Participants at CSC2007
The following people have been selected for the 2007 CERN
School of Computing, as of July 15, 2007.
Manuel BÄHR |
University of Karlsruhe
- Germany |
The CSC07 would deepen my
knowledge of the tools I have already used, but also expand it to Grid
Technologies, Network and Computer Security, Data Acquisition etc. Current
Work: In my diploma thesis I developed a Monte Carlo Simulation written in
Fortran for single top production in association with a W-Boson as a
background to Higgs production in vector boson fusion and decay into WW. For
my Ph.D. thesis I turned to C++ being part of the Herwig++ development team.
The goal is to implement a realistic model for the Underlying Event in
Herwig++. Beside that, I am involved in the development of a parton level
Monte Carlo program which is able to simulate various processes at NLO QCD.
Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota
Colombia |
I |
I am currently working as
a Data-Production Operator and as a Software Distribution Provider at CERN
(as part of the CMS collaboration). My role focuses on producing Monte Carlo
data, making sure that it is saved where it is supposed to be, and running
validations for the different CMS Software releases. I am also working with
the "JobRobot", a program that sends large amounts of jobs over the GRID for
checking the availability of the different sites for processing data. So, I
am an "extensive" GRID user: that's the reason why I am so very interested
in learning more about it. I have experience with both Windows and Linux
operating systems. All my work at CERN involves Linux, so I am probably more
familiar with it.
Maria Del
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
I am
working on the interface between LHCb's Experiment Control System and the
Conditions Database which will be used on-line and off-line for retrieving
time-varying parameters for Physics reconstruction, trigger and analyses. I
had to interface tools coming from very different areas: the commercial
SCADA tool - PVSSII, used by the Control System and the COOL API provided by
the LCG group. A first version of the tool which allows users to select
among all the data read from the experimental environment which data should
be stored in the Conditions Database, and how often, and then automatically
packages and transfers the data whenever required.
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
My work objective is to
investigate, specify, develop and implement new improved tools and methods
for equipment management within the CERN accelerator complex and its
technical infrastructure. This includes exploring the possibilities of
extending the use of existing applications at CERN such as EDMS/MTF and
Datastream 7i application provided by INFOR. Currently I am studying how new
modules of D7i can be introduced at CERN (e.g. Inspection Management, MS
Project interface, etc). I also participate in the development of some EDMS
functionalities. To collect the user opinion on the above-mentioned tools I
am also developing an online survey tool application. |
University of Bern - Switzerland |
Together with the Bern
group, I am involved in the trigger and data acquisition of ATLAS working at
CERN on the Event Building developing, in particular the SFO applications
and software. With the first data we will take by end of 2007, I will deal
with lots of test studies, calibrations and efficiency measurements. Then
from the next spring I'll be involved in the physics exploration in Bern,
i.e. data analysis for SuperSymmetry searches. |
Università degli studi di Bologna - Italy |
I am involved in the
development of the Drift Tubes Trigger Primitives Emulator under the CMS
software framework (CMSSW) and of the DT Local Trigger Data Quality Monitor
(under the same framework) as part of the whole DT Trigger Primitives
Infrastructure. Both the mentioned tasks foresee the knowledge of C++, XML,
Linux and of the Root framework.
Academy of Sciences, Vienna - Austria |
I am working for the
construction and commissioning of the CMS Tracker since I have started my
master thesis. In the beginning, I was programming data acquisition software
to test the CMS silicon sensors using LabVIEW. Later I designed and set up a
monitoring program for the production of the CMS Tracker silicon modules
using PHP, Perl and SQL (using both, an Oracle and a mySQL database) running
under Linux. The last 4 months I helped with the commissioning of the
Tracker at CERN and got familiar with the CMS software framework CMSSW,
which I am using now to do analysis of cluster parameters, track
reconstruction and alignment algorithms of the first cosmic taken with the
CMS Tracker. This software is based on ROOT and C++. I am using Microsoft
Windows at my office desk computer, but enjoy my Apple notebook much more.
Apart from that, I am responsible for running two Linux servers at my
institute. |
University - Sweden |
I |
My current work, as PhD
student, consists in the experimental and theoretical study of
neutron-induced light-ion production from lead, iron and uranium at 175 MeV.
The experiment is carried out at the proton facility of The Svedberg
Laboratory (TSL) in Uppsala; a quasi-mono energetic neutron beam in the
range of 20-180 MeV is produced via the nuclear reaction 7Li(p,n)7Be. The
experimental setup uses deltaE-deltaE-E technique that allows good particle
identification for protons, deuterons, tritions, 3He and alpha particles.
Data analysis is performed either on-line, using a dedicated software, or
off-line using the ROOT toolkit. Simulations of the experiment are performed
using Geant4 and MCNP. |
University - Sweden |
In autumn 2006 I started
working as a PhD student at the division of Experimental High Energy Physics
at Lund University. I am following a program at the Lund-HEP EST graduate
school. This is 4 year program and the first year is mainly devoted to
courses, such as quantum field theory, numerical methods, phenomenology, and
extensions of the Standard Model, experimental techniques and error and data
analysis. Supervised research is only of minor importance in the first year,
but it will become my major activity starting from this summer. ATLAS will
be the keyword in my actual research. Soon I will start focusing on the
Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT). At the moment I am working around
possible signatures of extra dimensions and black holes at LHC. I am doing
simulations with PYTHIA and the black hole generator CHARYBDIS.
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
I work as developer and
maintainer of part of the software framework used to govern network at CERN.
The framework consists of web application written in Perl for the whole user
community, internal J2EE application used by CS group to administer network
resources and perl engine performing automatic configuration of network
devices. I currently work with Java and Java-based web technologies
performing also some administration tasks for our network database. I use
both Windows/Linux and also Solaris for administration.
