I am currently a Marie Curie fellow with the
Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Particle Detectors (MC-PAD). My
research involves simulation and prototype preparation and testing of the
luminosity calorimeter (LumiCal) for the future International Linear
Collider. I am also a MSc student at AGH University of Science and
Technology in Krakow, Poland, where I study nuclear physics with a focus on
HEP. I did my undergraduate studies in physics at Harvard University in
Cambridge, USA. While there I worked in the laboratory of Prof. Robert M.
Westervelt, developing nanoscale dielectrophoretic tweezers for atomic force
microscopy. I became interested in computing for HEP when I wanted to move
the LumiCal simulations to the local cluster computing facility. I program
primarily in C++ and Python (for Geant4 and ROOT), and am currently learning
web-oriented programming languages. I am also familiar with LabView.