CERN School of Computing 2011 15-26 August 2011 - Copenhagen, DK

Program Overview

Data Technologies

Base Technologies

Physics Computing


Lecturers  |  Bios


News All Forms  Photos Exam. Site Info. CSC Live Contests Social Activ. Sports Daily Sports
Print Version
After School Messages
74 30

iCSC 2012

As announced, the Forum for Discussion and Proposals is opening today, 30th  of September.

It will stay open for one month and will close until 31st of October 2011.

Do not hesitate to post your ideas, even though they are only sketchy and you are looking for partners. The forum will be moderated and we, lecturers and members of the advisory committee may comment and help ideas converging as proposals are  posted.

We remind you that, as the main CSCs, iCSCs are not conferences where you present your achievements, nor training sessions to deliver knowhow, but academic lectures (no exercises however) on a topic you are knowledgeable about, and which is preferably novel or advanced.

To better assess the type of expected lectures, you may visit the iCSC section of the CSC web site and have a look at past years iCSC programmes: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011.

  • For those interested to lecture but NOT based at CERN: Make proposals! If you are selected to lecture, a budget is available to cover your travel expenses from your home institute to CERN and up to 3 nights in the CERN hostel.
  • If we have an iCSC2012, it will take place the 8th and 9th of March in the IT amphitheatre.
  • For ALL those who will be at CERN at the time of iCSC2012: Book your Friday 9th of March evening! ALL CSC2011 participants (whether they lecture or not a iCSC2012), lecturers and organizers are invited to a diner and a party. This will be another occasion to meet again and have more fun.
Monday 29 August
74 29
Pictures wanted
We keep inviting you to post pictures  to the gallery. In particular, we are looking for pictures taken at the closing session, including photos of the podium winners, as well as during the closing dinner and the farewell party (many thanks to those like Andrea who already posted some).
CSC2011 Photo Gallery
73 29

Evaluation Questionnaire

We value YOUR comments
As announced the last day, we preferred you to submit the evaluation questionnaire after the school. We are confident you will complete this final duty even when back home.
When you are happy with your appreciations and comments, simply click the final submit button. Thank you for your collaboration. Fran?ois.
Final submit: as soon at possible  
before: as soon as possible Everyone Open
Saturday 27 August
72 27
Examination Results
Best Marks

In addition to its warmest congratulations to all the candidates who successfully passed, the jury of the CSC final examination is pleased to announce the following distinctions


Fran?ois Fluckiger, CSC Director

The 2011 Podium


Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon

CERN, Geneva Switzerland



Simone Amoroso

Physikalisches Institut, Universit?t Freiburg - Germany


Darren Demicoli

University of Malta, Msida  - Malta

Andrea Mattera

Uppsala University - Sweden

Pablo Pera Mira

CERN, Geneva - Switzerland


David Martin Clavo

CERN, Geneva - Switzerland


Will Rogers

STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot ? United Kingdom

2011 Podium: all 6 students with pictures and bio

Individual marks can be provided to students upon request, by email, to the Examination Coordinator, Ivica Puljak (Ivica [dot] Puljak [AT] cern [dot] ch)

All Examination Results
71 27
All scientific contests

Four informal technical contests were run by lecturers during the exercise sessions. Details of all results.

Virtualisation Tools and Techniques Creating Secure Software Data Management

We congratulate those who won  these contests: Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon (3),  David Martin Clavo (3), Sebastian Mancilla (1), Dmitry Ustyushkin (1).
or were awarded special distinctions: Irene Alonso Canella, Dario Berzano, Agnieszka Dudziak, Sebastian Mancilla, Piotr Pawel Nikiel, Pablo Pera Mira, Michal Nowotka, Pavlo Svirin, Dmitri Ustyushkin.

In total, 13 different participants received a distinction.
Special congratulations to the team which won 3 out of the 4 contests:

Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon
David Martin Clavo

...and to the team which won the 4th contest and received a distinction at another one:

Sebastian Mancilla

Dmitry Ustyushkin

Friday 26 August
70 26
MPL 2011
The CSC organizers are pleased to award a special distinction to the 2011 Most Participating Lady. The MPL2011 is Sandra Saornil Gamarra, who is thanked for her active, bright and always positive participation in all activities.