Jerome CAFFARO |
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
I am working on CDS
Invenio (aka cdsweb and CDSware), the integrated digital library developed
and used at CERN. I have developed several modules of the software,
including the formatting tool in charge of displaying bibliographic
information, as well as the support for the Open Access Initiative protocol
for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH). Skills in the software engineering
domain, from the foundation of software (compilers construction,
concurrency, distributed systems, performance evaluation and optimization)
to usability issues (human-computer interaction, computer supported
cooperative work).
CERN, Geneva -
Switzerland |
I am
currently working in the development of the Alice DAQ electronic logbook
system, based on MySQL and Web languages (PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript). I am
responsible for: - Identify the relevant information to be stored in the
logbook system for archiving. - Design, implement, and deploy the relevant
database architecture and Web services to store and browse logbook data. -
In a second phase, analyse logbook data and optimize performances. The DAQ
farm, counting about 400 nodes, could be used during shutdown periods to
stress the system and carry on scalability measurements and fine tuning. -
Define a statistical quality index based on the overall running conditions,
in order to spot good and bad run candidates. This requires analysing real
logbook data recorded during the runs. - Complete and evolve the tools with
the new incoming equipments added in Alice.
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre - Germany |
I am a
member of the grid and the user support teams at LRZ. We operate a 9728 core
SGI Altix 4700 and a heterogeneous Linux-Cluster with 800 cores. Together
with the MPG a cluster with 800 cores and 350 TB disc space is part of LCG
as a Tier-2 Center. In addition to LCG, LRZ is also a member of the DEISA/eDEISA
grid infrastructure. My work involves porting of applications to different
platforms, optimization, debugging and grid enablement, which is currently
limited to DEISA but should be expanded to LCG as well.
Costin Catalin CIOBIRCA |
University of Craiova - Romania |
I am member
of a research group in theoretical high energy physics and, because I
graduated a computer faculty, I am the responsible with the computing
facilities (a Linux network). Also, I was involved in some teaching software
projects related to computational physics. In the last year, due to the
collaborations with particle physicist, our group became interested in grid
technologies (maybe for a future collaboration in LHC experiments).
Jose Miguel DANA PEREZ |
Geneva - Switzerland |
My current
work is related with Tycoon. Tycoon is a market-based system for managing
(trade) compute resources in distributed clusters. Tycoon is being developed
(in part) by HP using Python and a GPL license. The current idea is to
integrate Tycoon with our Grid (EGEE platform) as a new service. Some topics
related with Tycoon are Grid deployment and virtualization. I am also
interested in compilers, computer architecture, performance, image and video
coding, networking, etc.
Guillaume DARGAUD |
CNRS, Grenoble - France |
I am a new
software engineer at the Laboratoire des Particules Subatomiques et
Cosmologie. As such I am starting to get involved in experiments dealing
with particle physics and nuclear reactors. 15 years experience writing data
acquisition systems, mainly under Microsoft Windows using National
Instrument LabWindows/CVI (ANSI C programming). Mid-level Linux system
administrator and as such I often use shell scripting. Familiar with
OpenMosix cluster architecture. Several years of experience in developing
web applications: HTML, cgi-scripts, PHP, some perl and Python. |
CIEMAT, Madrid - Spain |
My duties
include the administration of the institution's Grid resource Center for
WLCG and EGEE (CIEMAT-LCG2). As such, I participate in the operation of the
site's Grid services, and the planning and deployment of new services or
upgrade of the existing ones. I also collaborate with colleagues at PIC Grid
site, and give support to the Grid users at CIEMAT. In addition to this, I
participate in the development of Grid software for CMS. In particular, I
have developed the API of one of the CMS' file catalogs; namely, the CMS'
Data Location Service. Of course, I also give support to the users of this
CERN, Geneva - Switzerland |
I have been
working on the ATLAS SCT(Semi-Conductor Tracker) for the last three years on
first the macro-assembly, and then the commissioning of the barrels. I have
contributed significantly to the online code to calibrate and operate the
SCT and have good knowledge of C, C++, scripting languages (awk, sed) and
XML while I have some familiarity with Java, Python, IDL and perl. I used to
know Fortran, Pascal and Scheme back in the day. I am the proud owner of a
Powerbook, while I use the SLC4 environment regularly as well. I used to be
the system administrator for 5-6 RedHat boxes in my previous lab. I have
done very little offline analysis work and I hope this school will give me a
more rounded background needed to have a fresh start in physics computing. |
Lorenzo DINI |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am working
in ETICS ( that is a project founded by the European
Community. ETICS provides a system for the configuration, building, testing
and integration of software. We serve several projects (Glite, Diligent,
OMII-Europe, etc...). They use ETICS for remote building and testing on
several platforms. I am the responsible of the ETICS repository, that is the
location where all the binary and source packages are stored, archived and
maintained. Now I am maintaining the old file-system-based repository on top
of which I have built several applications and at the same time I am
designing and developing the new repository infrastructure. The technologies
that I am working with are: Java web services (mainly AXIS, Tomcat), JCR 170
and its implementation (Apache JackRabbit), X509 certificates for the system
authentication, JSP and Servlets for the server-side part of our web
applications and Javascript and AJAX (Google Web Toolkit) for the
client-side part.
Felix EHM |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am
currently involved in performance tests in the IT/GD. The aim is to find the
limits for the Grid Information System - namely the BDII in terms of request
handling performance. The BDII updates frequently the resource information
of the Grid sites and is responsible to provide this information to other
services (e.g. ResourceBorker / web status Pages, etc.). Finding the limits
of processing the data has come to an issue since the latest behaviour of
this essential part of the GRID has shown problems with handling requests.
The results of this research are the base for a possible redesign in the
close future. |
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