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CERN School of Computing 2005 4 September - 17 September 2005 in Saint Malo, France

Programme Overview

Grid Track

Software Track

Physics Comp. Track



Lecturer Bios


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Participants to CSC 2005

The following people have been selected for the 2005 CERN School of Computing, as of 7 June 2005


Nazeer AHMAD

nazeer_ahmad_na <AT>

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh



I have been working in the ALICE Collaboration (Di-muon Arm Group) for the past six years. The various jobs I have taken till date include software as well as the hardware aspects of the project. I have actively participated in the fabrication of the prototypes of the second station of the forward muon spectrometer at saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata India. Presently involved in the fabrication and testing (cosmic ray test bench) of quadrant of the second station of Di-muon Arm spectrometer.  At my working place (AMU, Aligarh) in addition to our traditional research (using emulsion technique), my responsibilities include coordinating the functioning of the Computer laboratory made for the research purpose of the said project.


anisyonk <AT>

The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk



My current work involves development of the database system used for experiments with cryogenic magnetic detector CMD-3 at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider (Novosibirsk, Russia). The CMD-3 database system provides environment for a range of tasks typical for the high-energy physics experiment, such as the monitoring and control of the experiment, calibration of the detector systems, data reconstruction, simulation and visualization. The databases provide storage for the configuration data, experimental data, calibration and other information for the detector subsystems. Each database is provided with user C++ API and WEB interface. The following software technologies are used for application development: Apache HTTP server, PHP, XML and XSL data representation languages and PostgreSQL as relation DBMS. The code is mostly written in C and C++. I can also freely operate with Java and some web technologies (PHP, XML, XSL). The operation systems I am most familiar are Unix-like (Linux, FreeBSD) and all Microsoft Windows systems

Jean-Michel BARBET

barbet <AT>

Laboratoire SUBATECH, Nantes



I am working in a team of 4 people responsible for the computing facilities of the SUBATECH Laboratory (that is about 140 people).  My work is that of a System and Network Engineer able to deal with a rather wide range of technologies (OS : Windows, Linux, Tru64; Network applications : mail, web, afs, ssh, etc.; Linux clusters; Security).  Though not actively developing code myself, I know the basics of most of today's programming languages like : C++, Java, perl, PHP.  I am also providing support to local researchers on scientific applications like Matlab, cernlib, root, AliRoot and the use of the
CCIN2P3 computing center.  About a year ago, I became more involved in the activities of the MUON group in the Alice Experiment, providing a local installation of AliRoot to use as a reference for people developing the code.  I am also the technical contact for the upcoming LCG Tier2 in Nantes following the work done in automn 2004 when we took part to the Alice Physics Data Challenge by providing SE and CE services.


Ivan.Bedajanek <AT>

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics,


Czech Republic


My work is devoted to Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation. Within my Ph.D. studies I have been working on the estimation of induced radioactivity in the forward shielding as well as the Inner Detector of the ATLAS experiment. Moreover, I have estimated background signal and radiation damages in the SCT and pixel detectors caused by neutrons using both MC and experimental methods. I was involved in the irradiation (thermal, fast neutrons, high energy particles at SPS) of the SCT and pixel detector and consequent measurements of delayed &#947;-rays as well as on-line monitoring of background signal in the SCT detector.  I am familiar with Windows, Linux, Fortran, C/C++



Marek.Biskup <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I'm working on the root project (, proof subproject.  The Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, enables a physicist to analyze and understand much larger data sets on a shorter time scale. It makes use of the inherent parallelism in event data and implements an architecture that optimizes I/O and CPU utilization in heterogeneous clusters with distributed storage. The system provides transparent and interactive access to gigabytes today. Being part of the ROOT framework PROOF inherits the benefits of a performant object storage system and a wealth of statistical and visualization tools.

Operating system: Linux, Windows

Programming languages: c, c++, java, smalltalk, sml, perl, c#, php, pascal, basic, awk, sql, javascript, ...


Lajos.Bojtar <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I'm a supervisor of the Antiproton Decelerator. My job involves 40 % operation of the AD machine and 60 % of control software development for the AD machine and other PS projects. I have 6 years of Java experience, and some C experience on front end computers running under lynx OS. I'm familiar with Linux and Windows. I use Linux as my development environement. Currently I'm involved a project called OASIS, which is a distributed virtual oscilloscope, built as a 3-tier architecture using J2EE.

Goncalo BORGES

goncalo <AT>

Laboratorio de Instrumentaçao em Física Experimental Partículas, Lisboa



Since September 1999 I'm a member of LIP (Laboratorio de Instrumentaçao em Física Experimental de Partículas) where I have integrated the group of portuguese physicists from NA50 experiment at CERN/SPS. NA50 is a heavy ion experiment which studies the J/psi resonance production in proton-nucleus and heavy-ion collisions. This Collaboration has a central role in the study of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) formation in laboratory, a new state of matter expected to be produced when exposing the normal hadronic matter to extreme high densities/temperatures conditions. Since 1995 to 2000, all experimental results show an anomalous suppression of the J/psi particle in heavy-ion collisions, observation which is in agreement with theoretical predictions of a phase transition from normal nuclear matter to a QGP.  At the present time I'm finishing my Ph.D thesis on High Energy Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa. The main goal of my work is to study the production of the J/psi resonance in proton-nucleus and light ion-ion collisions, and reduce the uncertainties related to the expected J/psi absorption in nuclear matter. Therefore it will be possible to deduce the expected behaviour for heavy ion collisions and quantify the anomalous J/psi suppression.  My active participation in all data acquisitions, calibrations and test periods within NA50 experiment, has drawn my attention to the problems which the new generation of high energy physics experiments has to deal. I'm particularly interested in the new networking technologies (GRIDS) under development which will allow an efficient processing of the huge amount of data produced by these new experiments, expected to be several orders of magnitude higher than the present one. This school will be very worthwhile since it will allow me to develop my knowledge and skills in this field, which will be the following up work after finish my Ph.D.