This is only the second time at a CSC that an MPL distinction is awarded.
69 26
Photo Contest

Result of the photo contest
Category Art  Category People 
Dario Berzano
Full size


Mehdi Belhay
Full size 

Many thanks to the 5 members of the Jury: Fabienne Baud-LavigneDavid Martin Clavo, Sandra Saornil Gamarra, Mario Ubeda Garcia, Manuel Martin Marquez

68 26
Presentation by Students
Programme of the "Presentations by Students" session, today 11:00. More details here.
Presenter   Presentation title Presenter   Presentation title
Jonathan  Aguilar Space Shuttle Software Development Martin Leitgab Server Virtualization at CERN IT-DB
Dario Berzano Transparent provisioning of PROOF workers over a virtualized infrastructure Piotr Nikiel Real-time computer systems
Agnieszka Dudziak Application of genetic algorithms in curve fitting Michał Nowotka Web technologies in science
Thursday 25 August 
67  25
Results of Andreas's contest
And the Winners are   
Data Technologies Contest (Contest was run on Exercise 3: Fastest Parity Check Implementation )

Winning Team-Mark: 0.183

Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon David Martin Clavo

Special Distinction-Mark: 0.184

Piotr Pawel Nikiel

Pavlo Svirin


Special Distinction-Mark: 0.211

Irene Alonso Canella

Pablo Pera Mira

4 Special Distinction-Mark: 0.213 Sebastian Mancilla Dmitri Ustyushkin

66 25
Football Result

Breaking News: Red team defeats Black team 8-3 in the 2011 Official Football match
(Half-time: 3-2)    More ...

Congratulations to Will and Mehdi who scored respectively 4 and 3 goals

Will Rogers

Mehdi Belhay
 65 25 Aug Football Draw 
The two teams: Results of the draw:


Dandra Saornil Garmarra


Manuel Martin Marquez


Raul Garcia-Martinez


Eike Frank


PabloPera Mira


Jonathan Aguilar


Will Rogers


Luca Mascetti


Bruno Malhagaes


Ivica Puljak


Daniela Remenska

1 Fran?ois Fluckiger


Alberto Pace


Elvin Sindrilaru


Manuel Malo de Molina M.


Francesco Cervigni


Mihai Ciubancan


Antonio Perez Perez


Martin Leitgab

Mehdi Belhay


Javier Martin Montull


Nicola Tarocco

65 25
Tennis Tournament

Results of the tournament
Mehdi Belhay beats 12-11 Javier Martin Montull in the final and wins the CSC2011 Tournament
Mehdi, 2011 winner

Javier, 2011 finalist
Fran?ois Fluckiger takes the 3rd place by beating Ivica Puljak 14-10. Ivica is ranked 4th

Fran?ois, 4th

Ivica, 5th - The two
Jonathan  Aguilar takes the 5th place by beating Martin Leitgab  13-12. Martin is ranked 6th

Eike Frank takes the 5th place by beating Francesco Perfetto 15-9. Francesco is ranked 8th 
Jonathan, 6th - Martin, 7th
Eike, 7th - Francesco, 8th
64 25

Badminton Tournament

Agnieszka Dudziak and Alberto Pace win the Mixed-Double Badminton Tournament (took place Tuesday 23 at 14:00)

Congratulations to all the 3 teams:

Team 1 Agnieszka Dudziak Alberto Pace
Team 2 Cinzia Luzzi Eike Frank
Team 3 Raghida Hajj Mateusz Dabrowski
63 25
CSC Examination

Breaking news
25 August 2011, 19:15
The list of students who successfully passed the CSC2011 examination is now available.
Warmest congratulation to all.
Fran?ois, on behalf of all your lecturers and organizers.

62 25
CSC Examination

Breaking News:

Fact and figures for the 2011 Examination.

