CERN School of Computing 2011 15-26 August 2011 - Copenhagen, DK

Program Overview

Data Technologies

Base Technologies

Physics Computing


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INFN & Università, Torino - Italy


After obtaining a M.Sc. in Particle Physics at the University of Torino, Italy, in 2010 I worked for almost a year as a fellow for the CNRS (France) in two different laboratories (Subatech, Nantes and LPC, Clermont-Ferrand). Currently I am a Ph.D. student at the University and INFN, Torino. I work for the ALICE experiment since 2009 and starting from early 2010 I am actively involved in the definition and implementation of the data storage model for PROOF-based analysis facilities (AAF): this led to a dataset stager (afdsmgrd), that robustly transfers data upon request by taking into account network issues and files corruption, currently in production in all AAFs and distributed as a part of ROOT. I am also developing a cloud infrastructure in Torino based on OpenNebula, aimed to provide PROOF-based clusters on-the-fly running on dynamically-deployed virtual machines. My preferred working environments are Unix flavors, while my language skills cover mostly C/C++, Java, Ruby and Python.