Grzegorz BRONA

gbrona <AT>

Warsaw University, Warszawa



Since 2002 I have been working for the COMPASS experiment (CERN) performing the physics analysis. In my work I use Linux and Windows 2000 operating systems and GridKa  infrastructure. The analysis programmes I base mainly on C++ programming language. My latest task was the improvement of the procedure for the vertex fitting based on the Kalman filter. In the near future I plan some studies with the use of the Monte Carlo generators: AROMA, PYTHIA and GEANT software. The topics offered by the school correspond with my current interests in the more efficient GRID usage, reconstruction software and Monte Carlo tools.


david.cameron <AT>

CERN, Geneve



I am working as part of the ATLAS computing group in the area of data management. ATLAS data is distributed and replicated world-wide in order to increase reliability and scalability, therefore a system must be in place to manage both the distribution and seamless access to this data for the physicists analysing it. A system (Don Quijote) has already been developed and used in Data Challenge runs where simulated data is used to test the performance of the components before real data taking starts. I am continuing the development and evolution of this system to bring it to the point where it can scale to the level of the initial data-taking runs of the ATLAS detector.

Operating systems: Linux, Windows 2000/XP

Programming languages: Java, C++, Perl, Python, Bash

Jihyun CHOI

jchoi <AT>

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena



My Master thesis was about grid middleware for effective scheduling in the grid, which is supporting the DAG based co-scheduling for improving the performance of RPC mechanism. Now, I'm doing visiting research for "Grid enabled Analysis Environment" in high energy physics group at the California Institute of Technology. This work about extending my system proposed in my thesis for data intensive grid computing and Clarens system with the various services it supports in the GAE context.

Programming Languages:  C, C++, Java, Python, Shell Script

Programming Tools: MPI(LAM,MPICH), Globus, NetSolve, GridRPC

Experienced Operating Systems: Windows XP, Linux (Redhat, Fedora), Solaris 9, etc


Ozgur.Cobanoglu <AT>

Turin University, Torino



My current work within ALICE-DAQ group at CERN is the development and the maintenance of the tool named MOOD (Monitor Of On-line Data and Detector Debugger) written in C++, based on DATE (DAQ and Test Environment of ALICE) and ROOT libraries developed at CERN. My current PhD activity is VLSI design for physics experiments in general as well as particularly for COMPASS experiment at CERN. My study includes design, simulation, fabrication and testing procedures.  I am actively using CERN Red Hat, SLC, SuSE, Solaris and am familiar with other kinds of OSs like BSD and Windows, Programming/scripting languages I use are C/C++, fortran, basic and TCL/TK.


Giuseppe.Codispoti <AT>

Università di Bologna and INFN,

Bologna, Italy


I'm working in the Bologna CMS group and I'm studying and developing software for simulated data analysis produced in CMS using Grid services. CMS is an experiment for the LHC at CERN. The large international scientific collaboration in the experiment needs grid technologies to efficiently process data and to grant transparent access to computing resources.  I'm working on user interfaces for Job Monitoring. The aim is to develop and test a usable Graphic User Interface to give analysts all the necessary information about jobs running on distributed resources. Tests will be done on simulated events produced through which today are used by CMS.

OS: Linux, MS Windows. 

Prog. Lang.: fortran, C, C++.Script. Lang.: bash, perl. short experince with SQL

Alberto COLLA

alberto.colla <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am currently working as a fellow in the Offline group of the Alice experiment. My main responsibilities include the implementation of the offline calibration and alignment database storage classes for the ALICE production and analysis framework (AliROOT). AliROOT is based on ROOT and is implemented in C++.  An important objective of my work is development, testing and deployment of AliROOT interface for distributed database access on the Grid, using the ROOT persistent object store capabilities and the AliEn distributed file catalogue as a solution for world-wide access to the calibration and alignment objects. I have a good knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems and of C++ and Fortran languages.

Badri Narayanan DAMODARAN

badri_d <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am a Marie Curie EST Fellow at CERN. I arrived at CERN recently. This summer I would be working with ECS (Experiment Control System) for LHCb experiment. I would be involved with development of "Run ControL" for the RTTC(Real Time Trigger Challenge) which is targeted to evaluate the functioning of part of DAQ (Data Acquisition System) associated with the LHCb experiment. This would be in view with the design and development of the final "Run Control" for the LHCb experiment. I would work with PVSS tool (SCADA Based) and FSM (Finite State Machines) for automation of standard procedures and error recovery. As far as my computing skills goes I have worked on Windows platforms extensively with some experience on Linux and Solaris during my university days. I have also worked on Oracle 8.0 as part of my data base project at university. I have done some software validation using Java open source frameworks and development tools as part of training during academic periods.


Indranil DAS

indra.das <AT>

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata



Heavy quarkonia resonance suppression are supposed to be signature of QGP. My present interest is to calculate the amount of suppression with the help of simulation package AliRoot provided by ALICE. The operating system is Linux (RedHat-9). I have used QBASIC, FORTRAN, C and C++ at various stages of my education life and I am little bit familiar with PYTHON.

Renu Bala DATTA

renu <AT>

University Of Jammu, Jammu,



Presently involved in ALICE PMD Simulation work.  ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a dedicated heavy ion experiment, designed to study the Quark Gluon Plasma in Pb+Pb interaction at sqrt(s) = 5.5 TeV per nucleon at LHC collider.It consists of large number of detectors, PMD(Photon Multiplicity Detector) is one of them. I am doing simulation using HIJING in AliRoot framework. The ALICE offline framework, AliRoot for simulation, reconstruction and analysis makes use of Objecte Oriented programming techniques and C++ as the implementation language. It is based on the ROOT framework, providing as main components persistency, container classes, histogramming, data analysis and graphical user interface.  In the study of high energy heavy ion interaction, the centrality of the collision plays an important role. It is defined by the impact parameter,b: the smaller is the impact parameter, the more central is the collision. Since b is not directly measured quantity, therefore in order to define the centrality of collision, an experimental observable must be choosen that corelates with an impact parameter. We are using here the total transverse energy which is measured by PMD for the estimation of collision impact parameter.  During my M.Phil work, I have shown that there is a strong correlation between transverse energy and impact parameter. The value of E_T measured within errors with respect to "b" has been plotted and observed that there is a large fluctuations in the measurement of E_T. Iam trying to minimise these fluctuations in the measurement of transverse energy by implementing additional layers of Honey comb detector planes behind the PMD detector. For adding additional planes in ALIROOT framework, I utilized GEANT package which is implemented in ALIROOT. After that we made simulation of HIJING Monte Carlo and passed the tracks through the new PMD detector with large number of layers. We are expecting that we may get better estimation of impact parameter using E_T measured by this multilayer PMD framework.


stdweird <AT>

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel



I started with grid computing in November 2004 after a not yet finished 4 year during PhD in Quantum Informatics. I am involved in the deployment of a LCG-based grid in Belgium. We just finished migrating from a full automated install through LCFGng to the new Quattor. This involved a lot of extra work in helping developing new components for an easier installation. Most of this is done through either the specific pan-language or through perl. My experience in both are already at a good level and still growing.  After this I expect to start in the summer with CMS related activities involving grid. This work will begin with user-related activities such as providing support to our physicist and writing tools for an easier and more user-friendly use of the grid. Next to this I'll follow up our infrastructure planning for our Tier3 and a shared Tier2. In the beginning of next year, I am supposed to get more involved with the CMS software itself, but still oriented towards the grid related activities rather than the real physics. For this I am polishing up my C and C++ skills.