List of students who succeeded published soon.

61 25
Tonight Outing

It is time to celebrate the work well done!!      Aatos proposals are as follows:
- Leaving together from the Hotel lobby at 22:00
One of the best ways to do this is visit the  LA Tequila Bar (Gammel M?nt 17) Shots 10,- and beer 20.-,- all night! (bring your passport, age limit is 20 yrs)
An optional excursion, suitable for those who appreciate more peaceful evening (with a twist) to Norrebro district, which is 2.5km walk from the hotel.
Norrebro is cool area just north from the downtown, a great area to hang around in cafes sipping herbal tea or health juice (a.k.a beer) and sit on terraces, and absorb the neighborhoods ethnic diversity.
- We could start from a vine bar and continue to smart and funny laundromat.
- Then spicy dink at tiny Mexibar and through a Small+Chic Harbo Bar. Then, we could head back to downtown through university campus area where you have a chance to experience more feverish night life.

60 25

Farewell Outing
We have organized the Farewell outing. It will be a disco after the dinner at 23:00 at the KUL?R Bar.
The entrance fee will be covered.
However, if you wish to join, register on the form below. However, do NOT say you will come if you have other plans, unless you want to score 3 points for the MCP (Most Complicating Person) contest 
Register to Farewell Party
Registrations so far
before Fri  26  11:30 Only if interested
59 25

Photo Contest
The deadline for posting pictures to the contest has been postponed to 19:00 today.
See news 54 for the details for posting. Many thanks to the Jury:

David Martin Clavo

Sandra Saornil Gamarra

Mario Ubeda Garcia

Manuel Martin Marquez

Fabienne Baud Lavigne

58 25

Boarding pass
You may send by email a pdf (and only pdf) of your boarding pass to Fabienne, for printing but absolutely before Friday 11:00.
Collect it at 12:30 in the secretariat.
57  25

Schedule news

Beware: Schedule for tomorrow has changed

10:30 New time

Bus to the campus

10:45 New time

CSC2011 group photo (entrance of Oersted building)

11:00 New time

Final compulsory lecture: presentations by students


New time

Exercises of Special Lecture on Data Analysis by Ivica of Free Time



Closing session

16:30 New time

Bus to Hotel




Farewell outing

Wednesday 24 August
56 24

Beware: The addresses below will only work during the school. New addresses at CERN will be provided after the school.

All material you have been using so far for the exercises can be downloaded from the following links:

- for the Tools & Techniques exercises

- for the Software Security exercises

- for the Analysis with ROOT exercises

- for the Performance tuning exercises

- for the Data Technologies exercises


Presentation by Students

We are pleased to announce that all 6 proposals have been accepted.  However, the CSC mentor (a school lecturer) has been assigned to each presenter and will discuss the content with them. See details of proposals.

Presenter Mentor
Jonathan Giuseppe
Dario Giuseppe
Agnieszka Ivica
Martin Ivica
Piotr Ivica
Michal Fran?ois
Tuesday 23 August
54 23

Photo Contest
If you wish to participate in the Photo Contest, you must upload a selection of your pictures (up to 12) in the special album called "Photo Contest".
To do so:
   1. Select the "Photo Contest" album
   2. Select add-item
   3. Select the pictures you want to upload
   4. Make sure you give your name in the caption box of every picture you upload
CSC2011 Photo Gallery
53 23
Tonight's Outing

Aatos has cooked up the following proposal for tonight: "Shots, Live Music and Karaoke"
Note: The program is just tentative, we might end up going to somewhere else if we please.

- Leaving together from the Hotel lobby at 21:30
- We start from the Irish Bar just opposite to Hard Rock Caf? -starting 22:00 live music, 10 shots / 100DKK!
- After the encouragement provided by shots, you surely feel like singing at Sams Bar. The first Karaoke Bar in Denmark, founded in 1989. Located at "Str?get", ?stergade 17_19, one of the oldest pedestrian ways in the world , SAMs BAR has a central place in the Nightlife of Copenhagen.

