Participants to CSC 2004
The following people have been selected for the 2004 CERN School of Computing, as of 5 July 2004.
Klarina ABAZAJ | |
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tirana, Albania |
My name is Klarina Abazaj and I am currently working as a scientific researcher at the Electronics Department of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tirana, Albania. My current position as an Information System Manager as well as my scientific work and interest relates to networking technologies and infrastructures, web based applications and software development to be used and support different projects and scientific work done at the Institute of Nuclear Physics. I am familiar with Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP and Windows 2000 Server operating systems as well basic knowledge on Linux operating system. I can program on C++, HTML, DHTML and JavaScript programming languages. |
Paolo ADRAGNA | |
Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa, Italy |
working inside the ATLAS TileCal collaboration. I'm the main developer
of a Monitoring Program for 2003 Test Beam (see ATL-TILECAL-2004-002).
Currently I'm collaborating with the group who's developing an
advanced version of my program for this year TB, with a client-server
configuration and dynamically loaded library. Operating Systems:
Gnu/Linux, DOS, Windows 3.1,98,NT,2000, Unix System V, MacOS. Programming
Languages: C++, C, Visual Basic, LaTeX, Pascal, Bash, gawk, Fortran,
HTML, Python. |
Miguel ANJO | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
to integrate current, national, regional and thematic Grid efforts.
Maintenance and support of middleware for data management in grid
environment build on EDG framework. Currently I'm working with
Linux boxes with Oracle Application Server and Oracle Database.
I'm familiar with C, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, Perl, PHP, HTML, XML
programming languages over Linux and Windows operating systems. |
Ashiq ANJUM | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I am
working at CERN in collaboration with Caltech, NUST, UWE and University
of South Florida. I am working on developing latest scheduling
techniques for CMS.I have worked and am also working on JClarens
which is remote data server for CMS, also explored the use of
resource limited devices for Grid Enabled Analysis Environment.
I am also involved in design and development of Steering service,
VOMS, Relational warehouse for Grid and P2P like environment for
Grid Enabled Analysis Environment. I have 13 international research
publications in my credit.
My language skills include Java, J2EE (JSP/SERVLETs, EJB, JMS),
C++/Visual C++.I have good knowledge of PERL and Python. I am
quite familiar with Web services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, SOA and
XML-RPC stuff and have designed and developed quite a good number
of applications using these technologies.
I am quite familiar with Unix/Linux, Windows, Palm and Windows
CE. |
Ignacio ARACENA | |
of Bern, Bern, Switzerland |
I am
a Ph.D. student working for the ATLAS experiment since August
2003. My research field so far is SUSY. So far I have been studying
SUSY in events obtained from the fast simulation of the ATLAS
detector. I am starting to get involved in the ATLAS Data Challenge2.
In addition to this project I am also helping building a TIER
3 Cluster in my home institute in Bern, where we have ATLAS software
(Athena) installed.
The operating systems I am familiar with are Linux and Windows.
The programming language I am most familiar with is Fortran,
but I have started working with C++ since the beginning of my
Ph.D. and attended the course 'C++ for Particle Physicists'
at CERN held by Paul Kunz. |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently working on the On Line Software system of the ATLAS
Data Acquisition (DAQ) project. My work involves prototyping a
component for remote monitoring using Web-Services and testing
it against a CORBA implementation.
In the past I have had extensive experience using most of the
Microsoft Windows OSes (Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinXP) as well
as UNIX (Solaris 8,9) and Linux (Redhat). I am a Sun Microsystems
certified Systems Administrator for the Solaris 9 Operating
I have been programming as an amateur and later as a professional
for around 9 years in various languages from Assembly x86, Pascal
and C to Occam, Prolog and Haskell. I currently program in Java
which I've used for the past 4 years and I know fairly well
several of its extension APIs (JDBC, JMS, Servlets/JSP and JNDI).
I am a Sun Microsystems certified Programmer for the Java 2
Platform. |
Gerhard BRANDT | |
Physical Institute
/ University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany |
am a PhD student in H1 involved in the analysis of high energy
isolated leptons observed at HERA-I and HERA-II. my specialty
is tau identification.
I am involved in coding the H1 OO oriented analysis software,
where I am release coordinator and working on calorimeter cluster
treatment. In the future I plan to set up a package for statistical
calculations. I have done minor contributions to the ATLAS software
(in 2001) and to ROOT (for THtml in 2004).
- OS known: Linux, Windows, DOS
- languages known: C++, C, FORTRAN, Basic, Pascal, Java, Assembler
(6510,80x86) and several www, shell and scripting languages |
Ivan Amos CALÌ | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
January 2003 I am based at CERN and involved in the Silicon Pixel
Detector collaboration for the ALICE experiment at LHC. The detector
has a modular stave structure. Each stave is built of four ladders
and two Pilot Multi Chip Modules (MCM) for their control and read
out. The full detector contains about 10^7 pixels and very compact
dimension. The communication between the in-detector electronics
and the counting room is carried out on optical fibers trough
a high speed device. The off detector electronics is composed
of receivers cards and Routers for the interaction with the DAQ
of the experiment.
My work in this project can be summarized in different areas:
- Software and hardware development for the test system
generating complete automatic routines capable of automatically
finding and determining the performance of the different components
of the system.
- Analysis and qualification of optical communication
(800 MHz serial stream) between control room and detector. Specific
hardware has been developed for this purpose.
- Development of the DAQ software oriented to the testbeam
2003 and now 2004. Analyzing also the operative status of the
entire readout chain.
- Testing of the capability to use the detector like trigger
system for the experiment.
- Data analysis of the testbeam data, orientated to cluster
distribution and going on tracking.
Programming language: LabView, C++, qBasic, VisualBasic, Assembly,
Framework: Root, DATE
Giuliano CASTELLI | |
Astronomico di Trieste - INAF, Trieste, Italy |
am involved in the DRACO Project:
Datagrid for Italian Research in Astrophysics and Coordination
with the Virtual Observatory
The Italian Data Grid for Astrophysical Research (DRACO) is
a concept aiming at providing the scientific community with
a distributed multi-functional environment allowing the use
of specialized (observational, computing, storage) Grid nodes.
