Special Distinctions at CSC 2004
Personal data as of CSC2004 time
MinHong TSAI |
min17502@gate.sinica.edu.tw |
Academia Sinica, Nangang District, Taipei City 115,
Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
I fill multiple roles for my home institution and
For Academia Sinica Computing center I am
contributing to both our LCG GOC and GGUS teams. I
serve as a liaison for ASCC to our partners at RAL
and FZK. In addition I provide development and
design of procedures and tools that are used by our
two support teams.
I am also responsible for the preparation of ASCC to
join in CMS production activities. Later on I will
serve as the ASCC's local production manager for CMS
For IT GD, I am responsible for documenting
troubleshooting procedures and the development of
Grid Information System monitoring application.
OS: windows, linux
languages: perl, python, C, C++ |