Then who knows? .........How about Bar7 with cool deco (studiestraede 7) or if YOU know a good place let's go there!!!

52 23
Badminton Tournament
Breaking news: Agnieszka Dudziak and Alberto Pace win the 2011 edition of the Mixed-Double Badminton Tournament
The wining team
Registration to the examination is open. Deadline is Tonight. Tuesday 23rd of August, 24:00

50  23

Closing Dinner 
Registration to Closing Dinner is open! It will take place in the Sankt Gertruds Kloster,
Hauser Plads 32
1127 K?benhavn K
Register to Closing Dinner
Registrations so far
before Wed 24  11:30 Everyone Closed
Monday 22 August
49 22 Aug
Tonight's Outing
Aatos has cooked up the proposal for tonight: "Vesterbro Neighbourhood"

- Leaving together from the hotel lobby 21:30
- Warning: The program is just tentative, there might be free drinks, so consume responsibly.

We refuse to believe that Monday evening is totally dead, and seek what Vesterbro has to offer:
- Walking through redligt quarters towards Meatpacking District favored by hipsters
- We try Ideal Bar, Enghavevej 40
and some other local bars
48 22

Presentation by Students

Reminder: Deadline for posting proposals is tomorrow 11:30.  See schedule of week 2.


Propose Presentations
See proposals posted so far
before Tue 23  11:30 Only if interested Closed

Explanations on the objectives of this session (will take place if enough selected presentations)
47   22
Tennis Tournament

Registration is opening today for the Tennis Tournament, Wednesday 24, 14:00-16:00.  Tennis tournament and football match are in sequence the same afternoon, but this is not an excuse for not registering to both. Your lecturers do both.

Register to Tennis Tournament
Registrations so far
before Wed 24  10:30 Only if interested Closed
46   22
Football Match

Registration is opening today for the match Wednesday 24, 17:00-19:00. All are welcome, beginners and confirmed, including ladies who would like to try football.

Register to Football Match
Registrations so far | Teams
before Wed 24  10:30 Only if interested Closed
45 22

Badminton Tournament

Mixed-Double Badminton Tournament (taking place Tuesday 23 at 14:00): Still time to register (we would need a second lady).

Register to Badminton Tournament
Registrations so far
before Tue 23  10:30 Only if interested Closed

Teams will be drawn from a hat the Tuesday 23rd at 10:45 in the lecture room.

44 22

Welcome to  Ivica

Welcome to Ivica Puljak, Lecturer at CSC1011, Chair person of the CSC Advisory Committee, and also Chair-person of the Local Organizing Committee for CSC2007 in Dubrovnik  who is joining us from today.

Ivica is also the coordinator for the CSC examination and for the student presentations session ... and a very good  Basketball player ...

Sunday 21 August
43 21

Hi  Alberto

Welcome to  Alberto Pace , Lecturer at CSC1011 and member of the CSC Advisory Committee. He just arrived last night, and who joining us for the excursion.

He will give lectures and exercises on Data Technologies. He is also ... ... and a very good Volleyball player ...

42 21

Badminton Tournament

A Mixed-Double Badminton Tournament is organized Tuesday 23 at 14:00.

Register to Badminton Tournament
Registrations so far
before Tue 23  10:30 Only if interested Closed

Teams will be drawn from a hat the Tuesday 23rd at 10:45 in the lecture room.

To have an idea of what it is,  you may have a look at previous tournaments

41 21
Sunday Excursion
Latest printed information handed over Sunday at 08:30 before walk to the station Remember important times:
08:30: Gathering in lobby; Squadron leaders get train pass-cards
08:35: Group walk to station
08:56: Train OR2031 to Helsingor
The 12 squadrons  
Saturday 20 August
40 20
Welcome Aatos
Party organizer
Aatos Heikkinen arrived tonight. He will assist Ivica Puljak for the exercises on Data Analysis as part of the Physics Computing theme.

