Dr. Federico Ruggieri, born in Bari (Italy) in 1952, is an INFN senior
physicist and Director of Research in the INFN Section of Roma3. He spent
most of his professional life working on On-Line and Off-line Computing
Systems for High Energy Physics experiments at CERN (The European Particle
Physics Laboratory) and at Frascati, INFN National Laboratory. From 1992 to
1998 chairman of the INFN National Computing Committee, he approved the
Condor Project on Wide Area Network for INFN, the first example of
production infrastructure for distributed computing on wide area. He was for
several years (1990-1993) member of HTC, the European High Energy Physics
Network Technical Committee and was member of the HEPCCC (senior director
computing co-ordination committee within major HEP sites in Europe) from
1994 to 2004 and chairman from 1998 to 2002. During his chairmanship he
promoted the first GRID project approved by the European Community: DataGRID.
In DataGRID Dr. Ruggieri was the INFN responsible person, member of the PMB
(Project Management Board) and chairman of the PMB for the first year. He
was from 1998 to 2004 the Director of CNAF in Bologna, the INFN National
centre responsible for Research and Development of Informatics and
Telematics Technologies where he started the LHC TIER1 for Italy. The INFN
TIER1 is one of the powerful centres in Europe and in the World which will
sustain most of the computing effort for the experiments which will take
data at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the new big accelerator under
construction at CERN. Dr. Ruggieri was project leader and Technical manager
of Tier1. He played an important role in the development of the Networks for
Research in Italy like INFNet the INFN Wide area network, and GARR the
National Research and Academic Network. Since 2000 he is member of the
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of GARR. He is Qualified Expert
in Informatics and Telematics for the Italian Ministry of Education,
University and Research (MIUR).