At the end of this lecture it is expected
that the participants have heard about the main features
available for interacting with a database. The base of the
session is to look in detail at all the possibilities of
database queries, with particular attention to advanced
SELECT forms. Most of the session will be based on SQL92
standard and a small part on Oracle features.
1. DML basics: insert/update/delete
2. SELECT basics
'||', column pseudonyms, NVL
union, union all, intersect, minus
restricting: where, in, like, distinct, and/or, not, is
[not] null, any, all
sorting: order by, asc/desc
aggregation: count, sum, max, avg, group by, having
joins: equijoins, outerjoins
charater manipulation functions: contat, length, lower,
upper, ltrim, substr, ...
numeric functions: abs, ceil, floor, mod, power, round,
sign, sqrt, trunc, ...
date functions: to_date, last_day, next_day,
NLS_DATE_FORMAT, round, sysdate, trunc
convertion functions: to_char, to_date, to_number
other functions: decode, greatest, least, nvl, uid, user,
Advanced SELECT
4. Indexes b-tree
5. Transactions
6. Multi-dimensional aggregation