As many of our crew,  Aatos has multiple talents: you may also expect his advices for after dinner outings: he is our Party Organizer! 
39 20
Hi Andreas
Andreas J. Peters also arrived yesterday. Andreas will assist Alberto in the running of the exercises on Data Technologies.
38 20
Sunday Excursion
Remember important times for tomorrow:
08:30: Gathering in lobby; Squadron leaders get train pass-cards
08:35: Group walk to station
08:56: Train OR2031 to Helsingor
Latest information distributed Saturday evening a dinner time
37 20
Free bikes
Free activity this afternoon
You may visit the Danish Free Bikes site. Places to pick up and drop bikes in Copenhagen are listed here .
Friday 19 August
36 19

Presentation by Students

The session of selected presentations from students will take place Friday 26 in the morning. See schedule of week 2.
Explanations on the objectives of this session (will take place if enough selected presentations)

Propose Presentations
See proposals posted so far
before Tue 23  11:30 Only if interested Closed
35 19

Results  of Sebastian's Contest
And the Winners are  ...
After Analysis of the results of the contest, the jury of the CSC Security Contest is pleased to announce the following.
Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon and
David Martin Clavo are declared the Best Performing Student in Software Security at the CERN School of Computing 2011.
Creating Secure Software Contest
Winning Team

Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon

David Martin Clavo
Special distinction
The following participant receives a special distinction for solving the exercise alone.
Dario Berzano
34 19
All forms
Some of you seem to have problems finding the various registrations forms and applications.
They are all listed on the forms and application summary table.

They are pointed from their respective contextual pages, on the top and right-hand side menus of the CSC-Live pages, as well as in the news.
33 19
Bob's Contest
Warmest thanks to all those who worked hard on Bob's contest. Results
Tools and Techniques Contest
Winning Teams

Score Time: 30 sec

Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon

David Martin Clavo

Special Distinction

The only other team with a score time below 60 s

Agnieszka Dudziak

Michal Nowotka

32 19
Disco Party tonight
Book your night: Disco Part at the hotel tonight, Friday19.
    Time: 21:30 - 24:00
Professional DJ: Andrzej
    Speaker/Amplifier: Courtesy of Stig
31 19
 Talking to Bob
Today, Friday 19, is the last chance for you to talk to Bob, who is leaving early tomorrow morning.
As usual he is most keen to speak to any of you. alone or as a group during lunch, this afternoon and this evening.
30 19
Sunday Excursion

The persons who did not fill out the registration for Sunday Excursion have been considered as not interested.

Final list if participants.

Thursday 18 August
29 18
Sunday Excursion
A few hours left to register to the Sunday Excursion. May you fill out the form whether you wish to join or not? See details and schedule
Register to Sunday Excursion   before Wed 20  11:30  Everyone Closed
See the schedule
28 18
Sports Day

Bus will depart at 13:40 sharp, from the usual location at the entrance of the ?rsted building.

  • Come dressed for the activity you choose.
  • Take a warm dry clothe for after the sport, preferably protected by a plastic bag.

See the Sports Day Overall Schedule.

27 18
Bob's Contest
The results of Bob's contest will be unveiled today Thursday 18th at 10:45 at the beginning of the Update Session
26 18

Hi Bertrand and Axel

Welcome to two other lecturers who arrived today,  Bertrand Bellenot and  Axel Naumann.

They will teach classes on ROOT Technologies as part of the Physics Computing Theme.

Wednesday 17 August
25 17

Hello Sverre and Andrzej
Sverre Jarp, and  Andrzej Nowak, lecturers at CSC2010 in the Base Technologies Theme arrived this morning.

They will teach Computer Architecture and Performance Tuning together with .

