Dr. Are
Strandlie received his Master of Science degree in Theoretical Physics in
1995 and his Doctor of Science degree in Experimental Particle Physics in
2000, both from the University of Oslo. He was a Research Fellow at CERN
between 2001 and 2003, where he was working on track reconstruction software
development for the CMS Tracker. Strandlie held a position as Associate
Professor of Physics at Gjøvik University College between 2003 and 2006, and
is currently Professor of Physics at the same institution. He also holds a
position as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Physics, University of
Oslo. He is now involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Strandlie's
research interests are concentrated around various aspects of the analysis
of high-energy physics data, including the development and application of
adaptive methods for track reconstruction and probabilistic approaches to
particle mass determination.