OS: Linux: very good, Windows: good

Javier Alexandro DEL PINO CORONEL

javier <AT>

Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares UNAM

Mexico, D. F.



I'm working with a cluster that has 18 GB of RAM, 1.5 TB of drive space, and 32 cpu's Intel Xeon with Hyperthreading.  The cluster has one master node and sixteen nodes for work. The operating system installed in the cluster is Debian GNU/Linux (testing). The ICN-UNAM is working in collaboration with the CERN for the ALICE project, my work is to set up the cluster and then participate in the development of middleware. The operating systems I use are linux, openbsd and windows. The programming languages: Not very familiar with it: PERL   Shell Script (BASH).

Sabine ELLES

elles <AT>

LAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux



Currently I am working in the Offline group of the Atlas experiment at LAPP in Annecy-le-Vieux, France.

My work consists in managing the local Athena framework installation and in developing the use of the grid tools. I will also get involved in the modelisation of the testbeam with the Geant4 simulation code.

Operating systems : Unix/Linux and Windows

Programming languages : C/C++, Fortran, Python


gamsiz <AT>

Middle East Technical University, Ankara



I am currently a member of the CMS collaboration with the METU group. I'm studying simulations of higher dimensional black holes. I am also responsible for the local computational infrastructure. We are about to establish a local batch cluster (production farm), we will then seek possibilities to join the LCG project and access the CMS data over the grid. Hence a training about the grid technologies is of high relevance and importance to me and my group.

I am familiar with MS Windows and Linux operating systems. I have some experience with Fortran and C++ languages.


garonne <AT>

Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay


I am currently working for the Atlas experiment and in particular for the software management. One of my responsibilities is to support the CMT tool at LAL(Paris).  I am also finishing a PhD thesis in Computing Science in the High Energy Physics area, and more precisely in the Grid Computing domain.  I have spent two years with the CERN LHCb experiment as part of the team designing and developing the DIRAC grid framework, particularly focusing on the Workload Management System (WMS). I am of course familiar with a lot of languages (Python, C/C++, Java) and O.S.



rosa.garcia <AT>

CERN, Geneva



My work at cern consists mainly of three different topics; porting software from 32 bits architectures to 64 bits (Itanium 2, AMD64, EM64T), research about virtualization and participate in ADC (Alice Data Challenge).  Porting software involves solving bugs (c++ and python) in frameworks, libraries and tools that are common among the LHC experiments as well as testing it. The main ideais to have LCG software (POOL,SEAL, GAUDI ...) ready for the new computers in which those applications will run soon.  I am also working on "virtualization". I'm centered in the study of the advantages that it can supply to the Grid by improving its resource management, broadening the resources efficiency and supplying additional security.  Finally I'm also working in the Alice Data Challenge group, where we try to satisfy the hardware necesities that  the ALICE experiment has: bandwidth, IO throughput, etc.


farnoosha <AT>

Institute For Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran



I am doing part time research In the Institute For Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics(IPM). I work on various projects as a software specialist. In Irisl Marine Services & Engineering Company (IMSENGCO.), as a full time network administrator and software programmer, I have these duties: installation ,maintenance, trouble-shooting and repair of all computer networks.I have various tasks including Network Designing, Web Hosting ,and Software Programming with, Visual basic, Visual C++, Front Page. Also, I have to maintain and support Ethernet LANs in IMSENGCo. 


domenico.giordano <AT>

Università degli studi di Bari, Bari



I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher involved in the construction and study of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment for the LHC (CERN). My work is focused both on the hardware and software commissioning for the experiment and on Monte Carlo studies for establish the Higgs boson observability in the H-> ZZ->2e2mu decay mode. The former issue requires the development of tool to monitoring the detector behavior and the data flow in the CMS reconstruction software. The latter one allows to estimate the Higgs boson discovery probability in the ™goldenš decay channel at LHC, using the full CMS detector simulation and an analysis strategy that employs all newer software tool and a computing architecture based on LCG. I’m familiar with the following operating systems: Linux (RH 7.3 CERN and SLC) and Windows NT, and with the following programming languages (C++, Fortran, shell scripting, perl).


k.gnanvo <AT>

Queen Mary University of London, London

United Kingdom


I started in March 2005 at Queen Mary Univ. of London as a researcher associate to work

  • On Atlas software support and installation on the GRID farm on the different sites in the UK on the one hand.

  • On the other hand, I will be developing software for the ATLAS Semiconductor tracker Inner detector (basically working on Digitization field).

I work principally under Linux and I am familiar with C,C++, shell script  with knowlegde of python.


robert.gomez-reino <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am involved in the development and integration of the CMS DCS control systems. My work could be structured in three main projects:

1st: The design and implementation of a Supervisor control systems for CMS based on PVSS. While working on this supervisor I am collaborating with the detectors in orther to properly integrate their control systems with the central DCS.

2nd: As a CMS contribution to the JCOP framewrok I am creating a PVSS aplication to control and monitor racks. This aplication will be used by the 4 LHC experiments.

3rd: I will provide the detectors with a Java based toolkit that will allow them to create 3D powerful, versatile and interactive panels to monitor their systems.

The main programming languages that I am using in my projects are C and Java however I have also working experince with Visual Basic an academic knowledge of C++.


grimaldi <AT>

University of Bologna, Bologna



I am currently working in the analysis on the Chi_c meson production, at the HERA-B experiment at DESY. For part of this work I have written C++ routines for particle reconstruction and data analysis (using also CERN libraries). The operating systems I am using are Linux (Fedora and Suse) and Windows (mainly XP). I am also familiar with FORTRAN and I know the basic syntax of Java and HTML.

Raffaele GROSSO

raffaele.grosso <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am currently working as a fellow in the Offline group of the ALICE experiment. My main responsibilities include the implementation of the offline alignment classes for AliRoot, the production and analysis framework of  the ALICE experiment, which is based on R OT and is implemented in C++.  An important objective of my work is development, testing and deployment of AliRoot interface for distributed database access on the Grid, using the ROOT persistent object store capabilities and theAliEn distributed file catalogue.  I am a user of linux on a daily base and of windows occasionally. I write code in c++ and occasionally in fortran, perl and bash scripting language.


