Examination Results
Examination: Best marks
Examination: facts and figures
2010 |
Students having
participated in the examination |
students (out of a total
of 51 ) registered in the final examination, that is 96% of the
students attending the school. |
Questions |
multiple choice questions were proposed. After deliberation, the
jury decided to invalidate one question (number 17). As a result 33
questions were considered for the results
Pass / No-Pass
threshold |
To be declared
as having successfully passed the examination, the student must have
replied correctly to
or more than 45%
of the
questions. |
Number of
correct answers for successful pass |
Any student having replied correctly to
or more than 15
questions has been declared as having successfully passed the
CSC examination |
Number of successful students |
49 students succeeded in the examination. |
Rewards |
CSC Diploma will be handed over to the students at the occasion of the closing
ceremony, Friday 28th of August.
The students with the
highest marks will be announced
at the closing session Friday 28th of August.
Marks |
Individual marks will be available on demand by email,
after the closing
session only, from Ivica Puljak (Ivica.Puljak
Examination: List of successful
The CSC2010 Jury is pleased to warmly congratulate the following
students who have successfully passed the 2010 examination. |
The students
below have successfully passed the
We congratulate them!, François Fluckiger, CSC Director |
Abad Rodriguez, Andres |
Agocs, Andras |
Ahmad, Muhammad |
Alvarez Fernandez, Eduardo |
Arora, Rahul |
Baban, Valerica |
Banerjee, Imon |
Baranowski, Zbigniew |
Blaszczyk, Marcin |
Blomer, Jakob |
Chiapolini, Nicola |
Chouhan, Pushpinder Kaur |
Cowden, Christopher |
De Ruschi, Daniele |
Di Guida, Salvatore |
Dudhat, Rajeshkumar |
Fleckner, Johanna |
Gallerani, Luigi |
Garcia Fernandez, Carlos |
Gonalves Pacheco, David |
Gonzalez Alvarez, Alvaro |
Guerrero, Pablo |
Gunther, Line |
Hefferman, John |
Kelly, John |
Khaw, Kim Siang |
Lapadatescu, Vlad |
Lehtonen, Petri |
Longo, Stefano |
Loth, Alexander |
Luetic, Jelena |
Lukas, Wolfgang |
Marian, Ludmila |
Martinez Pedreira, Pablo |
Montiel, Almudena |
Nadler, Moritz |
Oliveira, Carlos |
Paladin, Massimo |
Resco Perez, Alberto |
Rodrigues Moreira, Belmiro Danniel |
Rodriguez Vazquez, Juan Jose |
Soomro, Kamran |
Ugland, Maren |
Volkmer, Frank |
Weiler, Henning |
Wolak, Tomasz |
Zambon, Davide |
Zhu, Jianlin |
Zimbres Silva, Marcelo |
2010 Podium: Pictures and Bio
1st Mark
2009 |
Jakob BLOMER |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I work on the CernVM R&D project in PH-SFT. CernVM provides a portable
environment for development and execution of LHC experiment analysis
software. In particular, I develop the CernVM File System, an HTTP file
system that brings software trees on demand onto virtual machines. As part
of CernVM, I also deal with various aspects of virtualization, including
benchmarks of HEP software in virtualized environments. As part of my
thesis, I work on distributed algorithms in order to build a self-organizing
network of virtual machines out of a plain cluster installation. Currently I
mainly develop system software on Linux using C/C++ and a couple of
scripting languages. I have working knowledge of LateX and Gnuplot.
2nd Mark
2009 |
Universität Zürich - Switzerland |
I have been working for the TT sub-detector of LHCb during both my Bachelor
and my Master thesis. Since January I am back with my previous group as a
PhD student. At the time of this writing my work concentrates mostly on the
detector alignment.
3rd Mark
2009 |
Christopher COWDEN |
University of Cambridge – U.K. |
am currently working on physics analysis in the Atlas experimental
collaboration. My studies include data driven background estimation
techniques for use in searches for new physics such as supersymmetry, and
separately a measurement of the top quark mass in the dileptonic decay
channel of top pair events. I am familiar with working in the Linux
environment both the Scientific Linux CERN distributions as well as Redhat
Fedora distributions. I am comfortably familiar with the C++ programming
language, and I am also quite familiar with the python scripting language. I
use the bash shell environment for scripting as well.
Salvatore DI GUIDA |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am currently working on the development and the deployment of the core
software for the population of DB accounts in different RDBMS technologies
with condition data coming from the CMS detector, using Object Relational
Access. I am also developing tools, which, using the dropbox technology,
allow the automatic population of the Condition Database. All the logs of
the transactions are persistently stored, and monitored by applications that
have a web GUI, thus allowing for real time monitoring, and fast detection
of errors.
Johanna FLECKNER |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am currently working on the commissioning of the ATLAS software for the
reconstruction of particle tracks and the identification of b-quarks in
particle jets (b-tagging). As part of this work I am studying the resolution
of the track impact parameter in transverse direction, which is one of the
most important inputs for b-tagging. I am developer of several C++
reconstruction algorithms and tools, and the main responsible for the
production of the b-tagging performance analysis data format (a ROOT ntuple).
I am familiar with Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. The
largest part of my work concerns programming in C++, but I also have good
knowledge of Python, Delphi, SQL and HTML.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
Last year I finished my Master's Thesis on Computer Science at the Zaragoza
University (Spain) doing an internship as Technical Student at CERN. I
worked developing an automatic solution for the RPM generation process for
different Oracle products, written in object oriented Perl.
After that, I worked for 3 months for Warp, a consulting company
working with Open Source platforms, implementing new features for web
applications written in Python and Ruby. In August 2009, I came back to work
at CERN as Fellow in IT-GT, working for gLite, a Grid middleware used for
the LHC Computing Grid. I am a
member of the gLite integration team, performing the tasks needed to release
new versions of the middleware. I also have to participate in the
modification of the integration process and implement the changes in the
software used in the process.