Handouts Updates

Lecture Handouts which have been modified by the lecturer since they were printed on the CD

Track Lecturer Lecture (in PDF format)
Grid Technologies E. Laure
H. Stockinger
Data Management (L-3)
Exercices / Mini-project teams
Software Technologies B. Jacobsen Summary
Exercises: Index | E-1 | E-2 | E-3 | E-4 | E-5 | E-6 | E-7 | E-9 | E-10 | CMT
Andreas Pfeiffer
Technologies for Interactive & Distributed Computing (L-1 | L-2 | L-3)
Exercices: python
F.Fluckiger Networking (L-1 + L-2 + L-3)
A. Pace Computer Security (L-1 + L-2)
Physics Computing R. Frühwirth Introduction to Physics Computing (L-1 + L-2)
M. Liendl Introduction to Experiment Simulation (L-1 | L-2 | L-3 | L-4)

Special Lectures given by last year's students - who were lecturers at the Inverted School 2005

Z. Zaharieva Introduction to DB Design and SQL PPT (new) PDF (old)
  Advanced DB Features PPT (new) PDF (old)
S.Lopienski Creating Secure SW PPT (animations) PDF

Short Presentations given by CSC2005 students in Saint Malo during special session with the CERN Director General

B. Pawlowski Computing Resources Administration System PPT PDF
M. Szuba Parallel Computing in Hydrodynamic Simulations of Quark-gluon Plasma PPT PDF
L. Teodorescu Evolutionary Computation in High Energy Physics PPT PDF
S. Hernath A web-services based data/analysis indexing framework for LHC? PPT PDF