Artem.Harutyunyan <AT>

Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan



Since 2001, I am working in the group of Yerevan Physics Institute, which participates in the CERN ALICE and NA60 detectors development, construction and data analysis. My responsibilities within this group concern installation and maintenance of experiment specific software packages (AliEn Grid infrastructure of ALICE, na60root framework for NA60 data analysis) as well as everyday administration of computing (Linux and Windows Operating Systems) and networking facilities of our group. Within the ALICE offline project, I have been working with Arsen Hayrapetyan on the AliEn port to Windows. The ported AliEn client part package was presented by us at the ALICE weeks in September 2004. Besides, I have participated in the creation of the Certification Authority of Armenian e-Science Foundation and currently I am responsible for its management. Areas of my interest also include network security, system and low level programming. Programming languages, I am familiar with, are x86 Assembly, C/C++, Java, Perl. I have also studied network protocols IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP and SOAP.


ahairape <AT>

Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan



I have been working since 2001 in the group from Yerevan Phisics Institute entering the CERN Alice collaboration. Our group includes a number of physicists, so my major responsibilty within this group is the Linux and Windows system administration on several machines as well as the maintenance of the AliRoot software including its installation and proper configuration to meet the particular needs of users.  Meanwhile, I am participating in the work of our group on the AliEn (Alice Environment on Grid) toolkit development. Together with Artem Harutyunyan, we have ported the AliEn client part to the Windows platform. The software package for Windows users was presented by us to the Alice collaboration at Alice week in September 2004.  Another aspect of my work is related to the participation in the creation and management of the Armenian e-Science Foundation Certification Authority, which enters the EUGridPMA group. I am familiar with Perl, C/C++, Bash,  SQL languages, SOAP protocol, Linux and Windows operating systems.

Benedikt Christopher HEGNER

benedikt.hegner <AT>

DESY, Hamburg



For my PhD thesis I am working on the CMS experiment at LHC. I am developing a top physics analysis and participate in setting up and administer our local physics analysis framework at DESY Hamburg. I am also currently involved in the software and geometry description for the CMS silicon strip tracker. The programming languages I mainly use are C, C++ and of course Python. I am familiar with Irix, Linux, MacOS X, most versions of Windows and all flavours of BSD.

Szabolcs HERNATH

hernath <AT>




I am currently working at the Computer Networking Center of the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA KFKI RMKI). My job duties include the system/software administration of the RMKI LCG center, including support activity for local users. Besides that, I am also a staff member of the KFKI RMKI Certification Authority, which is an accredited member of the EUGridPMA, and offers PKI infrastructure and services for Hungarian LCG sites and users. I have experience with Linux, C and basic shell scripting.

Per Thomas HILLE

perthi <AT>

University of Oslo, Oslo



I’m currently working with the integration of the PHOS detector into the High level trigger of ALICE. My responsibility is to design and implement electronics for sophisticated online analysis. Whether this will be done at the front end level or at an external CPU farm is yet to be decided, but it any case it will require massive parallel computing. This is the reason why I want to attend the CERN school of computing. I am familiar with C/C++, Java, Simula, Assembler, VHDL and Labview.

I have written several applications for prototype testing of the PHOS detector.

Tomas HOLY

tomas.holy <AT>

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, Prague

Czech Republic


I currently work on development of software package for Medipix-2 detector (pixel detector developed in CERN). It is software for acquisition control with open architecture with support of custom made plugins for data processing and/or controlling other hardware. It is developed in C/C++ under Win32. My other activity is data processing from tomographic measurements (X-ray tomography, neutron tomography). It includes implementation of reconstruction methods for transmission tomography and 2D/3D visualization of results (C/C++, MATLAB).


marta.jakubowska <AT>

CERN, Geneva



My current work focuses on preparing database solutions based on Oracle 10g server, among which is the configuration and management of Oracle database cluster (RAC on Linux), 10g services and investigating this technology as the baseline replacement of the Physics Database Services for LHC. Besides this main task I am also a member of an on-call database administrators team for the Physics Services and take part in database workshops which are organised for LHC online/offline developers.
Operating systems used: Windows, Linux
Knowledge of programming languages: C, C++, PL/SQL, perl.


thomas.johansen <AT>

CERN, Geneva

My current work is to design an Oracle database of the production flow of the muon chambers at CERN for the LHCb experiment. The database is accessible and entries to the database can be added through a website. Most entries will however be added using the SQLLoader utility. The website is designed using PHP, XHTML, CSS and SQL in PHP for queries to the database.

I am familiar with all versions of Windows and quite familiar with Linux (Red Hat/Fedora, Mandrake).  Programming languages I am familiar with are: PHP, C++ (also GUI programming with QT and Win32API), Java, Visual Basic, C# and I have also done some programming with Perl and VB.Net.


kama <AT>

Middle East Technical University, , Ankara



I did Monte Carlo simulations and data analysis in CHORUS-DIS group for my thesis. I am planning to defend my thesis during this summer.  I worked at CERN/IT as a summer student in 2001. I have written some code in Java for the FreeHEP library. I have good knowledge of Linux and Windows, and small experience with AIX. Since computing is my hobby I learned C, C++, Java, Pascal and FORTRAN. I'm also familiar with PERL, PHP, HTML, Shell scripting, JavaScript, VB.Net. I am interested in physics experiment simulations, distributed computing and Grid.


pex <AT>

KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest



My diploma work is on jet calibration in the CMS detector. We are using standard CMS simulation and reconstruction tools in our work (OSCAR, ORCA), and ROOT for analysis. I'm familiar with Linux and Windows, and I use C and C++ in my work.


Marcin.Kucharczyk <AT>

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow



I continue the studies on the Bose-Einstein correlations (BEC) for pions and Fermi-Dirac correlations (FDC) for antiprotons and protons which I have started a few years ago. The measurements under consideration were performed using data collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP. I have determined the spatial transverse radius of the pion source at R_T = 0.591 +- 0.015(stat) +- 0.034(syst) fm, while the source radius for antiprotons at R = 0.16 +- 0.04(stat) +- 0.03(syst) fm. In the case of pions a completely new methodology was applied, based on the examining the BEC effect in let say "simple" variables (differences of azimuthal angles, rapidities and transverse momenta). It differs from "standard" methodology used for protons, where the most frequently employed variable is the difference of particles four-momenta. The results of both my analyses and other LEP studies established strong dependence of the correlation radius on hadron rest mass. I have also estimated the correlation radii for pions, kaons, protons and Lambda hyperons on the basis of correlation functions, which were determined within the model by A. Bialas and K. Zalewski describing the above dependence. I have participated in the studies on the above-mentioned model. Predictions of the model proved to be consistent with the experimental results. I have also started working in LHCb experiment, where I participate in developement of the software for analysis of systematics from the trigger.