DRACO is based on the national cooperation named IG-BIGEST (Italian
Grid for Business Industry Government E-Science and Technology);
the participation in this structure of the astrophysical community
is granted by INAF. DRACO has been generated from a section
of a project called "Enabling platforms for high-performance
computational Grids oriented towards scalable virtual organizations" which
has been approved and funded by the Italian Fund for Basic Research
(FIRB). The astrophysical section of the project (work-package
10, coordinated by L.Benacchio/INAF-OAPd) is the implementation
of three demonstrators whose goal is proving the feasibility
of porting astrophysical applications within the framework of
a national Grid infrastructure. DRACO provides the framework
through which the Italian astrophysical community can participate
in the international Virtual Observatory (VO) effort. A reference
person (F.Pasian/INAF-OATs) has been nominated by INAF as its
contact point for VO activities. Institutes participating to
the Projec: INAF-OAC (Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte,
Naples),INAF-OACt (Astrophysical Observatory of Catania), INAF-OAPd
(Astronomical Observatory of Padua), INAF-OARm (Astronomical
Observatory of Rome), INAF-OATs (Astronomical Observatory of
Trieste), Naples University, Salerno University
Indication of the operating system(s) and programming language(s)
with which I am familiar: (in brackets the years of experience)
Types of used computer: PC (5), SUN (4), HP (4), Digital (1),
VAX (2), Mac (3), IBM (1).
Operating Systems: Windows 3.1, 9x, NT, 2000 (3), UNIX (4),
Solaris (4), RedHat Linux 8.0 (1), VMS (1), MsDos (1).
Implementation environments: Microsoft Visual Studio (3) and
UNIX and Solaris environments (4).
Languages: C (7) - trainer in various university courses -
(Visual) C++ (4), VHDL (3), Perl (2), Java (2), Visual Basic
(2), Spice (1), Fortran (1), Assembly language for Intel-based
computers (1), PowerBasic (1).
Database e data modelling: PostgreSQL (1), MySQL (1), Microsoft
SQL Server .NET (1).
Internet: (D)HTML (3), Perl - CGI (2), JavaScript (1), JSP
XML: Working with xml since 2003.
Application Servers: Caucho Resin Enterprise (1).
Distributed applications: SOAP.
Various: MFC (4), Office (5), LaTeX (8) , Origin (3), Matlab
(3), Gnuplot (3). |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
of an Off-line Data Validation System allowing CERN to check and
enforce business rules on all corporate data inserted or modified
by users in the corporate applications.
This application involves JAVA programming, Oracle Databases,
SQL, use of BC4J, XML access and overwrites.
I’m familiar with the operating systems Linux and Windows,
as for the programming languages, besides Java, I'm also familiar
with C++ and Perl. |
Yi CHI | |
of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China |
current effect is on Monitoring and Performance Prediction in
Grid, and the Computing Market Model in Grid. It is supported
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
No. 60273041 and the National ‘863’ High-Tech Program
of China under Grant No. 2002AA104560.
I am also managing an eight-person group. Our goal is to implement
a tolerant and adaptive monitoring system for users and administrators
to monitor and adapt the Grid environment.
We work on the following operating systems: Windows Series,
UNIX/Linux. And the programming languages I am familiar with
are C/C++, Java, JSP, ASM and HTML. |
Gen-Tao CHIANG | |
Academia Sinica,
Nangang District, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC) |
job at my home institution is focusing on GRID deployment. I had
setup a GT3 testbed, and working on LCG2 site administration.
Besides, translating some Grid related documents to Chinese. My
current job at CERN is also focusing on Grid Deployment. I am
trying to manually install different services (CE, RB, SE, etc)
of LCG2 on CERN Enterprise Linux 3.0 and testiing the middleware
on different version linux. Moreover, try to integrate it with
current LCG2 site which is still using red hat 7.3.
OS: Windows, Linux
Languages: Fortran77,90, MPI |
Giovanni CHIERICO | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
of existing department IT infrastructure, design and development
of in-house HR solutions. Working on Windows/Unix with Java and
Oracle. Experience with c++, perl, php, java, python. |
Danilo COPPOLA | |
Università degli
Studi di Napoli "Federico II" & INFN Napoli, 80126
- Naples, Italy |
The main aim of my research activity in the OPERA collaboration is to set-up a system for precision measurements of charged particles parameters in emulsion. OPERA is an experiment for the direct observation of neutrino-tau appearance from netrino-mu -> neutrino-tau oscillations in the CNGS long baseline beam from the CERN SPS to the Gran Sasso Laboratory. It exploits nuclear emulsions as very high resolution tracking devices for the direct detection of the decay of the tau produced in the CC interaction of the neutrino-tau with the target. A high angular resolution for emulsion tracks allows the increase of the sensitivity of the experiment. My research activity is focused to the study of emulsion tracks by analyzing digital images acquired by automatic precise microscopes. I am writing an object-oriented software (by using the C++ language) for multiple track acquisitions and analysis (filtering and clustering) in order to calculate with a high spatial resolution the position of the emulsion grains associated to the track. This allows the estimation of the angular projections of the track with the angular resolution required for OPERA. |
Brice COPY | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am working on PPT - the set of Project Progress Tracking applications
used to manage large projects at CERN (ATLAS and CMS detectors,
CNGS and LHC construction, EGEE planning etc...).
PPT is a large web application developed on restricted resources.
It therefore tries to make the best out of recent progresses
in object oriented programming and java web application frameworks
such as :
- J2EE environment (Servlets, JSP, Web containers)
- MVC model for web applications (Apache Struts)
- Object Relational mapping layers (currently Oracle BC4J)
- XML transformation pipelines
In order to cope with ever changing requirements and increasing
maintenance load, we are investigating other OO technologies
- Aspect based computing
- Inversion of control frameworks
- Other Object Relational mapping layers
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
Oracle database built-in synchronous replication as a solution
to establish "guaranteed" data. Test solutions with
production Oracle version and write a report that highlights the
pros and cons of this solution. Create an automatic deployment
system so that an application can be deployed replicated with
minimal steps involved.
Evaluate Oracle database Streams solutions as a solution to
have smooth database / operating system / platform upgrade as
a complement to a high availability solution. The first part
is to establish two-ways streams replication with the same database
/ operating system / platform, and to find the performance penalty
implied by such a solution. Evaluate what happens in case of
failure of one of the parts of the system and investigate the
usage when changing database version, operating system and /or
platform. The work is part of a report and presented to the
IT-DB group. It includes the evaluation of Oracle 10g database
and its usage on several platforms (Intel x86/Linux, Intel ia64/Linux).
Prototype and prepare a backup validation solution in the context
of the IT-DB strategy working group.
Experience with Operating Systems: Linux/UNIX and Windows.
Programming with Pascal, C/C++, Java, Perl, ASP, JavaScript.
