Tuesday 20 August |
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20 Aug
Study room
A study room is available to all
participants. It is i the secretariat corridor, adjacent to the
Buffer room.
It will be open daily from our morning arrival to our
evening departure.
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20 Aug
Bags during afternoons
If you do not need your bags during afternoons (because of sports
or any other activities) they may be safely left in the
CSC Buffer Room adjacent to the CSC Secretariat as follows:
From 13:15 to 13:45
After lunch
From 16:15 to 16:30
Before exercise session resume
Buffer Room will be locked from 13:45 to 16:15. Note that if
you do sports, you may also use the lockers in the Sports
Centre. |
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20 Aug
Photo Gallery
The CSC 2013 gallery is now open, but before using it
please have a brief look at the instructions.
Viewing a well as uploading is available.
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20 Aug
CSC on Twitter
Remember: You may follow CSC on Twitter at
Tweets include reference to some
official news
posted on this site, that you may easily retrieve with the htag
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20 Aug |
Evaluation Questionnaire
We value YOUR comments |
advise students to fill it out as they go along
(e.g. after each series of lectures or exercises).
In particular, questionnaire contains appraisal questions of early classes, the memory of which may have blurred
by the end of the school.