I am working
in Grid Computing and Cluster Management field at VECC. We are collaborator
with CERN for ALICE experiment therefore we are establishing Tier-2 Center
according requirement for ALICE project. Presently I am working with Alice
Computing Team CERN for software development for ALICE grid or Alien. I have
worked at CERN from Jan 2007 to April 2007 and developed Wrapper for LGC
services test for testing each ALICE vobox without human intervention and
then publish all result into SAM page in every 2 Hrs. I have done FTS (File
Transfer Service) from CERN to Kolkata via building a channel from CERN to
Kolkata on 34Mbps bandwidth under CERN IT/GD Division. I have build cluster
setup on Scientific Linux, providing different applications in our
organization and creating Grid Computing environment on our local cluster of
40 nodes. I have gone through one year training organized by Bhabha Atomic
Research Center under Department of Atomic Energy. I have done BE in
Computer Science and acquainted with parallel processing, Grid Computing and
Distributed Computing concepts.