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inverted CERN School of Computing 2005 23-25 February 2005, CERN

Programme Overview

Data Management and Data Bases

Advanced Software Development Engineering

Web Services
in Distributed Computing



Lecturer Bios

Printable Version

iCSC2005 Advanced Software Theme

Details of all lectures

An introduction to Entreprise Computing


Thursday 24 February

09:00 - 09:55 Design Block Lecture 1 An introduction to Entreprise Computing Giovanni Chierico

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the principles of Enterprise Computing and o describe the major challenges


  • Definition of EC

  • Common multitiered architecture

  • Parallels with MVC

Common EC Problems & Solutions

  • Naming Services / Directories

    • Deployment schemas

  • Caching

  • Pooling

  • Messaging

    • Asynchronous

    • Synchronous

  • Transaction Management

    • Optimistic

    • Distributed

Design Patterns


Thursday 24 February

10:05 - 11:00 Design Block

Lecture 2

Design Patterns

Ruben Leivas  Ledo

Brice Copy

Using design patterns is a widely accepted method to improve software development. There are many benefits of the application of patterns claimed in the literature. The most cited claim is that design patterns can provide a common design vocabulary and therefore improve greatly communication between software designers. Most of the claims are supported by experiences reports of practitioners, but there is a lack of quantitative research concerning the actual application of design patterns and about the realization of the claimed benefits. We will explore this information to gain an insight into the differences of software development with and without design patters.

Part 1 by  Ruben Leivas  Ledo

1. Why patterns?
2. Group of Four Taxonomy of Design Patterns

  • Creational Patterns

  • Structural Pattern

  • Behavioral Patterns

3. Classification of Design Patterns

  • What a pattern does (its purpose)

  • What a pattern applies to (its scope)

4. Elements of Design Patters

  • Name

  • Problem

  • Solution

  • Consequences

5. Some interesting examples applied to the real life of programmers

6.- Implementing Design Patterns as Declarative Code Generators

7.- Patterns for Java and Distributed Computing

Part 2: Important Enterprise Patterns by Brice Copy

8.- MVC in Web applications (Struts, Spring MVC)

9.- Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection (Spring)

Security in Computer Applications


Thursday 24 February

11:30 - 12:25 Theory Block

Lecture 3

Security in Computer Applications

Sebastian Lopienski

The lecture will address the following issues:

  • how to think of about security, how to design a secure computer system, and how to implement it

  • what are the common errors, pitfalls, bugs and traps while implementing, what are common ways for attackers to exploit some code,

  • how to make a good use of cryptography (which algorithms to use, length of keys, validity of certificates etc.),

  • threats appearing on the human-machine (or human-application) interface, and threats coming from dishonest users

  • many real-life examples of good security, poor security, misunderstood security and security which in fact makes things less secure

1. Introduction:
What is security in computer world
Dangerous times
Types of dangers
Is it an issue for average software developer (at CERN)?
2. Getting secure
Prevention, detection and counteraction
Why security is difficult to achieve
General rules: simplicity, modularity etc.
What about security by obscurity?
Bugs, flaws, vulnerabilities
3. Architecture and design
Advantages of modularity
Security of the whole system is only as strong as its weakest element
Least privilege principle
Other design principles
4. Coding (introduction)
Readable and understandable code
5. Enemy number one: input data
Strings and buffer overflow issue
Canonical representation problems
Command-line arguments
External code
6. Common problems, pitfalls, traps while implementing
Using temporary files
Working on files
Environment variables and settings
Parallel or non-atomic execution
Hardcoding passwords
SUID/SGID programs
7. Coding - advices
Deal with error / Catch exceptions
Dumping core/leaving debug information
Optimizing code
Network programs
8. After implementation
Reviewing, testing
Open source vs. proprietary solutions
9. Identification, authentication, authorization
Authentication with something you know, something you have, something you are (or a combination)
10. Cryptography - practical review
Encryption (symmetric and asymmetric algorithms)
Hash functions and MAC
Cryptography in network protocols (ex.: SSL)
11. How cryptography can help
A lock in a door
keys: confidential, algorithm: public
Don’t implement cryptographic algorithms
Encrypted = secure ?
Key lengths
12. Other interesting techniques
Port knocking
13. Social engineering risks
Phishing, hoaxes etc.
How can we help users (education, restrictive software, clear design)
Password policy
14. Summary
What is the main message?
Future readings (at the lecture's web page)

