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CERN School of Computing 2005 4 September - 17 September 2005 in Saint Malo, France

Programme Overview

Grid Track

Software Track

Physics Comp. Track



Lecturer Bios


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Lecturer Biographies

Mark Dönszelmann


Mark Dönszelmann studied Electronics Engineering in Delft in the Netherlands. He joined NIKHEF in 1989 and then CERN, as a fellow, to work on the online software of the DELPHI experiment. At CERN he continued as a staff member to work on the World-Wide Web, followed by work in the Physics Applications group.
He is the author of WIRED, the WWW Interactive Remote Event Display, an event display framework written in Java. In 2002 he moved to SLAC to continue working on WIRED, JAS (Java Analysis Studio), AIDA (Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis) and FreeHEP, a library of java (and c++) components for use in High Energy Physics. Mark visited the CERN School of Computing in Ystad, Sweden in 1991 as a student, and taught several times in subsequent Computing Schools in subjects ranging from information technology to distributed computing and mobile agents.

François Flückiger


François Flückiger, Director of the CERN School of Computing, is Technology Transfer Officer for Information Technologies at CERN and Manager of the CERN openlab for DataGrid applications. Before joining CERN in 1978, he was employed for five years by SESA in Paris. At CERN, he has been in charge of external networking for more than 12 years and held positions in infrastructure and application networking, including the management of CERN's World-Wide Web team after the departure of the Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee. He is an adviser to the European Commission, a member of the Internet Society Advisory Council and the author of the reference textbook "Understanding Networked Multimedia" as well as more than 80 articles. He has 32 years of experience in networking and information technologies. François Flückiger graduated from the Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité in 1973 and holds an MBA from the Enterprise Administration Institute in Paris in 1977.

Rudi Frühwirth


Rudi Frühwirth studied mathematics in Vienna. In 1977 he joined the Institute of High Energy Physics in Vienna, where has been working ever since. He has developed online software, simulation software, pattern recognition software, and track and vertex reconstruction software for various experiments. He has taught mathematics and statistics at the University of Economics and regularly gives courses on data analysis at the University of Technology in Vienna.

Bob Jacobsen

University of California at Berkeley

Bob Jacobsen is an experimental high-energy physicist and a faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley.  He's a member of the BaBar collaboration, where he lead the effort to create the reconstruction software and the offline system.  He has previously been a member of the ALEPH (LEP) and MarkII (SLC) collaborations. His original academic training was in computer engineering, and he worked in the computing industry before becoming a physicist

Tony Johnson


Tony Johnson obtained his PhD from Oxford University while working on the EMC experiment at CERN. Since then he has worked for MIT, Boston University and is currently a staff physicist at SLAC. He spent many years as software architect for the SLD experiment, and has worked on many data analysis, internet and distributed computing projects. He is currently data handling coordinator for the GLAST experiment, working on software for physics studies at future linear colliders, and is chief architect of the JAS analysis toolkit.


Erwin Laure


Erwin Laure received his Ph.D degree in Business Administration and Computer Science in 2001 from the University of Vienna.  After working as a research assistant at the Institute for Software Science of the University of Vienna he joined CERN in 2002 as a member of the EU DataGrid project working on data management issues. Since November 2002 he is the Deputy Technical Coordinator of the EU DataGrid project.

Martin Liendl

SWX Swiss Exchange

Martin Liendl worked as a CERN Fellow for the Compact Muon Collaboration in the experiment's Core Computing group. There he was responsible for the Detector Description Database and its integration to the CMS simulation package. Futhermore he co-ordinated work related to the realization of a Conditions Database for CMS and implements related prototypes. Martin received his Master in Physics worked afterwards for several years in software industry before joining the CERN Doctoral Student program. He then got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Vienna University of Technology. At the end of his Fellowship, Martin again returned to industry.

Alberto Pace


Alberto Pace is a member if the IT department at CERN where he leads the Internet Services group providing Electronic Mail, Central Web and Windows Desktops services for CERN. He has more than 15 years experience in computing services, infrastructure, software engineering, accelerator control and accelerator operation. He graduated in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) in 1987.

Andreas Pfeiffer


Andreas Pfeiffer has studied Physics in Giessen and Heidelberg, where he got his Ph.D. in 1988. Since then he was working until 1998 with the University of Heidelberg on the CERES/NA45 experiment at CERN, studying the creation of e+e- pairs in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions at the SPS. His main responsibilities were computing, both on-line/DAQ and offline/simulation. In January 1999 he joined CERN to lead the Anaphe (former LHC++) project in IT division. With the startup of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project, Andreas is now working in the PI project of LCG and on analysis related issues in the CMS experiment.

Heinz Stockinger

University of Vienna

Heinz Stockinger has been working in Grid projects in Europe (European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN) and in the U.S. (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC) for many years. Within the European DataGrid project (EDG) he was the Education and Outreach Manager as well as responsible for replication software in the Data Management workpackage.
He is currently assistant professor in the University of Vienna (Faculty of Computer Science). He is the leader of the Research Lab for Computational Technologies and Applications within the faculty of Computer Science. The lab has a strong focus on Data Grids and co-operation with industry partners. Heinz holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Business Administration from the University of Vienna, Austria.


Last edited: 03-Mar-05

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Last update: Thursday, 14. November 2013 11:49

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