Participants at CSC2007
The following people have been selected for the 2007 CERN
School of Computing, as of July 15, 2007.
Department of Atomic Energy, Calcutta - India |
I am working
in Grid Computing and Cluster Management field at VECC. We are collaborator
with CERN for ALICE experiment therefore we are establishing Tier-2 Center
according requirement for ALICE project. Presently I am working with Alice
Computing Team CERN for software development for ALICE grid or Alien. I have
worked at CERN from Jan 2007 to April 2007 and developed Wrapper for LGC
services test for testing each ALICE vobox without human intervention and
then publish all result into SAM page in every 2 Hrs. I have done FTS (File
Transfer Service) from CERN to Kolkata via building a channel from CERN to
Kolkata on 34Mbps bandwidth under CERN IT/GD Division. I have build cluster
setup on Scientific Linux, providing different applications in our
organization and creating Grid Computing environment on our local cluster of
40 nodes. I have gone through one year training organized by Bhabha Atomic
Research Center under Department of Atomic Energy. I have done BE in
Computer Science and acquainted with parallel processing, Grid Computing and
Distributed Computing concepts.
Geneva - Switzerland |
of MAD program that is widely used for accelerator design and simulations. I
am responsible for integration of PTC library and MAD, which is capable to
compute beam/particle dynamics including non-linearities up to any order. It
employs Truncated Differential Algebra techniques and Normal Form
techniques. This software is crucial for design and operation of LHC (Large
Hadron Collider), CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) and CTF3 (CLIC Test
Facility 3). Development of the online model for CTF3 accelerator. Steering
and optimization of a beam is not a straight forward task. Often a
simulation code is used as backhand. Machine settings are found, often
through minimization procedures, to meet requested requirements. Application
that performs such a task is called the online model. Commissioning and
Study of CTF3. CTF is supposed to prove the working principles of CLIC. I am
directly evolved in the commissioning of the machine as well as in
experiments and measurements performed with this experimental facility. |
Zbigniew STANECKI |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I |
I work on a system which is used to automatic configuring CERN main
firewall. The system consists of four main parts. The first is User
Interface, which lets CERN users making requests for creating exceptions for
theirs connections. The second is Expert Interface, which provides
possibility of manual changing configuration (of the firewall), and is
provided for the Security Team and Communication Systems group specialists.
The third part is the Oracle database which keeps all the configuration
information, and the fourth is the Compiler, which takes information stored
in DB and creates control files which are then applied to physical devices
of firewall. The Compiler and the User Interface has been written in Perl by
colleagues from IT/CS group. My job in this project was to design and
develop Oracle database structure and PL/SQL code for maintaining it, as
well as design and develop the Expert Interface part. This is a web-based
Java application, using Spring framework and Hibernate library. |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am an
Oracle database administrator in IT-DES group. Besides administrator duties
I am involved in LEMON (IT-FIO project) support and development and ALICE
DCDB support (Detector Construction Database System, Created by Warsaw DCDB
Group with cooperation with ALICE Experiment Groups). |
Radu Loan STOICA |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am working
in the Data Acquisition Group in LHCb experiment at CERN. I am currently
implementing the Online Run Database for the experiment and have plans to
study the possibilities of using 10 Gb technologies for data acquisition in
the experiment.
Katrine Aam SVENDSEN |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am working
in the IT department, and my current task is to implement encryption on an
off site backup server (mainly for disaster recovery backups), situated at
the CERN site in Prevessin. My job will also be to provide a key management
scheme (key generation, key distribution, etc.), implement this, and provide
a key management policy. Also, user guidelines for the system must be
developed. In addition to this, I shall develop a web interface for the
system, which will be used by the administrators and by the normal users
(both interactively and to set up automatic backup jobs) of the system.
Geneva - Switzerland |
Since April
2006 I have been working as an Oracle openlab fellow. I am currently
involved in several openlab projects of common interest to CERN and Oracle.
