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CSC 2007

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CERN School of Computing 2007 20-31 August 2007 - Dubrovnik, Croatia

Programme Overview

Grid Theme

Software Theme

Physics Comp. Theme



Lecturer Bios


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Social activities
Social Schedule



23rd: All options 23rd: Cavtat 23rd: Stat 26th:
Daily choices 23rd:
Sport options
Day by day Gallery Contest



Special Excursion - Sport afternoon
Thursday 23rd of August


Select your option now (even if it is "no participation in any activity")


A full-afternoon and evening social activity is proposed the Thursday 23rd of August. As all social activities, this programme is optional.
Note however that  this programme includes an evening dinner in a restaurant utside the school hotel. Those not participating in the programme will be on their own for their evening dinner.


All students must indicate the option they choose, even though they prefer not to join any activity, but to be on their own for the afternoon and the dinner before Monday 20th of August at 24:00


Three options are proposed:

  • One sport activity to be chosen from a choice of 4 sport option of decreasing physical difficulty (which will run in parallel at different locations

  • A free-time excursion in the small town of Cavtat.

  • No participation (all social activities are optional, third option is not join any of the proposed activities - then, people are on their own for the dinner which is at their own cost)

Select your option before Monday 20th at 24:00


Sport activities
(time permitting)

Free excursion in Cavcat

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Horseback Riding
Level 1

Level 0

Dinner at Konavoski Dvori restaurant


Detailed schedule




Participants gather in the hotel lobby (reception)


Departure of buses

Two buses leave the Hotel Importanne Resort (at 14:00, sharp, no delay.) (all participants except the 5 horseback drivers)

  • Bus 1: 42 kayakists

  • Bus 2: 9 bikers, 7 hikers, 22 Cavtat excursionists  Total 38

  • Total for the 2 buses: 80


Start of kayaking

Bus 1 stops at Kayak Harbor Dubrovnik


Start of special minibus for riders

Departure of special minibus for 5 horseback riders from  Hotel Importanne Resort


Start of Cavtat Excursion

Bus 2 stops in Cavtat. Excursonists have  about 3:45 hours for free time / excursion.


Start of other sports

At three different locations


Start of special minibus for Horseback riders

Depart of special minibus to the bring  5 riders from the horseback riding place to the end of hiking tour place (sv. Nikola Church in Cilipi)


Collect of hikers and horseback riders

Bus 2 collects hikers and horseback riders at the end of hiking tour place


Wine testing for bikers hikers and  riders

Bus 2 brings hikers and riders at winery place to join bikers for wine tasting.


Collect of kayakers

Bus 1 collects kayakers at kayaking place and bring them to restaurant Konavoski Dvori


Collect of Cavtat people

Bus 2 collects Cavtat excursionists


Departure of bus from winery to restaurant

Bus 2 collects bikers, hikers and riders, joining Cavtat excursionists already in the bus. Bring them tofrom winery place to restaurant Konavoski Dvori

18:45 - 19:00

Arrival of buses

Buses arrive at restaurant Konavoski Dvori  Total: 85 people



Dinner at restaurant Konavoski Dvori


Departure of buses to hotel

Buses depart from restaurant to the Importanne resort hotel. Arrival at hotel 45 min later

... later ...

Stop at Pile (old town) for those interested

The two buses stop briefly at Pile, the time for those interested in finishing the evening in the old town to exit the buses. They will be on their own to return to the hotel.

about 23:30

Arrival at Hotel




Select your option before Monday 20th at 24:00


Details of Activities

Programme may have to be adjusted for weather reasons.

Option 1

One from 4 possible activities

Kayaking (level of physical difficulty 4)
(weather permitting)
Maximum number of participants:45

Tour will last about 3 hours. Will include a stop on a small beach to rest. Instructions will be given. Beginners welcome.

Requires that participants are  in a good health condition, are not afraid of deep water and of course can swim. People who have motion sickness are recommended not to go if the sea is too choppy.


  • The participants should be dressed for kayaking when taking the bus (there is no closed dressing space at the kayak harbor). They should take a small towel.

  • Dressing: Swimming shorts or bikini are suitable. It is recommended to wear a tee-shirt, for sun protection and to bring sun cream. 

  • Small-size personal items (casual clothes) can be safely stored in water-resistant containers on the kayak boards.

  • Non-valuable bulky items (extra clothes for the dinner, ...) may be left in the bus.

