My collaboration with the AURIGA group (http://www.auriga.lnl.infn.it) has
started during my thesis, when I worked on the development of the experiment
acquisition system (multi-process OOP C++ application run by Linux systems
interfaced with various HW front-ends like VXI digitalization devices, GPS
timing sources, etc.) I was then involved in the development of the local
computational center and in the development of some analysis software. The
former is a small Linux based computational center that supply all the
services needed by the AURIGA collaboration: user management (NIS for Linux
and samba domain for windows users), storage (some tens of TB from various
NFS for experimental and user data), a small cluster used for data analysis
(80-90 computational nodes), DBMS, web server, tape backup and replication
services, etc. In that last 1.5 years I worked for the RareNoise
collaboration too (http://www.rarenoise.lnl.infn.it), mainly on the thermal
design of the experimental apparatus and the acquisition/control software
(multi-threaded windows applications written in C#). At present I still work
for both collaborations.