Qiang LU

ql <AT>

The University of Birmingham, Birmingham

United Kingdom


I am a Research Fellow of Particle Physics group at School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Birmingham.  My current work is involved in developing a event display tool for the ATLAS experiment, which is called Atlantis coded in Java. Distributed Computing Technologies and Protocols in software track and Data Analysis and Visualization in physics computing track are the most interesting parts to me. Other lectures regarding XML and Python are also very helpful to my current work.  Java is the programming language I currently use to develop Atlantis, but I also have knowledge of C/C++. I am very familiar with Windows, and also can handle basic tasks under Linux.

Jaroslaw LUKASIK

jarek <AT>

AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow



For my Ph.D. thesis I am working on ZEUS experiment at HERA ep collider at DESY. I am leading the analysis of the diffractive ep interactions. The aim of my work is to measure the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at high four-momentum transfer. Additionally, I am a member of the group which designs the luminosity monitor for the future International Linear Collider (ILC). This detector should provide measurement of the luminosity with unprecedented accuracy, as well as good calorimetric coverage to very low angles. My work contains simulations of the energy and angle reconstruction and their dependence on the detector geometry. Moreover, I have studied the boundary effects for this detector.

operating systems: Linux/UNIX, MSDOS, MS Windows 9x/2000/XP

programming languages: ANSI C, C++, Java, Fortran 77/90

Dimitrije MALETIC

Dimitrije.Maletic <AT>

"Vinca" Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Belgrade

Serbia and Montenegro


The project I am currently involved in includes writing, testing and debugging of the C++ code for the online and offline data analysis in the Barrel of the CMS ECAL detector. I particularly develop the algorithm for Pi0 rejection of unconverted and late converted photons in the Barrel of CMS ECAL detector in the presence of tracker material.  I have written many applications and scripts in C++ and fortran for ORCA, PDP++ and ROOT programs. The operating systems I am most familiar with are Scientific Linux CERN and MS Windows.


mandat <AT>

Joint Laboratory of Otpics of Palacky University, Olomouc

Czech Republic


I am Ph.D student, and i study applied physics at Palacky University. I’m a member of cooperation group in project Pierre Auger observatory, whitch is designed to detect ultrahigh energy particles around the GZK cutt-off of universe origin. I am working on production and calibration of optical elements for fluorescence detector for this observatory. I participate as well in shower reconstruction and energetic calibration of this fluorescence detector. 

OS : Microsoft Windows and Linux

Language : C++.


boris.mangano <AT>

Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa



I'm working on the software for the event simulation and reconstruction in the CMS experiment at LHC. In particular I'm devoted to track reconstruction.The code I work on is written in c++ language and the operating system we use is Linux. I also write and use shell scripts and sometimes I need to run jobs on the grid using CMS's dedicated tools.  While I'm a developer of the simulation/reconstruction software, I'm just a user of the Grid Technologies. I have a fair knowledge of networking and a good one of the Windows operating system.


Predrag.Milenovic <AT>

"Vinca" Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade

Serbia and Montenegro


The first project I am involved in includes design and hardware implementation of DCS sub-systems for CMS-ECAL,programming of PIC and PLC microcontrollers and building applications for distributed system control and monitoring.  The second project includes development of C++ code for online and offline data analysis for the Preshower of CMS-ECAL, as well as algorithms for Pi0 rejection in the ECAL detector. I have also experience in building and servicing computer networks and some experience in deployment of LCG grid software. I have written applications and scripts in C++, Fortran, Assembler, Mathematica. The operating systems I am most familiar with are Unix (SLC) and Windows(MS).


omar.moussa <AT>

Cairo University - Faculty of Science, Giza



Currently, I work on evaluating the current model and systems for Grid Computing, Then I will try to implement an improved mathematical model for Grid Computing infrastructure based over the existing model using Abstract State Machines (Evolving Algebra). I will be involved in CMS Experiment My work will be related to LCG in one way or another I have a good administrative idea for Windows Operating Systems and Linux Systems (Specially Redhat versions. I administrate server and which is in test stage) I have very good idea about C++ and Object oriented concepts. I start learning JAVA, XML, and Web service programming.


craig.munro <AT>

Brunel University, Uxbridge

United Kingdom


I am a PhD student from Brunel University, London.  My thesis is concerned with improving distributed analysis for physicists.  I am currently working within the ARDA team at CERN on the integration and testing of the new EGEE gLite middleware within the experiments existing frameworks.

Familiar with C/C++, Java and Python on Linux, Solaris and Windows.


Hubert.Niewiadomski <AT>

Brunel University, Uxbridge

United Kingdom


I was involved in DAQ problems in test beams 2004. My activities included setting up a CMS DAQ suited for Totem's needs, data taking and data management. In addition to this I wrote the software for on-line control of BPMs and BLMs in SPS runs. Since the end of the test beams I have been working on data analysis addressing the following problems: detectors' behaviour, active edge measurement, halo protons, VFAT trigger, BLMs. Recently, I have started the design of a 3D simulator of silicon detectors in C++/ROOT framework.

Operating systems: Linux, Windows.

Languages: C++, C, Java, some assembly languages, VHDL, Verilog.


ricardo.fernandes <AT>

CERN, Geneva


My current work at CERN consist in the development of a system, based on a client/server architecture, that allows a user (client) to connect and "communicate" (through DIM, Distributed Information Management) with a server, that in it's turn will "communicate" with SPECS hardware (I2C, JTAG, PBUS, REG and DCU).  For the development of the client, we have chosen PVSS (a SCADA system),and for the server, we have chosen the C language. In terms of functionality, the user (client) specify wich hardware he wants to work with (through parameters), then send commands to the server that will executed the client request, and then, send back the "answer" to that client.