Declarative programming with SWI-Prolog.
High level of SQL and PL/SQL.
Methodology of software development: Yourdon and UML. |
Annalisa DE CARO | |
Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Napoli , Baronissi (Salerno),
Italy |
am working to the ALICE experiment, in particular to the Time-Of-Flight
detector, which is a complex device made of Multigap Resistive
Plate Chambers (MRPC). I am ALICE-TOF responsible in the ALICE
offline board. During my PhD period (I will defend my PhD thesis
in a few days), I worked to the Monte-Carlo simulation code development
of the ALICE-TOF: in the AliROOT framework, I implemented the
physical response of the MRPC as obtained by several beam tests.
I was one of the major player in the development of the track
reconstruction code, achieving a very good experience in C++ programming.
The operating system I am more familiar with is LINUX, but I have
experience with WINDOWS and Macintosh operating systems as well. |
Palaiseau, France |
the last 6 months:
development for physics/electronics: Linux device drivers
(PCI DAQ card), acquisition middleware for an USB control card
(Linux), slow control of a precise multimeter (labview/windows)
development for system administration: php tool to configure
and supervise the local dhcp and the IP/MAC associations, enhanced
Wiki for CMS France
misc: various sysadmin support+scripts, various technical
local speeches
- Linux (kernel and user apps)
- Unix in general (user apps)
- rtems, RTAI/RTLinux
- homemade kernels (Kos and SOS for x86 machines)
- Windows (drivers for the old windows NT versions, apps)
- C, C++, java, Caml, x86 assembler
- PHP, Perl, sh/csh
Marie DI MARCO | |
Queen's University,
Kingston (Ontario), Canada |
have developed a Geant3 program for my master thesis, and I have
some experience in C and C++ programming. I am presently involved
in the data analysis of the CAST Experiment at CERN, using ROOT.
I will soon be working on the Monte-Carlo simulations using Geant4
within the Majorana Collaboration and the MPI-Heidelberg group,
both developing Germanium crystals for the detection of neutrino
less double-beta decay. More specifically I will be optimizing
the detector geometry and simulating the different sources of
background. On the longer-term, I will be working on a large scale
software system for simulation and data analysis for the 3rd phase
of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Canada. The development
of skills in Grid Technologies would be very valuable for this
experiment involving over 130 scientists from 13 international
laboratories. |
Sunil Manohar DOGRA | |
of Jammu, Jammu, India |
I am registered as Ph.D scholar in the department of Physics and
Electronics, University of Jammu and working in the STAR-collaboration
at BNL. For which I am mainly concerned with the Preshower Photonmultiplicity
Detector(PMD). I am working with LINUX and WINDOWS operating systems
and knows the C, C++, ROOT Packages |
Markus DUDA |
Markus.Duda@Physik.RWTH-Aachen.DE |
III. Physikalisches
Institut, Lehrstuhl B, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany |
my PhD thesis "Top-Physics with the CMS detector at LHC" I
participate in setting up a physics analysis environment for CMS
at the III. Physikalische Institut, Lehrstuhl B, RWTH Aachen.
My current contributions are in the area of computing and programming
infrastructure, once established the focus of my work will shift
to the actual top physics analysis.
OS: everything Unix, almost all the Windows versions, some
Programming languages: Pascal, Lisp, C, C++, Java, Fortran
Scripting languages: Perl. Python |
Mariya DURCHOVA | |
Institute for
Parallel Processing, Sofia, Bulgaria |
current work is connected with problems arising from electron
transport processes. Our group considers the problem when metal
targets are bombarded from an electron beam and the electrical
current, obtained from electrons which conserve their energy after
colliding with the target, is measured. The fact that the problem
is expressed with a multidimensional Boltzman equation makes the
direct methods unfeasible. The known analytical or semi-analytical
solutions of the problem do not offer adequate accuracy, and that
is why Monte Carlo simulations are usually done by the people,
who make experiments. It should be noted that the known Monte
Carlo methods for solving this problem are very CPU-intensive,
and require many hours of computations. We work on two approaches
to improve the known procedures for attacking the problem - variance
reduction techniques, including quasi-Monte Carlo computations,
and parallel implementation of the algorithms in order to speed-up
the execution. I work with the programming languages C and FORTRAN
and I am familiar with MATLAB, LATEX.
For parallel computations I usually apply MPI. The operating
systems with which I am familiar are Linux, UNIX, Windows.
I am involved in projects granted by the Ministry of Education
and Science of Bulgaria. |
Victor ENGMARK | |
Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway |
I am
working on improving the import tools and processes for the EDMS
All Windows versions up to and including 2003 Server
- The RedHat, Debian, SuSE, GenToo, and Mandrake Linux
- Solaris
- A little Mac OS X
Programming languages:
Marco FONTANA | |
CRIAI, Portici
(NA), Italy |
Marco Fontana is involved in research project at CRIAI. Actually
he’s studying GRID appliance to high performance computer
appliance in image processing, acoustic and fluid-dynamics fields.
CRIAI aims to realize scientific and technological research's
activity, of industrial and public interest, technology transfer
activity through projects with the industry and the SMEs, training
activity to create technical skills, deployment of advanced services
in computer science and telecommunication fields, in order to
promote and to spread new methodologies and processes in ICT.
Mr. M. Fontana has a good knowledge of C, C++, Java, HTML, XML,
Php, SQL, Assembler, Web application (Tomcat) and Web services
technologies. He habitually uses Windows 9x/ME/2000NT/XP, Linux
Mandrake and office applications as MS Word, Excel, Access and
Powerpoint. |
Alejandro GARCIA LOPEZ | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I am working in the Offline Computing Group of the ALICE experiment
at CERN. My work within the group consists in its first stage
in the development (C++/Linux) of the Alice Event Display. In
a futher step, I will be involved in the development of AliRoot,
and it's distributed GRID based framework, and in the parallel
implementation of Physics Data Mining Algorithms. |
Laurent GARNIER | |
de l'accélérateur linéaire, France |
work in the software development team of the LAL, I develop on
graphic and GUI software for the LHC program around the tools
(Inventor, HEPVis, OnX) used to build the LHCb event display.
I use C++/C compiler on many platforms such as Mac, Unix, Windows. |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I am working in the IT-UDS-CDS department at CERN. I am involved
in different works:
InDiCo project:
- The CERN Document Server (CDS) team is participating
to an European Project, InDiCo, to help organizing conferences
on the web. Following the tradition of CDS Agenda, the tool
will allow to schedule conferences, from single talks to complex
meetings with sessions and contributions. But it will also include
an advanced user delegation mechanism, allow paper reviewing,
archival of conference information and electronic proceedings,
and much more.
