I graduated from the University of Udine with a bachelor’s degree in
Computer Science. I am studying towards a master’s degree in Computer
Science at Udine, and I am presently working on my final thesis as a
Technical Student at CERN in the IT Department.
During summer 2009 I have been working as an openlab Summer Student
at CERN in IT/GS/DMA. I have been working on HammerCloud, a stress-testing
system to commission grid sites for distributed analysis activities.
I am presently working in CERN IT department, Grid Technology group, "Tools
for Operations, Monitoring" section. The main area of my work is development
of the WLCG monitoring infrastructures that relies on ActiveMQ, an
Enterprise Messaging System. In particular I have developed a system, based
on Nagios, to monitor WLCG monitoring and messaging infrastructure and react
in case of anomalies. I am also
doing research in the area of application flow monitoring to observe the
information flows between the components in the system in order to detect
abnormal behaviors at higher levels.