Students at CSC2011
The following people have attended the 2011 CERN School of
Jonathan AGUILAR |
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
- Poland |
I am currently a Marie Curie fellow with the
Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Particle Detectors (MC-PAD). My
research involves simulation and prototype preparation and testing of the
luminosity calorimeter (LumiCal) for the future International Linear
Collider. I am also a MSc student at AGH University of Science and
Technology in Krakow, Poland, where I study nuclear physics with a focus on
HEP. I did my undergraduate studies in physics at Harvard University in
Cambridge, USA. While there I worked in the laboratory of Prof. Robert M.
Westervelt, developing nanoscale dielectrophoretic tweezers for atomic force
microscopy. I became interested in computing for HEP when I wanted to move
the LumiCal simulations to the local cluster computing facility. I program
primarily in C++ and Python (for Geant4 and ROOT), and am currently learning
web-oriented programming languages. I am also familiar with LabView.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I am a MSc in Computer Science. I studied in
Oviedo University and I finished my thesis in INRIA (loria) Enterprise in
Nancy (France). I have been working at CERN since 2008. I have been working
developing Java web applications using Java EE technologies such as Spring
MVC, Ibatis, Apache Structs, Hibernate, Oracle and Groovy. I have also been
developing Sharepoint sites, and C# tools. Currently I am working in the
Cryogenic maintenance section, developing SAP applications with Oracle data
base and I am involved in a Java project.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
The first time I arrived to CERN was as an
Openlab Summer Student, in 2008. The next year I came back as a Technical
Student, working for the former Grid Deployment group. I started doing
testing of work elements at first, and storage later. After some time, I
developed a framework to enable nightly builds and tests through ETICS,
framework that is still at use and was presented at the 1st EMI
Technical Conference in Vilnius.
Finally, in November of 2010 I got the fellow position in the same group
(now named Grid Technology), and started moving from testing to more
development duties, although I am still maintaining the testing framework.
Simone AMOROSO |
Physikalisches Institut, Universität Freiburg -
Germany |
After working in the CDF experiment during my
master thesis I have started this year a PhD in Freiburg, working in the
ATLAS SUSY group. I am currently involved in developing a general search
strategy for new physics, looking at deviations from SM predictions in all
possible event topologies, to minimize the chance of missing new phenomena.
I am also taking part in an upgrade of the muon DCS. My preferred OS is a
Debian Linux, but if obliged I not disdain working on Windows. I have
extensive experience with C/C++ and the ROOT framework, and some knowledge
of python, LabView and VHDL.
CETA-Ciemat, Cáceres-Spain |
I studied BSc Computing Engineer at the
University of Murcia, Spain. She got
two MSc. The first one was in Grid Computing and e-Engineering at Cranfield
University, Bedfordshire, UK, in 2008. The second MSc was related to
Information Technologies and Advanced Telematics at University of Murcia,
Spain, in 2009. After her studies, she has been working on projects related
to Data Mining, Ontology Systems, Bioinspired Algorithms and Optimization.
She is currently doing her PhD in the institution CETA-Ciemat in
collaboration with the University of Extremadura (Spain). Her PhD consists
in researching different multi-objective strategies based on bioinspired
algorithms to optimize the job scheduling problem in the Grid. In this first
stage, she is using and modifying the simulator GridSim to evaluate the
algorithms. At the same time, she is teaching artificial intelligence
applied to grid environments in a MSc at the University of Extremadura,
Also, she is taking part in “the Gridification Weeks”
at the CETA-Ciemat that consist in helping researcher groups to port their
applications into the Grid.
Fu Kit Jay AU-YEUNG |
The Chinese University of Hong-Kong – Hong-Kong |
I am currently a Computer Science master student
in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The focuses of my research are high
dimensional data analysis and mathematical modeling. The research was
working incorporating with PhD research team and the discrete maths model
has been implemented for a DNA-Protein sequencing project. I was responsible
for database modeling, maths model coding and testing. At the same time, I
was developing a real-time statistical analysis solution for large data set
based on grid or cloud computing architecture. For the system development,
tools using mainly ROOT, Python, R, Matlab, SQL, C++ and C#.