- The tool is currently in it is development phase and
I am involved in it. For this project we are using different
technologies like Python, mod-python, ZODB, Object Oriented
Databases, Open Archives Initiative, XML, etc.
- More specifically, the main features in which I am working
are: registration in conferences, a protocol for archiving conferences
for long term, applying a new style to the web interfaces, among
- The Cern Document provides a facility for all CERN members
to easily convert a document from one given format to another.
I am finishing a new project which will replace the older Conversion
Server and in which faster conversions will be possible, easily
addition of converters, among other new features. This project
is being developed using Python, windows and Linux servers,
XML-RPC technology, web templates, among others.
About operating systems and programming languages with which
I am familiar, are the next ones:
- Operating systems: Linux, Windows (9X,XP,2000,NT) and
a little
- bit of Solaris.
- Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, C++, Perl, among
Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, Muenster, Germany |
am working for the EU IST project GRACE (Grid Search and Categorization
engine; that develops a distributed search
application based on the EDG/EGEE middleware. My group is responsible
for development and testing of Grid components and the integration
into a large testbed. Moreover I am involved in the development
of the grid prototype of the EGEE project (JRA1).
I am familiar with Linux and all types of Windows. I have worked
intensively with C++, C# and Perl. In addition I used Java,
Assembler and PHP. |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently working as License Manager at CERN. My main tasks
are system administration of network license management systems,
such as FLEXlm, LUM and SMS. In addition I am maintaining a web
site which contains information and statistics of software products
retrieved from a database.
Operating systems I am familiar with: Windows, Unix and some
Programming languages I am familiar with: Java, PHP, Clarion,
some C/C++ and some Perl
Other technologies I am familiar with: HTML, XML, UML and SQL |
Sofiya IVANOVSKA | |
Institute for
Parallel Processing - BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria |
am currently a Ph.D. student at Department of Parallel Algorithms,
Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
My main field of scientific research is in computational mathematics.
My current research activity is concerned with the development
of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods for solving multiple
integrals and integral equations, and studying their performance
on parallel and distributed systems. I am also involved in two
national research projects, which require the use of the GRID
technologies in the direct future. I have written code in Fortran,
Matlab, Maple, high performance programming (MPI) and I have
had basic knowledge of C. The operating systems I am most familiar
with are Unix (Linux, Solaris) and Windows. |
Paul JACKSON | |
Royal Holloway
College, University of London, Egham, United Kingdom |
studies look at decays of the type B->D(*)K(*). The goal of
this research is to enable a measurement of the angle gamma of
the unitarity triangle.
I work on the BaBar detector at SLAC in California. My analysis
is written in C++ and I have written OO Perl for the data bookkeeping
project of the experiment. I currently maintain and develop
software for simulation of the detector's Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Trigger. Before beginning my studies, I spent a year writing
Perl and C developing applications in support of
I am experienced in C,C++ and Perl. I also have experience
working with Windows, Linux and Solaris. |
Oliver KEEBLE | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I have
started working in the Grid Deployment group at CERN. I am involved
in the EGEE project and the rollout of LCG-2 across numerous sites.
The work includes
- deployment of new grid middleware releases in test and
production environments
- production of documentation for the installation of
grid services, nodes and sites
- development of installation and configuration tools
intended to make LCG-2 easier to deploy
- provision of assistance to local site administrators
in their maintenance of grid sites
- at this early stage, my work also involves a considerable
amount of general reading and personal research on grid technology
I am familiar with Linux, Solaris and Windows, and have developed
software in Perl, C, Shell and Fortran. |
Piotr KOLET | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am working at CERN in Unix Infrastructure section, in IT department.
The main work I am doing here is porting WP4 Monitoring software
(part of the EDG project) from Linux to Solaris 8 and 9. I am
writing also the software which launches recovery actions on the
nodes of a cluster, in case some metrics (provided by WP4 Monitoring
agent) indicates that it is needed.
The operating systems, I am working and familiar with, are
Linux and Solaris. The programming languages I am using here
are mostly C, C++ and Perl. |
Warsaw University
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
currently working on my Ph.D. thesis. I'm working on effective
bandwidth as a modeling tool for computer networks - for service
pricing, traffic control and connection admission - and possible
extensions of this idea to areas such as grid resources scheduling
and pricing. This work not only requires good knowledge of grid
technology, but also requires large scale simulation. Grid technology
would be a good tool for that, especially if we could share computing
power with my colleagues (Condor?).
I use Linux exclusively, but I'm also familiar with MS Windows
and Sun Solaris. My main programming languages are C and Matlab,
I'm also familiar with C++, Java and Pascal. I also used Fortran
and Perl, but haven't written code in any of them for years. |
Michal KWIATEK | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I have
just started working on the J2EE Public Service. The objective
of the service is to provide a centrally managed deployment platform
for medium-sized J2EE server-side applications. My responsibilities
include all stages of creating the service: choice of solution,
prototyping, development (including development of monitoring
tools), testing and later running the service.
Programming languages:
java, c++, c, perl, javascript, php
Operating systems: linux, solaris, windows |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently involved in the design and implementation of the
new Listbox service at CERN within the Mail Team of the Internet
Services Group. I have currently designed the migration process
of the old platform to the new one. This migration process has
the development of the new SIMBA interface one of the main targets
of my duties.
I also do the 3 levels of service for the old system (current
service until the migration).
The operating systems I am working with are Unix and Microsoft
(2000, XP) both in management duties. I also had tested the
Lindows, and did some projects with Linux.
Concerning the programming languages I am familiar, I currently
programming mostly in C# and Perl, but I have also worked for
some projects with Java, C and Python. |
Ignacio LEON | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently developing a Network Management Application that
will be used by the members of IT/CS to monitor network cabling
infrastructure. The project handles graphical information using
the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, which uses XML.
I am using Java as the main programming language. In addition
to this, some parts of the project are written in Perl and C++.
I am familiar with Windows and Linux as operations systems.
Some parts of the project have been developed under Linux Red
Hat, and some, mainly those related to the graphical information,
under Windows XP.
Christian LIPPMANN | |
GSI Darmstadt,
Darmstadt, Germany |
am currently working for the TRD group of the ALICE experiment
at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. While half of my time I am working
on chamber construction and testing, the other half is devoted
to Monte Carlo simulations within the framework of the AliRoot
code. AliRoot is the ALICE software package, an object oriented
framework for event simulations and event reconstruction. In the
moment I am comparing position resolution measurements done with
prototypes of the ALICE TRD to simulations done with AliRoot.
