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inverted CERN School of Computing 2005 23-25 February 2005, CERN

Programme Overview

Data Management and Data Bases

Advanced Software Development Engineering

Web Services
in Distributed Computing



Lecturer Bios

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iCSC 2005 Lecturer Biographies

at the time of the school

Paolo Adragna

Università degli Studi di Siena


Paolo Adragna is undertaking PhD studies in Experimental Physics at University of Siena. He is currently involved in the ATLAS experiment as one of the developers of the GNAM online monitoring system and, together with the people from INFN in Pisa, is participating to the commissioning phase of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter. Before joining the ATLAS group in Pisa as a scientific associate, he already worked as a programmer for the CDF II experiment at Fermilab in Batavia and for the VIRGO experiment at LAPP in Annecy-le-Vieux.
Paolo Adragna is dottore magistrale in Physical Sciences and graduated from the University of Pisa in 2004 with a thesis on online monitoring and resolution optimisation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter.

Miguel Anjo 



Miguel Anjo graduated in Computer Engineering at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), with a thesis on Personal Data Storage in Context-aware Systems, within a research group at University of Oulu (Finland). He currently works at IT-ADC-DP (Databases and Applications for Physics) section as Database Administrator and testing Oracle Real Application Cluster for the future Physics Databases service.

Ioannis Baltopoulos

Imperial College


Ioannis Baltopoulos graduated last year from the University of Kent with a degree in Computer Science obtaining the Top Degree with First Class Honours. Having worked for Sun Microsystems for a year and at CERN as a member of the ATLAS Trigger Data Acquisition group he has developed a broad range of skills in the areas of web application development and web services. He is currently studying towards his Master’s degree at Imperial College in London from where he will graduate in September 2005. His research interests fall within the areas of dynamic software architectures, architectural description languages and web services which he hopes to explore through his PhD work at Cambridge.

Gerhard Brandt

University of Heidelberg


Gerhard Brandt is an experimental high-energy physicist from the University of Heidelberg, where he received his diploma in physics in 2003. He is a member of the H1 collaboration and currently working on his doctoral thesis. His main research subject is the analysis of high-Pt phenomena. On the service side he is release coordinator for the
H1 physics analysis software. During his studies he obtained some practical experience in the HERA-B and ATLAS experiments.

Giovanni Chierico



Giovanni Chierico graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padova (Italy), with a thesis on satellite telecommunication (DVB-S).
He currently holds a staff position at CERN, in the IT-AIS-HR (Human Resources Management) section, developing and supporting J2EE and Oracle based applications. He previously worked at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (CGI/Perl/Unix), has been a consultant on .NET technologies and developed Linux based web applications.

Brice Copy



Brice Copy is working on the project planning tools used by CERN to supervise and monitor large projects such as the LHC construction, EGEE or the Atlas detector. He coordinates the technical effort and investigates development best practices that allow CERN to create web-based project management tools using best-of-breed open source frameworks.
Brice Copy previously worked as software engineer at the Oracle European development centre (Reading UK) where he worked on UML modeling tools and Java development frameworks.
He obtained a MSc in "Distributed Applications and Networks" from the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) in 2000.

Ruben Leivas Ledo



Advanced Software Development Engineering Track.
Working at CERN in the Internet Services Group.
Designer and Developper of the Listbox Plattform Migration for Mailing Lists at CERN.
Most of his professional work has been oriented to the design and deployment of Artificial Intelligence Information Retrieval Software Agents. He has designed and participate in the development of commercial Web Mining applications.
Currently, he is involved in a project of Mailing List Platform Migration at CERN, this project affects to more than 45000 users and has the deployment of a Web Application for New Mailing List Management ( as one of the most important points for the Service. The technology used is .NET with C#, ASP.NET, Perl and Python.

Sebastian Lopienski



Sebastian Lopienski presently works in the CERN IT Department, providing
Central CVS Service for software projects at CERN. He used to work in the accelerator domain (CERN AB/CO), developing application for Controls in Java and Visual Basic. He graduated from the Computer Science Faculty of Warsaw University in 2002 (Master's thesis on Distributed Computing in Java). His professional interests include security of computer systems and cryptography, distributed systems and parallel programming, Java language.

Michal Kwiatek



Michał Kwiatek has graduated from Warsaw University, Computer Science Department. Back in Poland, he worked as web application developer and database specialist for a major Polish mobile phone company. At CERN, he works in IT-DES group providing support to oracle users and building central deployment platform for Java web applications.



Petr Olmer



Petr Olmer studied computer science in Prague. He is interested in logical aspects of artificial intelligence, and is writing a PhD thesis that brings together multiagent systems, text mining, and socioware. Now he works at CERN as a fellow in the IT department. He is responsible for workflow applications of the CERN Computer Centre.

Zornitsa Zaharieva 



Zornitsa Zaharieva holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University – Sofia and a Masters Degree in Computer Science, specialization Information and Communication Technologies from Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’.

She is currently working as a fellow in the Data Management Section in the Controls Group of the Accelerators and Beams Department at CERN. Her activities include the design, implementation and support of databases and interfaces, which are related to the needs of the accelerators control systems users community.

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Last update: Thursday, 14. November 2013 11:48

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