The main features of the developed system are:

- simplicity (the system was design to be easy to use, even for users that don't have too much experience working with SPECS hardware);
- flexibility (the user - client - can write it's own actions, through scripting, since I developed a set of functions that can be used by the user);

- distributed (since both the client and the server can run on the  same PC, but also in different - remote - PCs);

- heterogeneous/portable (since both the client and the server  can run on Linux or Windows).

In terms of operating systems, I am familiar with:  DOS;  Windows;  Unix;  Linux.  I have used several kinds of programming languages. The most familiar to me are:  Basic;  Java;  Assembly;  C;  Prolog; C++.


en <AT>

University College London, London



I am involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The main focus of my work is quality assurance tools. I am one of the main developer of one of the offline software validation tools- The RunTimeTester. The RunTimeTester run hundreds in jobs everynight relieving developers from ad-hoc testing processes. We are developing on Linux systems. Formerly we were working on RedHat 7.3. Our systems have recently been upgraded to Scientific Linux-Cern v3. I am also familiar with working on windows. Ihave also done development on embedded platforms, mostly using Real-time Application Interface(RTAI) and to a lesser extent, on symbian.  Currently most of the development for the RTT is done in Python. I have developed in Perl and C++ before. I also have a working knowledge of Java. We are using xml  for information interchange.

There is an on-going effort to gridify the RunTimeTester which at the moment is running on a UCL based cluster. In this respect, I am very keen  on learning more about the grid. Additionally, due to my computing background and having worked with [wireless] distributed systems before, I am very interested in understanding and eventually putting into use, the advantages of grid computing.

Ferhat ÖZOK

ferhat.ozok <AT>

Istanbul University, Istanbul



I am one of the responsible of ALICE MOOD (Monitor Of On-line Data & Detector Debugger) tool.MOOD, written in C/C++ languages, is based on the monitoring library provided by ALICE DATE framework and uses standard Linux tools in conjunction with the data display and analysis package ROOT. It allows checking consistency and quality of the data and correct functioning of the various sub-detectors either at run time or during off line by playing back the recorded raw data. Also During my MSc study  I used to be  a member of Turkish CMS-HF group. I worked on radiation damage monitoring system for HF and HF testbeam analysis


Christos.Papadimitropoulos <AT>

University of Athens, Athens



My current thesis is to simulate the traffic flow in the CMS DAQ. Therefore, I've developed a tool that elaborates the overall system performance of the DAQ by simulating the commercial components, subject to heavy traffic. Thus, the size of the intermediate buffers can be estimated and different configurations/techniques can be studied. I'm familiar with both Windows and Linux for more that 2 years and I have a working knowledge in C/C++ for more that 4 years.


Camille.Parisel <AT>

IreS, Strasbourg



Current work:

-        Software development for detector simulation and characterization, and pulse shape generation. MGS, written in matlab, is used in many European laboratories and has been selected to characterize the AGATA detectors.

-          Support in nuclear physics experiments, mainly for software issues.

-         Participation in data acquisition software development: TUC is in java and is used to monitor data acquisition boards and retrieve data.

Both tools are validated on Windows and Linux and require C programming for the coding of interfaces and drivers.

Languages currently used: C, C++, java on Linux and Windows platforms,

- mysql, matlab, php.


Stuart.Paterson <AT>

Centre De Physique Des Particules De Marseille, Marseille



DaVinci is LHCb's analysis software.  DIRAC is the LHCb grid system for Monte Carlo simulation, data production and analysis.  I am currently working on enabling analysis for LHCb with DIRAC.  This will involve rewriting the Workload Management System (WMS) of DIRAC and creating an Optimiser to handle analysis jobs.  The aim is to support production and analysis jobs concurrently whilst preserving sensible execution times for both. 

Operating Systems:- Windows, many Linux/Unix flavours

Programming Languages:- C, C++, Java, Python

Bartlomiej PAWLOWSKI

Bartlomiej.Pawlowski <AT>

CERN, Geneva



As a fellow I work mainly on CRA project (Computing Resource Administration). I am responsible on design and implementation of CRA system.I am familiar with Linux (development, administration level), Window, *BSD, Solaris operating system. As far as programming languages are concerned, I am familiar with C, C++, Java, Python, PL/SQL, Perl, Bash, SQL, Pascal, AMPL, PHP. Markup languages: XML, SGML, *HTML.

Alberto PEPE

alberto.pepe <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I currently work in the IT division of CERN, within the CERN Document Server Team. At the moment, I am involved in the implementation of some new modules for the CDS software (CDSware). These include an automatic thesaurus keyworder and new ranking functionalities. At the same time, I am also working in the Open Access (OA) Initiative (and its technical implementation) jointly with the CERN Library.

Operating systems: Linux, Windows.

Programming languages: Python, C++, Java.


S.A.Pirogov <AT>

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk



At present time I take part in the CMD-3 project software development activities which are in general the development of the reconstruction, visualization and data farm management software and user interfaces. CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). Software design standards for this project are object oriented programming techniques, C++ as a main programming language, ROOT as base for system I/O and main toolkit for interactive analysis and Linux as a main platform. The most important contribution is design and development of the CmdEvent package. The CmdEvent package describes various formats of experimental events, gives handy user interface for working with events and contains the implementation of event I/O modules to be used by the Cmd3Fwk integration tool. The CmdEvent UI supports linking of objects and provides an advanced object search interface based on the Boost library.

Marco Emilio POLEGGI

marco.poleggi <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I work at Quattor development within the Extremely Large Fabric Management System (ELFms) project at CERN. Quattor is a toolsuite dedicated to the automated installation, configuration and management of Linux/Solaris-based computing farms. Within Quattor, I am responsible of the proxy-caching tiers, supporting a scalable distribution mechanism for package installations/updates on large computing farms. Other tasks of mine are security-related, such as the investigation about new authentication mechanisms based on X.509 certificates and Kerberos, and the distribution of Quattor sensitive information through a secure protocol (HTTPS).

As a program developer, I am familiar with Perl and C programming on UNIX-based (mainly Linux) operating systems.


jaroslaw.przybyszewski <AT>

CERN, Geneva


I am working in Database and Engineering Services group in IT department at CERN. My main tasks are: maintenance of backups of databases, migration of backups for some databases from old system based on Legato to the new one based on Tivoli servers and also development of automatic recovery system that will be used to validate backups of databases. I will also study some new features of Oracle 10g RDBMS, especially those connected with backups. Operating systems that I am familiar with are Windows, Linux and Unix, and the programming languages are C/C++, Java, C#, PL/SQL


pram <AT>

IST - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa



I am currently doing data analysis with the ROOT framework on the NA60 silicon strip detector. This involves handling raw data, digits and reconstructed data, involving a very strong statistical and mathematical study.  Part of my job is also to do DAQ setup, PC hardware assembly, network troubleshooting and maintenance.

