Second Best Student at CSC 2004
Personal data as of CSC2004 time
Valeria MANNA | |
Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples,
Italy |
Many international Grid projects have been launched
recently in order to face the enormous amount of
astronomical data which is produced and/or will be
produced in the next years by the new generation of
large telescopes and CCD mosaic detectors. In this
scenario, the INAF-OAC is deeply involved with the
realization of the Astrophysical National Grid. This
effort is supported by FIRB and COFIN2003 founds. In
particular, I'm consultant in this last project (COFIN
2003 "Data Grid in astrophysical research: Beowulf
cluster and Wide Field Imaging data reduction" local
PI E. Cascone), and I'm in charge of the
configuration and installation of the front-end for
the national GRID. Furthermore I'm focusing my study
on the aspects related to the integration into the
national GRID of the VST (
program features with particular concern on the use
of INAF-OAC BEOWULF clusters (
for the elaboration of big format astronomy images
and the related software pipeline for data
reduction. I will investigate about the advantages
regarding the integration of the Beowulf cluster
inside the Grid architecture, as well as the
continuity of the offered service. |