Change Control: Iterative Development /  Advanced CVS


Thursday 24 February

14:00 - 14:55 Integration Block

Lecture 4




Change Control: Iterative Development /  Advanced CVS

Brice Copy

Sebastian Lopienski

This lecture is formed of two parts. In the first one, Brice Copy presents the principles of  Iterative Development, why it was introduced, where it is used and what the various components are. In the second part, Sebastian Lopienski, after a setting the scene, presents the latest development of CVS, advices about common problems and pitfalls, suggest ways to use it and compare it to other similar tools.

Part 1 by Brice Copy

What Is Iterative Development ?
As opposed to monolithic approaches (cascade model)
Perform full, fast and complete development cycles (spec, code, build, integrate, test and back again)
In line with modern risk management techniques
Enables you to cope with changing requirements
Why Iterative Development Was Introduced
Cascade development too cumbersome
Full development cycles lets your team members (Dev, QA, System) work in parallel
Where Is It Used
Ingredients List
Source control management (SCM) system
Somebody to write requirement and design specifications
An eager team of developers ready to work in parallel
Quality Assurance people
An integrated build tool (your Swiss army knife)
Integrated Build Tool
Code generation
Metadata attributes
Remote invocations stubs (Web services, RMI etc...)
ORM mapping files
SCM integration (CVS, Perforce, SourceSafe? etc...)
Code compilation (from various sources to various targets)
Functional and regression testing
Integrated Build Tool (2)
Deployment as a named deliverable
Web Application Server
Middle tier server
Shared library repository
Integration testing
In Container testing
Documentation generation
Cross Referenced Code
UML Documentations
Specification in various formats (XDoc, PDF etc...)
SCM activity
Coding standards
Testing coverage
Dependency convergence
Apache Ant
All of the above plus more
Not Java specific, but well err..
Easy to extend through Ant Tasks
Somewhat low level
Apache Maven
A layer wrapping Ant
Your project is seen as a high level object
Named dependencies
Deployment locations
Sub projects
Your project must follow a certain structure
Really aimed at Java projects
Automated Build Tools
Cruise Control
Damage Control

Part 2 by Sebastian Lopienski

Objectives of the presentation
Basic and not so basic but still useful functionality of CVS (including branching, merging, tagging, watching etc.)
Demystify the vocabulary (repository, revision, tag, attic, karma etc.)
Present available clients (command line clients, GUIs and IDE integrated clients) for both Unix-like and Windows platforms
Present others tool for CVS (Web interfaces etc.)
Show some good (and also bad) CVS users' habits
warn about some common problems and pitfalls
Discuss access control in CVS and security issues
Suggest ways to use CVS in build process
Mention other revision control systems like SourceSafe, Subversion etc.
Collect and present links to books, tutorials etc.
Prepare some exercises to be downloaded and run for further studies.

Debugging Techniques



Friday 25 February

15:05 - 16:20 Maintenance Block

Lecture 5

Debugging Techniques

Paolo Adragna
The lecture addresses the problem of eliminate bugs from software. It is targeted on programmers who develop software on Unix-like platform using C/C++ language, but a large part of the content is general purpose and can be exploited also in a different context (platform or language).
Introduction and general comments about debugging
In the introduction the general background required by debugging is reviewed
1) Noting and localizing a bug
2) Classifying a bug
3) Understanding a bug
4) Repairing a bug

Part one - General debugging
The first part of the lecture presents advices for general purpose debugging
1) Exploiting compiler feature: static analysis, warning option, optimization flag
2) Reading the right documentation
3) The abused cout debugging technique: general description, disadvantages.
4) Defensive programming and the assert macro (as a solution of cout technique)
5) The debugger. The example of gdb/ddd.
6) ANWB debugging technique: not really a technique actually, rather a method to flush out bugs
7) Code walkthrough: really an advice (possibly a citation of Gerhard's lecture)

Part two - C/C++-generated problems and tools to solve them
The second part addresses problems usually generated by C/C++ programming
1) Preprocessor: problems with versions, headers
2) System dependency
3) System call examination and interaction with the system: the example of strace
5) Dynamic storage allocation: general description of the problem.