A NIM paper on these results is currently evolving. Many microscopic
detector physics effects had to be understood and then implemented
into AliRoot in order to understand properly the measured results.
My special interests are (as just described) detector response
simulations, but also tracking and reconstruction. I would like
to deepen (and my current work also asks for that) my knowledge
of modern techniques for software design, tools and technologies.
Especially since it is quite hard to understand (and improve)
a large software project like AliRoot.
My programming skills are mainly C/C++ on Linux machines but
I would like to gain experience also on other platforms and
in other languages. I do of course also have a solid knowledge
of Windows OS. |
Giuseppe LO PRESTI | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
a Ph.D. student involved in the online data acquisition software
working group for the CMS experiment at CERN. My research areas
include distributed computing and networking, and presently the
devised work at CERN includes the evaluation of Peer-to-peer architectures
to support distributed services in the context of online data
acquisition frameworks.
Known programming languages: Java (J2EE, web applications,
applet, swing), XML (Web Services, JAX- APIs), C/C++Builder,
Pascal/Delphi, SQL, UML, TEX, Prolog, ML, HTML, JavaScript.
Known Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP (management
and network administration), Linux, Sun Solaris (basic administration,
batch & scripting programming). |
Carlos LOPEZ | |
Instituto de
Física, UNAM , Mexico D.F., Mexico |
been working for 4 years as a system administrator and manager
of the Beowulf clusters at the Physics Institute in Mexico, I
keep the systems up and running and solve special problems related
to the use of the clusters in diverse areas of Physics, sometimes
I need to modify code to meet certain conditions needed by some
of the research staff.
I program mainly in C, Java, Scheme, Python, C++ and C# and
I can learn a new language in a short amount of time, I'm pretty
literate and familiar with the Linux operating system and any
kind of *NIX operating system, specially the BSD variants like
Open BSD and FreeBSD.
We are interested in taking a step forward in the development
of the computing effort at the institute getting involved with
the grid and particularly with the grid projects hosted at CERN.
In particular, I work with the Mexican group that participates
in the ALICE experiment at CERN. |
Juan Antonio LOPEZ PEREZ | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I'm porting the LHC Computing Grid Software (LCG) to Solaris at
CERN. Specifically, I have started porting the External Software
packages using gcc. This software has been developed only for
linux and it must be ported to Solaris and Windows.
I'm familiar with most versions of the Windows, Linux and Solaris
operating systems and with the Fortran, C++, Pascal and Basic
programming languages.
Sebastian LOPIENSKI | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am working on the CVS Services provided at CERN by the IT/Product
Support group. My work so far includes designing, implementing
and maintaining the Central CVS Service, as well as non-AFS based
CVS Service for LCG. I develop code mainly in Perl, shell scripts,
PHP and Python, using MySQL and Oracle databases, and technologies
like SOAP. I'm an administrator of two clusters of Linux machines
(one for each CVS Service). As a secondary task, I am involved
in development of Quattor (formerly part of the European DataGrid
Fabric Management): GUI client and authorization module to the
Configuration Database (CDB). I also have several year experience
in programming Java, PHP and using SQL. |
Pedro LOUREIRO | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
the moment I'm working for the IT/AIS group, implementing a tool
with which the users will be able to assign different roles to
people working at CERN (a Department Head can define who is the
DPO, who in turn can define who is the department’s safety
officer (DSO),…). Soon, I'll join a project that will re-implement
the Finance Department’s application for the administration
of suppliers.
Familiar with Windows, Unix and Linux Operation Systems.
Experieced in C, C++, Java and PERL.
Esben LUND | |
of Oslo, Oslo, Norway |
am currently doing my Ph.D. on a joint project between CMS and
ATLAS at CERN. I started in January 2004 and I am writing a propagator
in C++ taking all known material and magnetic field effects into
account. This propagator will be used in the reconstruction of
tracks at CMS and ATLAS, primarily muons. It propagates (calculates)
the movement of a charged particle through the detector given
track-parameters from the inner detector. I am using the existing
ORCA and COBRA architecture at CMS for my software development.
After finishing my master degree in High Energy Physics, in
1996, I have primarily been working in software development.
In a big banking project (COBOL, DB2 and MVS) and a smaller
internet startup project (SOAP, XML and Java), working for Accenture.
On game development (C and Windows) and science applications
(FORTRAN). I am also familiar with machine code, Visual Basic
and C++.
Valeria MANNA | |
Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy |
international Grid projects have been launched recently in order
to face the enormous amount of astronomical data which is produced
and/or will be produced in the next years by the new generation
of large telescopes and CCD mosaic detectors. In this scenario,
the INAF-OAC is deeply involved with the realization of the Astrophysical
National Grid. This effort is supported by FIRB and COFIN2003
founds. In particular, I'm consultant in this last project (COFIN
2003 "Data Grid in astrophysical research: Beowulf cluster
and Wide Field Imaging data reduction" local PI E. Cascone),
and I'm in charge of the configuration and installation of the
front-end for the national GRID. Furthermore I'm focusing my study
on the aspects related to the integration into the national GRID
of the VST (
program features with particular concern on the use of INAF-OAC
BEOWULF clusters ( for the elaboration
of big format astronomy images and the related software pipeline
for data reduction. I will investigate about the advantages regarding
the integration of the Beowulf cluster inside the Grid architecture,
as well as the continuity of the offered service. |
Barbara MARTELLI | |
Bologna, Italy |
2002 I am software developer and system administrator at CNAF
- INFN, in Bologna.
I've developed a postrgresql based application, which maintains
information about tier1's machines (HW and SW configuration,
physical position, etc.). Moreover the application automates
the configuration of DNS and DHCP servers and does VLAN tagging
on switches.
Now I'm working at High Availability clusters built on RedHat
Advanced Server 2.1 and 3.0.
I'm Oracle DBA and I'm working at deployment of an Oracle cluster
(with RAC architecture).
I'm webmaster of tier1 web site, soon on line.
I'm responsible of Chaff’s RLS replica setup and maintenance,
and I'm collaborating with CERN IT DB group in testing multimaster
RLS replication. |
Jesus MARTINEZ | |
Mexico D.F., Mexico |
am working for two projects related to HEP. One is ALICE, experiment
of the LHC. Other one is the AUGER experiment, now being built
at Argentina.
