I am a Doctoral Student in the Data Management
section of the Beams department at CERN. My Ph.D. research activities are
focused on the study of new parallel biomemetic approaches for non-linear
and non-Gaussian time series forecasting, in order to detect in advance any
malfunctioning of the LHC control system. I am also actively involved in
many other projects related with the main activities of the DM section, some
examples are: CCDB - Data-driven control configuration database system for
the CERN accelerator complex. RBAC - System for managing authorization data
for role-based access to the control equipment, (CERN and Fermilab
collaboration project) and FESA - Framework for the LHC control software
architecture, (CERN and GSI collaboration project). The different roles I
have developed for the projects as mentioned, include: user requirements
analysis and modeling; relational and XML database design, implementation
and support; interface development - web interfaces.