Exploitable tools: libraries (to be linked) or external programs


Libraries: MEMWATCH, Electric Fence (with examples)


Executables: YAMD, Valgrind (with examples)


6) Incremental building: description of the problem and citation of make

Code Reviews: Best Practices



Friday 25 February

15:20 - 16:00 Maintenance Block

Lecture 6

Code Reviews: Best Practices

Gerhard Brandt
This lecture addresses the following questions
How to write code that's readable and understandable ?
Which tools can you use to make this easier ?
How to understand already existing code ?
Starting points for this lecture:
Other people have engineered code for you.
It's your honor to adjust this code where it shows
suboptimal behaviour ( = fix bugs )
You learn from their ingeniosity and apply your experience
as you and others contribute new code
1 Reading existing code
2 Adding new code

Part 1: Reading Code
Approaching a foreign body of code top-down:
Read it in increasing level of detail
Read File/Directory Structure
Recognize Structures
(like Design Patterns, Interfaces, Libraries, makefiles)
stay on top - dive only as required!
( = don't try to read 100k lines of code from the beginning to the end )
* High-level Orientation in an unknown body of code
Command line tools
Code Browsing
Documentation and its Generation
* Use the command line, like: Simple heuristics
* cvs: Watch what happens during checkout
* ls: directory structure
* wc: size

* Code Signatures
Condense code to structural elements: {} , ;
ref: Cunningham W., OOPSLA 2001 Software Archeology Workshop
* Code Browsing:
* ViewCVS
Real-time access to CVS
View Changes, Diffs, Tags, ... immediately
* LXR - Linux Cross Reference
Perl script that generates xref'ed source code in HTML from C++
Not real-time on CVS - rerun by webserver about once a day
* IDEs
* Generating documentation from code
javadoc type tools
by Sun for Java
enriched comments
many different tools - incompatible formats
* ROOT Thtml
Used with ROOT based applications (eg. H1OO?)
Classes to be documented must be included in ROOT
(ClassDef?, ClassImp? Macros)
Need code that sees ALL classes to generate complete documentation
(eg. executable that links everything)
Non C++ Files not documented
Bugs (eg. inline functions don't work correctly)
Unofficial outlook: THtml2
ROOT team choice: rewrite doc tool from scratch, incl. C++ parser etc.
more features: more output formats, code browsing from CINT cmdline, ...
* Doxygen
good results for un-enriched code
too many bells and whistles?
* dot
Graph generation tool from BellLabs?
– graphical representation of code structure
simple syntax
used by Doxygen for its graphs
* Noticing Structures:
* What to notice
* Used Coding Standard
Notation for type and scope?
(Rich) comments?
* Design Patterns
example: Singleton
* Framework Facilities
example: messages/error logging
often old/suboptimal solution
* What to skip
* Headers, Initialization
* find point of entry
* How to navigate
* searching
* regexps to reckognize
* grep
* ctags
Part 2: Writing new code
Checking Contributions by others
Writing it yourself
* Checking Contributions
* cvs diff
* Program Syntax Checker
* compile it
* lint
* test suite
* junit, cppunit
junit Covered in CSC
Available in other languages: C++ cppunit
Assert Macros
normally used for test driven development
-> not identical to correctness checking
* Handwritten test suite
Example H1OO? - H1 Fast Validation
Check code based on changes in physics variables
Compare set of observables from identical data
but reconstructed from two different releases
Differences must make sense from physics POV
-> if not, infer indirectly to problems in the code
Very simple implementation, great success for our purposes
* Layout
Coding Standards
* Enforcing Coding standards: Code Beautifiers
* indent
* Jalopy (a java code beautifier)
* More
* Code analyzers PMD (Java)
Testing coverage reports (Clover, JBlanket)
* Summary
* Outlook
Graphical Programming
code browsers
Spinellis D., Code Reading, Addison Wesley 2003
McConnell? s., Code Complete, Microsoft Press, 2nd Ed 2004
... Test Driven Development



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