The main areas of my work are testing new functionality and new versions of
Oracle products, regression testing of CERN applications with new Oracle
RDBMS versions, application scalability tuning for maximum utilization of
database clusters (Oracle Real Application Clusters). Linux (RHEL 4 / SLC 4,
32 and 64 bit,) is the main OS in my projects.
Cristina TRONCONI |
Italian National Research Council, Rome - Italy |
I am a
Research Associate at ISAC Institute form 2005, CNR. and I am involved in
several projects: MERSEA, SEADATANET, BeInGrid. Within these projects my
work consists of: -Development of satellite oceanographic remote sensing
data applications based on grid infrastructure, in particular for what
concerning SST (Sea Surface Temperature) data -Management of TDS (thredds
Data Server) -Test Seadatanet Software (DIVA) -software engineering in order
to use Grid technology (with globus) for processing huge amount of data. |
INFN, Bologna - Italy |
I am a
second year PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Ferrara.
Since 2000 I am involved on the BaBar experiment. I started to move the
BaBar simulation production to the Grid, integrating the traditional tools
used for production in BaBar with the features offered by the Grid
infrastructure. I joined INFN-CNAF in 2004, the Italian Center for
informatics of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics to work for the
INFN GRID project and EGEE project. I cover the role of system manager for
the GRID infrastructure services at CNAF and the role of ROC Manager for the
Italian ROC. I am involved in the GRID middleware and service support for
the whole infrastructure mainly related with National Grid services
operation and coordination with national project. I am mainly involved with
accounting system assessment for the Grid infrastructure. |
INFN, Bologna - Italy |
I work
at INFN-CNAF in "LHC Computing Grid, Italian Regional Center (TIER 1)"
section. As Storage Group Administrator, my work is Centered on the
management, configuration, maintenance and development of TIER1 Storage
apparatus. Precisely more than a half of my work time is dedicated to a
Castor and Lemon administration and giving a storage administrative support
to LHC Experiments and others. The remaining time is dedicated to a
development of Lemon, Quattor, Accounting and ELog software integration and
interconnection. |
Barthélémy VON HALLER |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am
currently working at CERN in the Project Management section of the
Administrative Information System (IT-AIS-PM) as a Marie Curie Fellow. We
develop project management web applications written in Java on top of an
Oracle Database. I am currently working on a new project for the career
advancement of staff people at CERN. My main task is the development in Java
and some database related work and design. Apart from Java, which is the
programming language I know the best, I am familiar with: C/C++: Master
project and other personal projects Ada95, Scala, Smalltalk, PHP, LISP :
used during my studies either for projects or in relation with some courses.
Lionel WALLET |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am
currently working on Detector Control System in the ALICE experiment. The
device control in the ALICE experiment is based on OPC servers and PVSS
SCADA systems. A software framework enables in addition the user to set up
his PVSS project for the different devices used. To achieve a homogeneous
operational environment for the ALICE experiment, these devices need to be a
controlled thought standard interface, that’s why I develop some Object
Libraries with PVSSII (like C++ coding). I also develop and support a
Framework Component device (PVSS Client) based on an OPC server. |
University of Warsaw - Poland |
Two of my
current main activities are as follows: 1) Administrator at EGEE project
responsible for network issues, security and monitoring of Warsaw EGEE
Cluster. Employed by Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and
Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw. 2) Ph.D. student in
Polish-German PhD studies running in ICM Warsaw University in cooperation
with the Graduate College at the IWR, University of Heidelberg. Research
area: Multi-agent games: Evolution, Thermodynamics and Applications
Supervisor: Dr. hab. W. Wi¿slicki Department: Interdisciplinary Center for
Mathematical and Computational Modelling University: Warsaw University,
Warsaw, Poland. |
Andrea WEISE |
University of Reading – United Kingdom |

My research
concentrates on the area of distributed data management within a grid
environment. The work comprise of development work on an Intelligent Rule
Oriented Data Management System (IRODS) which is primarily being led by SDSC
in the United States. One part on the work would involve the development of
