Special Distinctions at CSC 2004
Personal data as of CSC2004 time
alain.romeyer@umh.ac.be |
Universit? de Mons Hainaut, Mons, Belgium |
I'm working on the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid)
experiment which will be installed on the LHC proton
proton collider at CERN where I have mainly two
The first one is to install a computer farm in my
university and to connect it to the GRID in order to
be included in the CMS computing architecture.
My second activity deals with physic and I'm
developing a physic analysis for the planned 2005
CMS TDR of physics. Within the MSUGRA theoretical
framework, on a particular phase space point, I'm
trying to sign the production of the light neutral
higgs h0 decaying in a b-bar pair.
Concerning computing, I'm familiar with Windows and
Linux OS and I know FORTRAN, C, C++, html, perl...
programming languages. |