My work for ALICE has to do with physics for finding jets (subset
of correlated particles in eta-phi space) in pp and Ion-Ion
collisions. This kind of work was done within the ROOT and ALIROOT
framework. For the AUGER experiment I am related to the simulation
and reconstruction of both fluorescence and surface detector,
besides I have to develop some soft analysis tool via web pages,
using in particular (Mysql, javascript and Qt designer).
Languages: C/C++, Java, Javascript, Mysql, Matlab
Frameworks: ROOT, ALIROOT, Mathematica.
I am finishing my Ph. D. studies and for me (especially for
the ALICE work via GRID) it is vital to have a strong knowledge
of computing.
Zdenek MAXA | |
College London, London, United Kingdom |
am member of research staff of High Energy Physics group of University
College London. Particularly, we develop event visualization tool
for ATLAS CERN experiment called Atlantis written in Java. My
current task is to implement network communication interface in
Atlantis for connection with other software running within ATLAS
software framework (ATHENA). RPC (Remote Procedure Call) technologies
like XML-RPC are used. I am interested in network/distributed
applications development in languages Java/Python under GNU/Linux
operating system. Software Technologies Track of the CERN Summer
Computing School is of high interest for me since for it covers
other XML based technologies such as SOAP and web services.
Joao Gentil MENDES SARAIVA | |
LIP, Lisboa,
Portugal |
am working in the TilCal/ATLAS calorimeter. My work has been focoused
in experimental physics, mainly, the analysis of test beam data
from the calibration runs that occured at CERN durring the past
3-4 years. In particular I am studying the impact of photostatistics
on the TileCal performance. This work included simulation using
the GEANT package. I am familiar with Linux and MSWindows as OS.
In relation with programming skills it is centered in the Fortran
language with some brief knowledge on the programming in C++. |
Monica MOLES | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I am
working in the AB-BDI-SW section. This section provides all the
software necessary to develop, test, diagnose and maintain the
different instruments produced by the group.
Currently I am involved in the design, development and implementation
of two tools.
The primary goal of the ROSALI project is to provide CERN physicists
with a Machine Development tool application for developing and
testing software algorithms in an easy and rapid way. The users
will implement the algorithms building a sequence of instructions
selected from a graphical interface. Those instructions could
load data from several BDI instruments and merge them to obtain
diagrams or perform new calculations. The application will be
implemented using Java technology.
The second project I am involved in is a web-based application
to plan, schedule and coordinate the section activity. This
tool will record the meeting minutes, the bugs and issues for
enhancement reported by the users in the software developed
by the section and it will also generate dynamically the activity
planning from the information obtained from the issues and the
meeting minutes. This tool will be built using web technologies
and Oracle databases.
Sophie MONTIES | |
Etat De Geneve,
Geneve, Switzerland |
I have
a PHD in database field and I am actually working as a database
administrator and I hope to work with the GRID technology using
Oracle 10G.
I am familiar with the Unix OS and Oracle databases.
Sean MURRAY | |
iThemba Labs,
Somerset West, South Africa |
am currently responsible for the data acquisition systems of our
lab together with one other. This involves a K600 spectrometer
and a gamma-ray spectroscopy array, together with materials research.
I am also responsible for modeling of our detector systems mostly
with GEANT. I am the liaison between the physicists and the IT
department. We are currently building our first cluster for modeling
C,C++, Python, php, sql.
Linux (RedHat),Windows (2k,NT), LynxOS 4.0., OpenVMS, Tru64, in that order of knowledge
Maurizio NAGNI | |
Università degli
Studi di Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy |
am currently working on the flight model of Pamela experiment,
aiming to study the antimatter and matter component in cosmic
rays: my work consists in creating an object oriented, based on
CERN's ROOT analysis framework to test the instrument on ground,
that in Moscow will be used in real time to qualify and store
analysis of downlinked data between orbital passes and to plan
for the following orbital operations.
I am skillful and experienced in the use of C, C++, Java, Fortran
programming languages, in all the Windows family operating systems
released so far and in several Linux distributions and related
Open Source software.
Danila OLEYNIK | |
Joint Institute
for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia |
main direction of my current work is the management of development
group for RDIG (Russian Data Intensive GRID) web portal (
RDIG consortium was created by eight Russian institutes (IHEP,
federation in the EGEE project.
Main goal of RDIG web portal are: informational support of
RDIG EGEE project; joining of the various services given by
the participants in one web portal
Also I am involved in research work dealing with interface
development from Microsoft Windows platform to LCG middleware
I have a good knowledge of C, C++, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP,
ASP, Java . I work with RedHat Linux and Microsoft Windows Operating
Systems. |
Petr OLMER | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am a programmer in the CERN Remedy team. I develop and maintain
workflow applications PRMS, ITCM, and HMS. The PRMS (Problem Report
Management System) is a general purpose tracking system which
is available to all Cern Experiments/Support Group. The ITCM (IT
Call Management) is an application designed to handle the requests
from CERN/IT groups to Service Providers and to log every event
happening in the CERN Computer Centre. The HMS (Hardware State
Management) is a application that tracks and locates hardware
within the CERN Computer Centre, namely it is used for installing,
moving, renaming, and retiring machines.
I am familiar with both Windows and Unix, Perl, C, PHP, UML,
SQL, languages based on logical or functional paradigms, and
partly with Java.
The University
of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom |
currently doing a Ph.D. in Particle Physics. My work is related
to the possibility of a Future Linear Collider. In that context,
I'm studying the Strong interactions of W_L W_L bosons in e+e-
collisions. This type of interactions should provide some light
about the mechanisms by which W/Z acquire their mass, the also
called spontaneously Symmetry Breaking mechanism. I run Whizard
event generator to simulate my signal events, and SIMDET to simulate
detector response. I have written several lines of code to do
the analysis. I'm running everything under Linux, and I'm familiar
with C/C++ programming language, BASH scripts, and job submission
with OpenPBS. |
Carlos Osuna ESCAMILLA | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
I’m working in the IT division at CERN, LCG project and
C&T section. I’m in charge of the autobuild system for
the middleware and other administration affairs like CVS. In addition
since two months ago I’m porting the middleware (and external)
software to other operative systems apart from rh7.3, starting
with rh Enterprise. This works involves compilation of the software,
rebuilding of the rpms and installing them in a small test bed
in order to test that the software works properly.
I’m familiar with Linux (and Windows) OS, and languages
as C++, java, bash, python, etc.
