Time |
activities |
Free |
S1 |
S2 |
S3 |
S4 |
S5 |
F |
Hiking |
Biking |
Adventure Park |
Canoeing |
Rock Climbing |
Paradies |
1 |
3 |
Level 2 |
4 |
5 |
Level 0 |
13:30 |
"Harz Bus" departs
"G?ttingen Bus" departs |
"Harz Bus" departs |
"G?ttingen Bus" departs |
"G?ttingen Bus" departs |
13:45 |
Arrival at train station |
Car depart to Climbing Place
7 climbers
3 instructors |
14:00 |
Start of the biking tour |
Arrival at Kiessee |
Arrival at climbing place |
Arrival at Kiessee.
Free walk to Bade Paradies |
14:15 |
Start of canoeing tour |
14:30 |
14:45 |
Arrival at Bad Harzburg |
Arrival at Bad Harzburg |
15:00 |
Start of the hiking tour |
Start of the Skyrope programme |
18:00 |
17:50 |
End of the hiking tour |
Start of the Skyrope programme |
18:00 |
"Harz Bus" departs |
"Harz Bus" departs |
18:30 |
Participants arrive at Kissee after
canoeing tour
End of climbing, walk back to Mariaspring |
End end of Free Aquatic Centre afternoon.
Free walk to Kissee |
18:45 |
Participants arrive at train station after
biking tour
"G?ttingen bus departs from Kiessee to Train
Station |
"G?ttingen bus" departs to Mariaspring
18:45 |
"G?ttingen bus" departs from Train Station to
"G?ttingen bus" departs to Mariaspring
19:15-19:30 |
"Harz" and "G?ttingen"
Buses arrive at Mariaspring |
20:00 |
Free time for changing, resting at Mariaspring |
20:10 |
Buses depart from Mariaspring to
BurgPlesse, Bovenden |
20:15 |
Buses arrive at
BurgPlesse, Bovenden |
22:00 |
Buses depart from
BurgPlesse to Mariaspring (time TBC) |
22:10 |
Buses arrive at Mariaspring (time TBC) |