School Evaluation Questionnaire before:1 Sept. 2012 Everyone Closed
We advise students to fill it out as they go along (e.g. after each series of lectures or exercises).
I particular, questionnaire contains appraisal questions of early classes, the memory of which may have blurred by the end of the school.  
8 13
Hello Bob, Sverre and Are

Welcome to Bob Jacobsen, Sverre Jarp and Are Strandlie , all CSC2012 lecturers, who arrived yesterday.    
Before school start 
7 11 Aug Registrations to activities
Registrations to the various activities and special on-site applications (such as the Photo Gallery or the Evaluation Questionnaire) are not yet open. They will open progressively, starting Monday 13 August.
(No panic, some of you thought it was too late for some sports ...)

In the meantime, you may visit the corresponding sites (Social Programme, Outings, Sports,  ...) to try figuring out what they are and prepare your decisions.
6 7 Aug Last email Info

Bring it with you
Today, 7th of August, the Last Information before school starts has been sent by email to all participants (pdf version ).
It provides details on airport arrival, registration location and time as well as on-site accommodation and Sports at CSC.
5 26
WIFI and personal laptops
We remind you that all the computing facilities needed for the tuition programme will be provided, in particular for the practical sessions where only the school desktops can be used.

You are nevertheless welcome to bring your own laptop, or other portable devices. You will be provided at the registration time with a persona ID which will allow you to connect to the University WIFI network when on the campus. 


Hotel, Campus

We remind you that CERN will not bear any of your personal hotel, campus (or otherwise) costs. This includes any bar, laundry or extra service expenses, telephone calls, ...



Registration to the school will take place in the lobby of the Grand Hotel, Sunday 12th of August  from 14:00 to 19:00.
At the CSC registration desk, where you will meet Fabienne Baud-Lavigne, you will receive individual school material and instructions.

(in case of late arrival please inform in advance Fabienne Baud-Lavigne preferably by email to  Computing (dot) school (at) cern (dot) ch) or +41  76 487 3981)

2 15

Sports at CSCs
Do not forget to bring clothes, shoes and personal gear (most gear will be provided, but you may prefer to use  your own, such as your tennis racket or climbing shoes) suitable for the Sport Programme if interested.

The programme features a range of Daily Sports Options, a special Outdoor Sports Day, as well as the traditional matches and tournaments (FootballTennis, ...).




Welcome to CSC2012. We all hope you will enjoy the school.

François Fluckiger, School Director