Adam PADEE | |
Warsaw University
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
my institute I am working on parallel and distributed evolutionary
algorithms. As a part of my work I developed an application for
optimization of track reconstruction in NA-58 experiment. It is
based on parallel genetic algorithm and operates in LSF system
environment. I write most of my programs in C++, but I'm also
familiar with C#, Java and Perl languages. I have very good administration
and development skills for Unix-based (mainly Linux and Solaris)
and Windows environments. I also have considerable experience
with computational grids - I am involved in creation of Warsaw
CrossGrid testbed, and Polish Regional Operations Center in EGEE
Joao PINA | |
LIP - Laboratorio
de Instrumentacao e Física Experimental de Partículas,
Lisboa, Portugal |
I’m simulating in GEANT4 via FADS/Goofy package the TILECAL/ATLAS
in standalone mode for the testbeam setup. The objective of this
work is to study the influence of the HV fluctuations in the TILECAL
performance. This work is part of my Master Thesis in phase of
conclusion (June 2004). For this work I’m using the CERNLIB
package under Linux. I’m also working in the TILECAL DCS
and for that I make use of PVSSII under windows.
As for programming languages I’m familiar with FORTRAN
and C++.
Paulo PINTO | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
of C++ applications/libraries for the Atlas High Level Trigger
experiment. Namely a development of a simulator of the cluster
so that the physicists could test their algorithms before submitting them to the cluster.
Librarian responsible for managing one of the Atlas High Level
Trigger source code repositories and setting the schedule for
the releases.
Development of small Python applications to help Atlas High
Level Trigger developers in their day to day tasks.
I am familiar with the C, C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl, Tcl
programming languages, among others. I have already used the
following operating systems, Windows, Linux, HP-UX, Aix, Solaris,
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
- Description of current work:
The name of the project that I'm developing is "AliEn
Grid Portal". The AliEn Grid Portal is a grid computing
environment, with an interface Web for a production system that
simulates, reconstruct and analyze HEP data in a distributed
way, called AliEn. In this portal, the user can access to the
distributed system in a transparent way, which can submit jobs,
check the status of that jobs, and get additional statistical
information of monitorization. The developing of the middleware
of this portal made use of key grid technology. The security
and authentication of the portal is based on the Globus Grid
Security infrastructure and on an online credentials repository
system, called MyProxy. The different OGSI compliant Grid Services
developed runs on a Container provided by the package module
OGSI::Lite. The middleware is being extended to provide grid
services based on the new grid services model - WRSF.
2 - Operating Systems:
Windows, Unix (Linux)
3 - Programming Language(s):
C/C++ (MFC, DirectX), Java, Perl, Python, XML, SQL
Gergana POPOVA | |
Varna University
of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria |
am a PhD in Computer science. The field of my thesis is "Integration
of the IS within the University network”. I have a 4-year
experience as an OOP programmer. I have also worked with CAVO,
Delphi, Java, Database and SQL. In addition to that I have been
working as a teacher at the University of Varna for 3 years. In
my field of study I specialized two times as a transfer student
in the periods 09.2002- 02.2003 (Nantes, France) and 09.2003-02.2004
(Annecy, France). |
A. Soltan Institute
for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland |
my Ph.D. thesis I am working on ICARUS, large liquid argon TPC
detector experiment, aimed at studying neutrino oscillations phenomenon.
This includes the tau appearance search in interactions of neutrinos
from CNGS beam. It is essential for this study to effectively
distinguish tau neutrino signal from the background (mostly muon
neutrinos). I am currently working on adapting NUANCE Monte Carlo
simulation to the needs of the experiment and performing an analysis
to achieve best tau event selection by finding some distinctive
features of tau events. I'm also working on the reconstruction
of events in ICARUS detector. Operating systems I'm familiar with:
Linux, MS Windows (any version)
Programming languages: Object Pascal, C/C++, Fortran, PHP. |
Stefan ROISER | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently working with the SEAL project (CERN/PH/SFT) responsible for a software package, in collaboration with the ROOT team,
which provides reflection information for C++ objects. I am
also maintaining a package in the LHCb experiment which describes
their Event model in a high level description language (was
developed by me in the context of my PhD thesis). Operating
systems I am familiar with are windows and linux. In the last
years I have been working mainly with the languages C++, Python
and XML but I am also familiar with several other languages
like Perl, Java, HTML, Lisp. |
Alain ROMEYER | |
Université de
Mons Hainaut, Mons, Belgium |
working on the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment which will
be installed on the LHC proton proton collider at CERN where I
have mainly two activities.
The first one is to install a computer farm in my university
and to connect it to the GRID in order to be included in the
CMS computing architecture.
My second activity deals with physic and I'm developing a physic
analysis for the planned 2005 CMS TDR of physics. Within the
MSUGRA theoretical framework, on a particular phase space point,
I'm trying to sign the production of the light neutral higgs
h0 decaying in a b-bar pair.
Concerning computing, I'm familiar with Windows and Linux OS
and I know FORTRAN, C, C++, html, perl... programming languages. |
Tapas, SAMANTA | |
Variable Energy
Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal, India |
home Institute, I do developmental work related to Grid, Clustering,
Cyclotron Control and Networking etc. Presently my home Institute
is being set up as a TIER-II centre for ALICE experiment. I am
fully involved in it. I am working on AliEn project under the
CERN-INDIA collaboration. As part of that I worked with EP division
of CERN. I have developed code for gridFTP interface to AliEn
and presently I am working on the Perl Test Harness suit for AliEn
as a test environment for AliEn-ARDA prototype.
Sebastian SCHMIDT | |
für Physik, München, Germany |
work as a PhD student at the H1 experiment at HERA in Hamburg.
I measure the cross sections of D* mesons and associated two jet
events in deep inelastic scattering (DIS). From the jet structure
of those events one can get information about the production mechanism
of charm quarks in DIS which is dominantly produced via Boson-Gluon-Fusion.
Another part of my work is the maintenance of the L2NN, a level
2 trigger at the H1 experiment based on neural nets. This maintenance
includes software for the development of neural nets and software
controlling the trigger hardware.
I'm familiar with Fortran (my analysis code), C++ (newly developed
analysis frame work at H1 which I compared to the old frame
work to make sure that the results are the same), C (used in
my diploma thesis), Pascal, Delphi (during university time),
80-86-Assembler. Operating systems include Linux (daily work),
Windows XP ("office" work), AIX and Solaris (server
John Erik SLOPER | |
Bergen University
College, Bergen, Norway |
am currently working with the ATLAS project in the Trigger and
Data Acquisition group (TDAQ). My work is within the online software
part of the system which encompasses configuration, control and
monitoring of the Trigger-DAQ. The major part of my work is developing
an access control system for communication between agents on different
machines. I am also involved in the preparation and support for
the ATLAS test beam this summer.
