support by way of maintenance of CMS Workbook and Software Guide. Beginning
GRID installation using Globus/gLite middleware. Most familiar with Windows
XP and Microsoft Office applications (hold International Computer Driving
License), also have extensively used Linux operating systems. I have used
Fortran for high energy physics experiments in my previous job (2001-5 on
SLAC BaBar experiment) as well as writing much event reconstruction code in
C++ and maintaining a tau reconstruction package for BaBar. This year
(july2007-june2008) we have funding to support me to work with out
department's computer administrator to establish a Tier 2 data Center in NZ,
set up simulation (GEANT4), begin data transfer into NZ, and establish a
Data Quality Monitoring station in NZ for the CMS experiment. In addition to
these tasks, I will continue to contribute to CMS documentation and hope to
greatly enhance my HEP computing abilities to help in this role. I have a
research funding grant; I do not require any financial support from the
school. While I am some time out from my studies, I am the only
HEP-qualified person in New Zealand available to be trained in HEP
computing. |