High knowledge of:

C/C++, Fortran, Basic

Basic knowledge of:

Java, php, html, OpenGL, DirectX. Mathematica



alfio.rizzo <AT>

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels



I started my PhD last year within the AMANDA Collaboration which recently has been joined with the ICECUBE Collaboration. The AMANDA neutrino detector is located at the South-Pole, frozen deep into the ice. It consists of a three-dimensional lattice of 677 optical modules distributed on 19 "strings". ICECUBE is the extension of the AMANDA detector to a 1 km3 dimension. My current work consists in the analysis of the AMANDA/ICECUBE data with the aim of searching for neutralino Dark Matter accumulated in the center of the Sun. I am involved in the Monte Carlo simulation and the reconstruction of muon tracks, coming from neutrinos produced in neutralino annihilation. I am familiar with UNIX, LINUX and MS WINDOWS operating systems. I have a very good knowledge of Basic, Fortran 77, Fortran 90/95, LaTex and a good knowledge of VisualBasic, C++, Perl and Csh.



marcr <AT>

PIC, Cerdanyola del Valles



I'm working in the deployment of grid cluster in PIC. the operating system: 

SCL3,fedora,suse and the programming languages:

python,c, c++, sql, php, html, lips, sml, cosel, shell, java.


Christoph ROSEMANN

christoph.rosemann <AT>

DESY, Hamburg



I am currently working on the preparation of all needed components for data analysis in the standard model group of CMS, particularly top physics. This consists amongst other things mainly of installing and configuring our computers with Scientific Linux, the CMS software, the use of various GRID mechanisms for computing, accessing and distributing data and of course the use of the software.

I have medium to good knowledge of C and C++, some shell scripting (bash), and use mainly Linux (Redhat/Scientific Linux), with which I am fairly familiar. I can read on a basic level Fortran code and Python scripts.


Marina.Sahakyan <AT>

CERN. Geneva



Currently I am working at CERN as Marie Curie Early Stage Training  Fellowship  fellow at TS_CSE. The year before I have graduated the Advanced  Learning and Research Institute program in Lugano, Switzerland. This was  a master program with collaboration with ETZH and Polytechnico de Milano.  I received my Master Degree from the American University of Armenia, which is MS/ computer science/IT.  In 2001 I graduated from the State  Engineering University of Armenia and I have gained a BS in Computer  Science/ IT.   While studying at my Institute I have gained experience in programming in different languages (such as C/C++, Visual C++, Assembler Intel,  Java, JSP, PL/SQL).


nuno.santos <AT>

CERN, Geneve



I'm in the first year of my PhD on Distributed Systems, which I'm doing at CERN. The topic is reliability, scalability and adaptability on data grids. I'm working on the ARDA group, under the supervision of Massimo Lamanna. My current work consists on exploring the possibility of using distributed databases as a back-end for Metadata catalogs, as a way to improve scalability and reliability.

I am familiar both with Windows and Linux. Concerning programming languagens, I have over 4 years of experience with Java and over 1 year with C++. I also know a little of Python.


giovanni.siragusa <AT>

INFN - Sez. di Lecce, Lecce



I am a Ph.D. student of the University of Lecce and I work on the MEG experiment at PSI Laboratory (Zurich). This experiment, which is expected to start taking data in 2007, will search for the lepton flavor violating processes leading to mu->egamma decay with a sensitivity of about 10^-14 on the decay Branching Ratio. For my thesis, I am developing the off-line framework for the data analysis. To begin I am modifying the Alice off-line framework (ALIROOT) for the MEG experiment requests to allow the next development of the data analysis tools. My first task is the simulation of the trigger system.

Operating systems: Windows (good), Linux (very good).

Programming language: C++.

Data Analysis Tool: ROOT.



jan.solca <AT>

Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen



I'm currently working at the PSI in the IT Division mainly as a Software Engineer. My tasks include the development of applications based on modern technologies, to contribute at the definition and implementation of the PSI IT Strategie and Architecture and to support the scientist in the design and operation of his/her IT Systems. The scientist's support demands an updated knowledge of the techniques used by HEP Computing community which I hope to partly acquire at the CSC 2005.

I'm using primarily PSI Sci.Linux 304 and Mac OS X as operating systems. Of course I'm confident at using the Microsoft Windows platform. As programming language I am currently using Java, but I am also familiar with fortran,smalltalk, perl, C, C++, unix scripting and more WEB oriented languages like HTML, Javascript.

During the last seven years I was more involved in the design and development of distributed object systems mainly in a J2EE / CORBA environment for the industry.


dsoroka <AT>

National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology". Kharkov



My present activity is concerned with computer simulations of particle physics in hadron colliders. I took part in construction of the Linux cluster for carrying out the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS, CERN) physics simulations and data processing. According to the plans of our research group, we take part in the CMS Monte-Carlo event production runs. Another field of my activities is related with system administering of the NSC KIPT specialized Linux cluster, performing the installation,upgrade and configuring of the sotware (including Grid middleware) that is currently used for the CMS Monte-Carlo event production. I have experience in the following operating systems: RedHat Linux (ver. up to 7.3), FreeBSD (4.4), MS Windows 2000, MS Windows XP, and in Fortran, C, C++ programming languages.

Alexandru STANCIU

alex <AT>

National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, Bucharest



Currently I'm working for EGEE and SEE-GRID projects as a site administrator and techical ROC representative for Romania. My responsabilities are to deploy and administrate the grid middleware used in these projects on my institute's site. I'm involved in the user support and operational support activities where my task was to develop a helpdesk solution for EGEE-SEE federation and the to integrate it into GGUS, the EGEE's wide support structure.

I have a good knowledge of Unix-like operating systems such as Linux on which I am familiar with flavours like Red Hat and Debian.

Programming languages: C, Java, PHP, shell scripting


stezow <AT>

Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon,




Most of my work is devoted to data analysis in Nuclear Physics.It consists mainly in writing software for various kind of experiments performed in all experimental centers in Europe: GANIL (France), GSI (Darmstadt), Germany), Legnaro (Italy) and Jyvaskila (Finland). I am team leader of the data analysis and software development for the AGATA project which is a European project. This multidetector, designed to detect gamma-ray, is based on gamma-ray tracking. It will move between the different laboratories mentioned above. The scale of the project is new in Nuclear Physics and compares to those of High Energy Physics requiring then similar techniques. I have about ten years of experiment in programming in fortran, c but mainly in C++. I have been working mainly on UNIX/LINUX systems.