The working environment used in my group is linux, and I have
experience working and developing in Microsoft Windows environments
as well. I am familiar with the following programming languages:
C/C++, JAVA, PHP, some Perl, XML/HTML and SQL. I also have experience
with a variety of libraries for C++ and JAVA (QT, OpenGL, etc). |
Institute of
Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland |
currently working on ATLAS, one of the two general purpose detectors
placed along the LHC accelerator at CERN. I am involved in the
development of the control system for ATLAS Semi-Conductor Tracker.
In particular I’m writing C and C++ software providing interface
between SCT Power Supply System and higher levels of DCS via CAN
bus protocol.
The theoretical part of my work consists of Monte Carlo simulation
of the minimum bias type events as well as on simulations of
selected physics processes, preparing a massive production of
MC events for the ATLAS experiment.
Eight years (5 years during studies and three during my current
job) of active programming gave me an experience in:
- operational systems Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, Linux
- programming languages: ANSI C, C++, Fortran, HTML, XML
- technologies: OO programming, GRID computing
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am working on monitoring alarm console for CERN Computer Center.
I am also involved in designing database structure for storing
configuration information. Main part of my graduation thesis is
designing security policy for Detector Construction Database (DCDB)
for Alice experiment. At work I am using RedHat CEL3 linux. For
university project I use Debian Linux. I am also familiar with
MS Windows environment. I can code in the following languages
(fluency in order of appearance):
1) Java, C++, SQL, JSP, Html
2) C, PL/SQL, Perl, PHP, Pascal
3) Bash, Basic
Robert SULEJ | |
Warsaw University
of Technology, Warsaw, Poland |
main field of interests is neural network applications for pattern
recognition and image processing. Presently I am involved in two
experiments: COMPASS and ICARUS. I am working on selection of
specific types of interactions from the background. That is photon-gluon
fusion for COMPASS experiment and tau neutrino search for ICARUS
experiment. Also, I am trying to develop alternative way to clear
the ICARUS images from the noise for better track reconstruction.
I am using my own system for preparing and testing the neural
networks for all of the mentioned tasks. It is written in C# and
parts are optimized in C++ / assembler. The graphical user interface
is working under MS Windows, but the neural network engine is
quite independent and can be used in Linux programs without any
modifications. |
Pierre Elias TISSOT-DAGUETTE | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
Web Portal
AliEn system, an implementation of Grid system by Alice Collaboration,
is currently being used to produce and analyze Monte Carlo data
at over 30 sites on four continents. The AliEn Web Portal is
built around common Open Source components with backend based
on Grid Services and following WSRF model. An easy and intuitive
presentation's layer gives the opportunity to the user to access
information from multiple sources in a transparent and convenient
way. Users can manipulate and check job provenance and access
monitoring information. The presentation layer is separated
from the content layer which is realized as several Grid and
Web Services serving one or more users or Virtual Organizations.
The security and authentication of the portal is based on the
Globus Grid Security infrastructure, WSRF::Lite and MyProxy
online credentials repository. Operating system: windows 2000
and red hat, languages: Perl, C++, Java, php. |
Min-Hong TSAI | |
Academia Sinica,
Nangang District, Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
I fill
multiple roles for my home institution and CERN IT.
For Academia Sinica Computing center I am contributing to both
our LCG GOC and GGUS teams. I serve as a liaison for ASCC to
our partners at RAL and FZK. In addition I provide development
and design of procedures and tools that are used by our two
support teams.
I am also responsible for the preparation of ASCC to join in
CMS production activities. Later on I will serve as the ASCC's
local production manager for CMS collaboration.
For IT GD, I am responsible for documenting troubleshooting
procedures and the development of Grid Information System monitoring
OS: windows, linux
languages: perl, python, C, C++ |
Alessandro USAI | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
am currently working at CERN for the GRID project within the GRID
Deployment Group. My task is to provide and maintain all the relevant
documentation required to manually install the various nodes within
the GRID as well as troubleshoot any problems the GRID sites might
I am familiar with linux, UNIX as well as windows.
I have programming experience with C++, Java, Perl, Python,
George Vasilakis | |
Centre for
Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessaloniki, Greece |
work is focused on an extension to the ARION project - An e-Science
middleware system designed and implemented to support search and
retrieval of scientific information and the on demand execution
of scientific computational workflows using a mobile agent platform.
The current aim is to replace the agent platform with Globus and
provide the ARION system with better security, management and
performance capabilities and possibly integrate with the Web Services
initiative through the OGSA specification.
I have worked with Unix, Linux, Win9x, Win2000 and WinXP operating
systems. I have some experience in Lisp and Prolog, I have good
experience in Pascal and Fortran, and very good experience in
C, C++ and Java.
Zornitsa ZAHARIEVA | |
CERN, Geneva,
Switzerland |
part of the Data Management section in the AB department, Controls
group, I am involved in the following projects 'Documenting the
LHC Injector Chain', 'Thyratrons tracking and management for the
AB-BT-KPS section', 'AT-ACR Cryogenic Thermometers Project', 'PLCs
tracking and configuration', 'Authorization and Authentication
Tools for all web-deployed Oracle Forms applications in the AB
department' .
My work in relation to the projects mentioned above includes:
user requirements analysis and modeling (UML); database design,
implementation and support (Oracle, MS Access, SQL, PL/SQL);
interface development – web interfaces (PL/SQL, ASP, HTML,
CSS), client-side development (Oracle Forms); authentication
and authorization solutions for web-deployed Oracle Forms and
PL/SQL web interfaces (Web services, Java, PL/SQL); EDMS local
administrator for AB department, asset tracking and product
data management systems (EDMS, Axalant, MTF, MP5i); supervision
of members of different projects; users support.
Operating Systems: MS Windows, Unix
Programming Languages: C; Java; Perl; Tcl/Tk; Shell programming;
SQL; PL/SQL; XML; HTML/DHTML; CSS; JavaScript; ASP; VisualBasic;
Yue ZHOU | |
Academia Sinica,
Nangang District, Taipei City, R.O.C. Taiwan |
Academia Sinica Physics Institute, I am contributing to AMS group,
porting test software from PC(x86) to PowerPC.
OS: linux
languages: C++, C, python