CERN School of Computing 2011 15-26 August 2011 - Copenhagen, DK

Program Overview

Data Technologies

Base Technologies

Physics Computing


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Sebastián MANCILLA

Federico Santa María Technical University, Valparaíso - Chile


I am an undergraduate student of Computer Science at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Valparaíso, Chile. In the last year I have been collaborating with HEP projects of the Physics department, and my current work is the development of data analysis applications for the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab. For one side I am developing an API to implement a full analysis package with a simple interface to make easy write programs and use the data files. And the other parallel project is the implementation of the electro-calorimeter reconstruction using a service oriented approach and a framework developed by people of JLab. My thesis will be about the C++ implementation of the framework. I am familiar with C, C++, Java and Python, and I have advanced knowledge of the Linux operating system.