Physics Computing Track
Rudi Frühwirth,
HEPHY Vienna
Andreas Pfeiffer,
The track will introduce the fundamental concepts of Physics Computing and
will then address the central aspects of simulation and visualization,
including the simulation
of the experimental setup to optimize detectors, to test and improve
the reconstruction software, and to gain a detailed understanding of
the data.
The first series of lectures gives
an overview of the software and hardware components required for the
processing of the experimental data, from the source - the detector - to
the physics analysis. The emphasis is on the concepts, but some
implementation details are discussed as well. The key concept is data
reduction, both in terms of rate and in terms of information density.
The various algorithms used for data reduction, both online and offline,
are described. The flow of the real data is the main topic, but the need
for and the production of simulated data is discussed as well.
The second series of lectures
gives an introduction to the domain of simulating high energy physics
experiments with practical examples taken from the CERN/LHC based CMS
experiment. The lectures focus on event simulation based on the GEANT4
toolkit. GEANT4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles
through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including
tracking, geometry, physics models, and hits. The physics processes
offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic
and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials
and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250
eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed
and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex
geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in
different sets of applications.
Basic simulation requirements are explained, such as experimental setup
in terms of geometry, materials, and external electromagnetic fields,
principles of physics processes, selection and configuration of physics
processes, run and event concepts, and extraction of hit information. It
is shown how this requirements are met by applying GEANT4. The
programming language used throughout the lecture series is C++.
The third lecture series focuses on on-line
Data Acquisition Techniques. |
Series |
Type |
Lecture |
Description |
Lecturer |
Introduction to Physics Computing
Lectures |
Series |
Introduction to Physics Computing
The two
lectures give an overview of the software and hardware
components required for the processing of the experimental
data, from the source - the detector - to the physics
analysis. The emphasis is on the concepts, but some
implementation details are discussed as well. The key
concept is data reduction, both in terms of rate and in
terms of information density. The various algorithms used
for data reduction, both online and offline, are described.
The flow of the real data is the main topic, but the need
for and the production of simulated data is discussed as
well. |
Rudi Frühwirth |
Lecture 1 |
Lecture 1: Event filtering
first lecture deals with the multi-level event filters
(triggers) that are used to select the physically
interesting events and to bring down the event rate to an
acceptable figure. Some examples of the hardware and
software that is deployed by the LHC experiments are
presented. |
Rudi Frühwirth |
Lecture 2 |
and simulation
second lecture describes the various stages of event
reconstruction, including calibration and alignment. The
emphasis is on algorithms and data structures. The need for
large amounts of simulated data is explained. The lecture
concludes with a brief resume of the principles of physics
analysis and the tools that are currently employed. |
Rudi Frühwirth
Experiment simulation
Lectures |
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4 |
Experiment simulation
This series of lectures gives an introduction to the domain
of simulating high energy physics experiments with practical
examples taken from the CERN/LHC based CMS
The lectures focus on event simulation based on the GEANT4
toolkit. GEANT4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles
through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including
tracking, geometry, physics models, and hits. The physics processes
offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic
and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials
and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250
eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed
and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex
geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in
different sets of applications.
Basic simulation requirements are explained, such as experimental setup
in terms of geometry, materials, and external electromagnetic fields,
principles of physics processes, selection and configuration of physics
processes, run and event concepts, and extraction of hit information. It
is shown how this requirements are met by applying GEANT4. The
programming language used throughout the lecture series is C++.
Martin Liendl |
Exercises |
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6 |
Combined exercises on Experiment simulation and
Data Analysis and Visualization
Depending on their study backgrounds and personal
interests, students will have the possibility to work on various exercises
split into two topic sets aligned to the two lecture series:
One problem set
is related to developing experiment simulation code based on GEANT4.
corresponding exercises will focus on detector description, physics
processes selection and tuning, and data extraction from a running
simulation. Basic knowledge of C++ is required to work on the provided code
Martin Liendl
assisted by
Joanna Weng |
Pre-requisite Knowledge |
Introduction |
The lecture gives an overview of the various aspects to be
considered in the simulation of of a high energy physics
experiment emphasizing their statistical character. The
Monte Carlo method for tracking particles through bulk
matter is examined in some detail. GEANT4 is introduced as a
state of the art C++ simulation engine covering many of the
requirements for experiment simulation. |
Desirable pre-requisite
and references to further
information |
In order to benefit optimally from the lectures and the
associated programming exercises, it is advisable to have
some basic knowledge about the following topics :
Probability theory:
definition of probability, discrete and continuous
random variables, probability density and cumulative
distribution, sampling from of a distribution
data analysis: mean and
variance of a data set, histograms
Mean values and
variances will be computed in the exercises,
histograms will be our elementary analysis tools.
Suggestion of links:
same as above,
Object-oriented software
development: UML class diagrams to represent classes,
inheritance (is a – relationship, polymorphism, abstract
classes), associations between classes (has a –
The design of GEANT4
is object-oriented. To understand its object model
and its extensibility, we need to know the basics of
object orientation.
Suggestion of links:
wkipedia(class diagrams)
C++ programming language,
some easy concepts of STL like vector<something>,
map<key, value>
Elementary knowledge of
the usage of some Linux/Unix tools like a shell, cd, ls.
Standard editors like (x)emacs, nedit.. Knowledge about
the GNU C++ compiler, make and debugging C++ on LIinux
is an advantage.
All exercises consist
of writing, building, and executing C++ simulation
programs using the GEANT4 tool kit.
If possible, we will
try to set up the examples using an IDE like
Source navigator or
KDevelop, but this is not sure yet.
Elementary knowledge of
some minimal features of the data
analysis tool
In the exercises, data will
be stored in ROOT files.
Data analysis
will be done using the ROOT histograming and plotting
capabilities. The following minimal features of ROOT
will be used:
ROOT macros,
histograms, TTrees + TTree-browser, TFile.
For students
not familiar with ROOT at all, some introductory
examples/tutorials will be provided during the
On-line Data Acquisition
Lectures |
Lecture 1 |
A general
introduction to data acquisition systems will be given by
focusing on the four LHC experiments. The principle data
flow, the qualitative/quantitative requirements and the
architecture of these data acquisition systems will be
discussed. Their relations with the other on-line systems
for triggering, high-level filtering, and control will be
explained. |
Klaus Schossmaier |
Lecture 2 |
The functional
elements of data acquisition systems (e.g. readout, event
building, control, interfaces) will be addressed in terms of
components, concepts, and technologies. In addition, testing
techniques, performance measurements as well as some
practical aspects of running on-line systems will be
Lecture 3 |
A case study of the ALICE data acquisition
system will be presented. The chosen technologies will be
discussed and the software framework (called DATE) including
the add-on software for performance monitoring and data
quality monitoring will be introduced. Also some simulation
results will be shown. |
Knowledge |
Desirable prerequisite
and references to further
information |
A good
knowledge of programming languages, Linux operating system,
and computing technologies is considered as useful to
benefit most from
this series of lectures.
CERN Summer Student
Lecture Programme - 2005
Trigger and Data Acquisition
Systems, by Paris Sphicas
Part 1
Trigger and Data Acquisition
Systems, by Paris Sphicas
Part 2
CERN Summer Student
Lecture Programme - 2002
Trigger and Data Acquisition
Systems, by Clara Gaspar
Part 1
Trigger and Data Acquisition
Systems, by Clara Gaspar
Part 2
Trigger and Data Acquisition
Systems, by Clara Gaspar
Additional material will be
available in the CSC handbook provided at the school. |