Mehdi BELHAY |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
After finishing my master degree in Computer science in September 2010 I
joined CERN in October 2010 as a Volontaire International (Special Program
of France - VIA). My current work at CERN consists in providing support and
maintenance of all HR’s internal Oracle Application Express applications
that already exist, analyzing requirements for new applications that would
be useful for the HR department and creating statistic reports. I mostly use
PL/SQL, web languages (html, javascript, css) and the Business Object
INFN & Università, Torino - Italy |
After obtaining a M.Sc. in Particle Physics at the University of Torino,
Italy, in 2010 I worked for almost a year as a fellow for the CNRS (France)
in two different laboratories (Subatech, Nantes and LPC, Clermont-Ferrand).
Currently I am a Ph.D. student at the University and INFN, Torino. I work
for the ALICE experiment since 2009 and starting from early 2010 I am
actively involved in the definition and implementation of the data storage
model for PROOF-based analysis facilities (AAF): this led to a dataset
stager (afdsmgrd), that robustly transfers data upon request by taking into
account network issues and files corruption, currently in production in all
AAFs and distributed as a part of ROOT. I am also developing a cloud
infrastructure in Torino based on OpenNebula, aimed to provide PROOF-based
clusters on-the-fly running on dynamically-deployed virtual machines. My
preferred working environments are Unix flavors, while my language skills
cover mostly C/C++, Java, Ruby and Python.
Claudia BORER |
University of Bern - Switzerland |
I am a physics PhD student in my final year, having studied in Bern,
Scotland, and Germany. I specialised in particle physics. Currently I am
involved in the search for mini-black holes within the ATLAS experiment,
using high-pT electrons. This work covers the generation of MC files,
feasibility studies for a new analysis, and data analysis.
The two years previously I was working in the DAQ part of the experiment,
taking care of some of the computers involved, monitoring them, improving
their performance, and testing new machines.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
After a fun year as a
technical student at CERN I finished my CS studies and worked in Zurich.
Thereafter, I joined the software section of the beam instrumentation group
at CERN in 2010. My current work involves writing and maintaining Java
applications which are used by the LHC operation to test, calibrate and
check beam instruments. Our section also writes applications for instrument
experts, which usually involves writing on one hand a server application in
C++ that communicates with the instrument and on the other hand a GUI to
control it and analyse the gained data. I am as well working on the
development of a framework (in Java & Maven) which is to be used by the
members of our section to create dedicated expert applications.
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
Currently working in CERN, CMS experiment as
facilities operator. Main tasks are to deploy and monitor critical services
for CMS offline. Also as a member of HTTP group, I am responsible for the
development of the tools for deployment and monitoring of the services and
servers in our cluster. Mainly responsible for services running on
cmsweb.cern.ch. Also I am involved in grid computing and deployment of the
grid tools at CERN. Have strong knowledge in PHP, experience in Python and
Bash scripting. Also have basics of C++. Mainly working on Mac OS X. Feeling
comfortably with Linux and have experience with Linux system tools and Linux
INFN, Pisa - Italy |

I am a Computer Science student and I am currently designing and
implementing the high level monitoring software components for the future
FastTrack Processor used for tracking at Atlas, by collaborating with
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Pisa. Such software will be used to
online monitor and control a big amount of new tracking hardware devices and
integrate with the Atlas TDAQ. I use the programming languages C++, C,
Python, Prolog, Erlang, Java and JavaScript and my biggest interests are in
algorithms, programming techniques, efficiency and concurrency.
Francois CHATAL |
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
Coming from Bretagne (France), I have studied in France and Denmark. I came
to CERN last October just after graduating; it was a great opportunity to
work in an international environment. Presently I’m working as a VIA in the
IT-DB group. My main task is to develop some tools to measure directly from
inside the database the performance evolution when a change is brought to
the hardware or software. This leads me to learn about Oracle’s internals,
database tuning and PL/SQL coding. Apart from that, I enjoy the Alpes’
mountains during the winter to do skiing and snowboarding.
IFIN-Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics
and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest - Romania |
I am working at National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Horia-Hulubei , Bucharest, Magurele in the IT and Particle Physics
Department. I started my
PhD thesis in October 2010. The thesis is dedicated to the study of the
generation, storage and processing algorithms of the ATLAS data. I am the
the administrator of RO-07-NIPNE grid site with more than 1000 CPUs that
supports ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb virtual organizations. I installed and
configured an allien grid site at Bucharest for PANDA-GSI collaboration. I
am also managing for Romanian ATLAS group an Analysis Facility, with a PROOF
cluster and Athena software. I am currently working with Linux OS and python
and C/C++ I am also one of the people responsible with the management of our
network which includes configuration of routers and servers(email, named,
web, DHCP).