  • It is recommend to avoid consuming liquid diary (milk, yogurt) before the journey (might induce motion sickness).
    drinking milk or diary products  (sea sick).

  • Water (1/2 liter) will be provided to participants, but it is advisable to bring additional water.

Summary of what is provided

  • Sea kayaking instructors/guides, kayaking equipment, life jackets, bottle of water (0, 5 L), waterproof containers of 50 L capacity for personal things (backpack, clothes, towels etc) - one waterproof container for two persons on double seated kayak.

Biking followed by wine testing (level of physical difficulty 3)
(weather permitting)
Maximum number of participants: 40

Easy activity, less physically demanding than kayaking.

Beginners most welcome. Initial instructions will be given to participants.
Requires that participants are  in a reasonably good health condition and are able to ride a bike.

The tour will last about 2.5 hours, with off-road bikes. It will take be essentially on a flat itinerary in the Konavle valley, mostly off-road.

The tour will depart from and return to a winery place. After it, participants will be invited to enjoy wine testing in the winery.


  • The participants should be dressed for biking when taking the bus (there is no closed dressing space at the biking depart place).

  • They should wear closed shows (snickers, tennis shoes), not sandals.

  • They may leave non-valuable items in a closed area but should bring valuables with them (a back bag is convenient).

  • Other non-valuable bulky items (extra clothes for the dinner, ...) may also be left in the bus.

  • Water (1/2 liter) will be provided to participants, but it is advisable to bring additional water

Summary of what is provided

  • Biking instructors/guides, bikes, helmets, bottle of water (0, 5 L), wine tasting upon finishing the tour (toilets available at half way and upon finishing the tour)

Click for full size

Hiking (level of physical difficulty 2)
(weather permitting)
Maximum number of participants: 40

Very easy activity, less physically demanding than biking.

The tour will last 2.5 to 3 hours (about 9 km) on an essentially flat, easy itinerary. No special health condition requirement.

The tour will depart from Saint Djordje Church in Cavtat, it will visit the Mithraeum shrine, and will end at the Cilipi Saint Nikola Church.

Then, a bus will pick up participants to join the wine testing with the bikers (tbc).


  • The participants should be dressed for walking when taking the bus (there is no closed dressing space at departure place).

  • They should take valuable items with them (a back bag is recommended).

  • Other non-valuable bulky items (extra clothes for the dinner, ...) may also be left in the bus.

  • Water (1/2 liter) will be provided to participants, but it is advisable to bring additional water

Summary of recommended items

  • sportswear, tennis shoes or closed sandals, additional water, sunscreen, sunglasses, fruit as a refreshment, a hat

Horseback Riding (level of physical difficulty: 1)
(weather permitting)
Maximum number of participants: 5

"Relaxing activity", less physically demanding than hiking.

Beginners are most welcome. Expert horseback riders are warned that beginners will participate and should not join if expecting intensive ride. Ride will last about two hours.

If more than 5 candidates, selected participants will be drawn from a hat.

Then, a bus will pick up participants to join the wine testing with the bikers (tbc).


  • The participants should be dressed for riding when taking the bus (there is no closed dressing space at departure place).

  • They should take valuable items with them (a back bag is suitable).

  • Other non-valuable bulky items (extra clothes for the dinner, ...) may also be left in the bus.

  • It is advisable to bring water.


Departure for kayaking will be near the west entrance of the old town of Dubrovnik

Biking, Hiking and riding will take place in the Konavle valley, east of the Cavcat town.

Select your option before Monday 20th at 24:00



Option 2

Free-time excursion in the small village of Cavtat

Free time to a beautiful small town.

Possibility of resting, walking, enjoying terraces and caf?s, shopping, swimming, ...


CSC Live


Handouts Update

Inverted School 2008

CERN Q: form
CERN Q: Who did it
EU Q: form

EU Q: How to



All results
Best marks
Podium with bios
Success list
Facts and figures

Student Involvement

Student Presentation
Student Forum

Social Activities





23rd: All options
23rd: Cavtat
23rd: Statistics
23rd: Schedule
26th: Island tour


Daily options


Sport day

Sport options

Final lists





Action Pictures
Final Ranking

Practical Info


All Applications

Wed 23rd registration
Photo Gallery

Sun 26th registration
Student Forum

Propose Presentation
Closing Dinner
Exam. Registration
CERN Questionnaire


Feedback: Computing (dot) School (at) cern (dot) ch
Last update: Thursday, 14. November 2013 11:49

Copyright CERN