Vijayalakshmi SUNDARARAJAN


CERN, Geneva



I work for the CMS experiment as a software engineer. I am developing RB (Regular Builds) tool to test the Software Modules (for compatibility) that are under development in SCRAM. SCRAM is a Version Control Management System. The RB tool controls the software products with large number of packages managed by different developers. It monitors build processes on multiple platforms trying to identify and compensate short term system problems, analyzes the build results, allows running tests, and sends notifications about problems to responsible developers. The RB tool uses the CVS repository to get the code. The RB code consists of PERL and Bourne Shell scripts. I am also involved in webpage development and testing the software products. I am familiar with UNIX, Windows and Linux. I also know Protel, UNIX script, HTML, XML, PERL, PHP, SQL.


cyberman <AT>

Warsaw University of Technology, Warszawa



My work at present centers around the preparations for the ALICE experiment at CERN. There are a number of activities I am involved in. To begin with, I am an active member of the ALICE Detector Construction Database group, designing and maintaining software solutions for quick, automatic insertion of test data into DCDB. Second, I participate in preparing the data acquisition system for the ITS SSD subdetector. Third, more into physics this time, I study hard processes in heavy ion collisions ž primarily jets and their quenching. Last but not least, I administrate the computing cluster of my group, including preparing it for Grid operation during the next ALICE Physics Data Challenge.

Operating systems: Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, Mac OS.

Programming languages: C, C++, Perl, Pascal/Delphi, shell, Visual Basic, Tcl/Tk, assembly (Intel), HTML/CSS, PHP.



Liliana.Teodorescu <AT>

Brunel University, Uxbridge,



Currently I am Lecturer at Brunel University, UK. I am lecturing on Software Engineering and Technology for undergraduate students in Electronic and Computer Engineering.  As research, I am working on CMS experiment at CERN and Babar experiment at SLAC, USA. I am working on data analysis of Babar experiment and on software development for off-line data analysis in CMS experiment. 

I am commonly using Linux and C++ in my research. I am also familiar with Java, and different variations of Visual Basic.

Konstantinos THEOFILATOS

theofilatos <AT>

Institute of Nuclear Physics, N.C.S.R. "Demokritos", Agia Paraskevi Athens



Operating systems:

FreeBSD, Linux (SLC, Mandrake, RedHat, Slackaware, Suse), DOS,Windows98+XP.
Programming languages: c++, fortran, php, shell scripting, basic, mathematica.
Computer skills: html, xSQL, security, firewalls,proxy servers,Spice3,electronic workbench, origin.

Current activities:
In Feb 2005 I finished all the mandatory physics courses which had to be accomplished before beginning my  Ph.d. related work, and received a MSc degree in physics from NTUA.
I recently joined, as a junior member, the experimental HEP group of my institute (INP "Demokritos"), which is mainly engaged in the CMS/LHC experiment.
Nowadays I am mastering c++ and also learning how to use Root and CMS OO software (cmkin, orca, oscar).  I am also studying SUSY and I have a small collaboration with a theoretical physicist from my institute aiming at a (possible?) publication in the field of path integral QFT.  As a background process, I 've also finished a web development project, related with apache,  php,  mysql & server security.


Anselm.Vossen <AT>

Albert-Ludwigs-Universiteit Freiburg, Freiburg



I am currently working on the COMPASS experiment at CERN. There I am involved with tracking (writing code) and physics analysis. I am familiar with Linux and Windows, Programming Languages: C++ (language of choice), Java, and a little bit of Perl, Matlab, etc.

Edmund WIDL

ewidl <AT>

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna



At the moment I am working within the CMS Alignment Group on an global alignment procedure for the Silicon Tracker using a Kalman-filter algorithm. The algorithm is being implemented in ORCA, the C++ framework for CMS' analysis and reconstruction tasks, using and developing the so called Alignment Interface. This interface is intended not only to fulfill the needs of the alignment algorithms being developed at present, but to be also sufficient for other approaches to come.  Therefore I work most of the time on Linux platforms (SLC), where I program C++, using SCRAM for compilation and linking. Apart from that, I am also familiar with Python.

Yushu YAO

yyao <AT>

Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton



I am a PhD student working on Atlas. In this project, the "computing part" of my work is on the simulation of LUCID detector and the Monte Carlo study of some physics processes. I have been playing with computers since I was 8 years old. Starting with Basic and DOS, I went through quite a few OS and several languages, and started programming with C in junior high school. Programming is one of my most favorite exercise (both mental and physical). I've get a lot of stories to share with everyone. However, the more I learn, the more I realize my weaknesses. I hope, by the chance of CSC2005, I could learn a lot from all of you.


Bartlomiej.Zolnierkiewicz <AT>

CERN, Geneva



I am currently working at CERN as a Technical Student in the IT epartment. I'm a part of Linux Expertise section of the Architecture and Data Challenges group. My tasks consist of providing support and expertise related to Linux operating system - especially in the areas of kernel and drivers, also in optimising Linux for computing fabric deployment. My group is involved into development of LHC Computing Grid Project and EU DataGrid. I'm also Linux Kernel developer and Maintainer of Linux IDE layer (in free-time).

* operating systems: various Linux distributions & other Unix systems
(i.e. Solaris and FreeBSD), MS Windows environments

* programming languages: x86 & MIPS assembler, C/C++, Java, Perl & others

Stanislav ZUB

stah <AT>

Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov



Scientific activity of our KIPT CMS group concerns computer simulations of collider physics (work with event generators and simulation of the detector response). My main function is the provision of the complete computer simulation of the CMS experiment that occurs via the so-called CMS Monte-Carlo event production. At present I work on integration of our PC farm in the LCG structures. I have an experience of work with computer hardware on a specialized PC farm for computing within the CMS physics program. I'm occupied with installation and configuration of LCG software on our CMS Linux cluster in Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. I also have an experience of system administrating of NetWare, BSD, Linux; MS Windows (NT, Win2000) systems, realized various programmer tasks both in Windows, and in Unix. Besides typical algorithmic computer languages, such as Pascal, FORTRAN, C/C++, Python, I worked with packages for mathematic and physics modeling (MatLAB, Maple and PYTHIA, GEANT) and scientific software shells, as PAW and ROOT.



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Last update: Thursday, 14. November 2013 11:49

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