Time |
S - Sports |
F - Free- Rest |
S1 - Hiking |
S2 - Diving * |
S3 - Sea Kayaking * |
F - Free- Rest |
13:20 |
All participants gather at usual bus departure place |
13:30 |
Bus 3 departs to Troodos |
Bus 1 and 2 depart to Makronissos |
14:45 |
Bus 3 arrives at Troodos |
Bus 1 and 2 arrive at Makronissos |
15:00 |
Hiking session |
1st Diving session starts |
1st Kayaking session starts |
Free time on beach |
16:00 |
2nd Diving session starts |
2nd Kayaking session starts |
17:00 |
Bus 3 departs to Ayia Napa |
3rd Diving session starts |
3rd Kayaking session starts |
18:00 |
End of Sports |
19:00 |
Bus 1 and 2 depart to Ayia Napa Harbour |
19:15 |
Bus 3 arrives at Ayia Napa |
Bus 1 and 2 arrive at Ayia Napa Harbour - Free time |
20:20 |
Bus 1 and 2 departs to Restaurant |
20:30 |
Dinner at Restaurant |
11:00 |
Bus 1 and 2 departs to Hotel |
Bus 1 and 2 arrive at Hotel