the security layer for the IRODS system and also work on the interface to
the new tape system and on interfacing the IRODS system to other data
management tools. This will explore the areas of data management,
authentication, interoperability. Another part will be the investigation and
development on how to pack data into the Storage Resource Broker and on the
grid-ftp. This might involve the investigation of intelligent brokering
within the system. At the moment I am concentrating on the development of a
bundle application, which will be integrated into the IRODS. The bundle will
allow transferring files faster between the IRODS nodes as well as in and
out of the IRODS system. |
Jennifer WILLIAMS |
The University of Canterbury – New Zealand |
support by way of maintenance of CMS Workbook and Software Guide. Beginning
GRID installation using Globus/gLite middleware. Most familiar with Windows
XP and Microsoft Office applications (hold International Computer Driving
License), also have extensively used Linux operating systems. I have used
Fortran for high energy physics experiments in my previous job (2001-5 on
SLAC BaBar experiment) as well as writing much event reconstruction code in
C++ and maintaining a tau reconstruction package for BaBar. This year
(july2007-june2008) we have funding to support me to work with out
department's computer administrator to establish a Tier 2 data Center in NZ,
set up simulation (GEANT4), begin data transfer into NZ, and establish a
Data Quality Monitoring station in NZ for the CMS experiment. In addition to
these tasks, I will continue to contribute to CMS documentation and hope to
greatly enhance my HEP computing abilities to help in this role. I have a
research funding grant; I do not require any financial support from the
school. While I am some time out from my studies, I am the only
HEP-qualified person in New Zealand available to be trained in HEP
computing. |
Dawid WOJCIK |
Geneva - Switzerland |
I am a
Database Administrator in Physics Services Support group in IT at CERN and I
am also involved in Oracle openlab activities (http://cern.ch/openlab). Main
goal of our team is to provide highly available databases for physics using
Oracle Real Application Cluster. I am responsible for development of
monitoring system. My work involves also preparation of some procedures and
tools for running database infrastructure.
Adam WREN |
Royal Holloway / University of London – United Kingdom |
Studying for
a PhD in Particle Physics. I am measuring the branching fraction and
hadronic mass distribution of the decay tau -> Ks pi nu using tau pairs
produced at the BaBar experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
Events are selected based on a variety of kinematics criteria that are
optimized in order to maximise the signal significance. Corrections to the
raw branching fraction are derived based on comparisons of simulated and
real data samples. The Ks pi mass spectrum is then fitted and Standard Model
parameters m_s and V_us are extracted from this fit.
University of Reading – United Kingdom |
I have
started my PhD in January 2007 (first year) after MSc in Network Center
Computing with Distinction in tough modules and Merit in the Project. I am
currently working on my PhD project which deals with Medical Collaboration
Applications to design a collaborative teleconsultation system that could
increase efficiency in healthcare and over take the traditional manual way
of communication and collaboration. Currently I am doing background research
concern my project. |
Mykhaylo ZYNOVYEV |
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH, Darmstadt - Germany |
I |
In April
2007 I have started as a PhD student at GSI. The topic of my work is
"Interactive Analysis on the Grid", and it is carried out in the frame of
supporting the ALICE experiment at LHC. At the time of writing my master's
thesis which dealt with the aspects of job management in a distributed
computing environment I took a position of an IT-engineer in the Grid
Computing Laboratory of Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics in
Kiev, Ukraine. There I was involved in the installation and maintenance of
Ukrainian AliEn grid-sites. I occupied the position for one year until April
2007. As a member of the team, in parallel to administrating AliEn sites, I
took part in the building of the Grid infrastructure for the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The infrastructure is based on ARC and GT
middleware, and is successfully operating nowadays. Prior to my involvement
in Grid computing I have been working for 3,5 years in Motorola/Freescale
Embedded Systems Lab in Kiev where I have gained experience in C/C++ and
low-level programming in assembly languages. |
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