Sverre and Andrzej , welcome on board
24 17
Sunday Excursion
Registration to Sunday Excursion is opening Today. See details and schedule
Register to Sunday Excursion   before Wed 20  11:30  Everyone Closed
Beware: People not joining the excursion will be on their own for the Sunday lunch and dinner
(i.e. at their own expenses)
23 17

Sports Day

Statistics on requests and final participants to Sports Day



1st choice

2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice


Max. Number




6 0 - 48





7+1 *

17 7 - 31+1





10 12 9 6 37





13 6 - 26




Free activity


2 2 3 7 0




0 0 - 0


-10 No_reply 1 - - - 1 0 0
Total   69 41 25 9   68

* Local organizer will use his own bike

(1): # of requests as 1st choice        (2): # of requests as 2nd  choice     (3): # of requests as 3rd  choice
(4): Total requests for this activity     (4): # of participants to the activity  (5): Max. # of participants

Note: Number of students: 58. Number of lecturers/organizers: 11. Total number of participants: 69

22 17

Choice satisfaction
How choices have been satisfied:

Number of cases where
1st choice was granted

Number of cases where
2nd choice was granted
Number of cases where
3rd choice was granted
Number of cases where
4th choice was granted


0 0
21 17

Who will do what
List of activities and their participants
Tuesday 16 August
20 16
Results of virtualisation contest

And the Winners are  ...

The jury of the CSC Virtualisation Contest, formed of Pere Mato,  Artem Harutyunyan and Frederik Orelanna is pleased to announce the following results:

Virtualisation Contest (Contest was run during the first exercise session)

Winning Team
The fastest team to produce an histogram with half a million of events

Sebastian Mancilla

Dmitry Ustyushkin

19 24
Hi Bertrand and Axel

Welcome to two other lecturers who arrived later today,  Bertrand Bellenot and  Axel Naumann.

They will teach classes on ROOT Technologies as part of the Physics Computing Theme.

18 16
A CSC 2011 facebook group has been created for CSC 20011 the CSC participants. You are welcome to use it as an additional vehicle for communication and socialization during and after the school, .
Note however that you do not need to participate to this group to remain fully informed of, and participate in the school activities.
17 16
Photo Gallery
The CSC 2011 gallery is now open, but before using it please have a brief look at  the instructions.
Viewing a well as uploading is available.
CSC2011 Photo Gallery
16 16
Bags during afternoons
If you do not need your bags during afternoons (because of sports or any other activities) they may be safely left in the CSC secretariat as follows:
Deposit From  12:30 to 12:45 Just before going to lunch
Collection From  15:45 to 16:00 Just before afternoon coffee
  From  16:25 to 16:30 Just before classes resume

In addition, lockers are available in the basement of the Round Sports Center opposite to the changing rooms (need 10 KR coin).

Monday 15 August
15 15
Local facilities
Local practical information are available.
They provide Campus directions, as well as facilities available nearby to the hotel.
14 15
Hello Sebastian
Welcome to Sebastian Lopienski, CSC2011 lecturer, who arrived last night.


Sport Day

You may wish to check again the details of the options before choosing:


Sport activities  Free activity Nothing
S1 S2 S3 S4 F N
Sailing Hiking Biking Canoeing Bellevue area None
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 0 Level -1



Sport Day

Registration to Thursday18th  Sports Day in now open.
Select your option before Tue 16  11:30 Everyone Closed
Problems? Mail to  jose (dot) joaquin (dot) gonzalez (dot) maline (at) cern (dot) ch
11 15

Evaluation Questionnaire

We value YOUR comments
Final submit: as soon at possible  
before: as soon as possible Everyone Open
We advise students to fill it out as they go along (e.g. after each series of lectures or exercises).
I particular, questionnaire contains appraisal questions of early classes, the memory of which may have blurred by the end of the school. 
10 15
Hi Pere and Artem
Welcome to Pere Mato, lecturer and and Artem Harutyunyan, assistant for exercises. who also arrived yesterday.  
9 15
Hello Bob and Are
Welcome to Bob Jacobsen and Are Strandlie , and CSC2011 lecturers, who arrived yesterday. Welcome also to  
Before school start 
14 Aug Registrations
Registrations to the various activities and special on-site applications (such as the Photo Gallery or the Evaluation Questionnaire) are not yet open. They will open progressively, starting Monday 15 August.
(No panic, some of you thought it was too late for some sports ...)

In the meantime, you may visit the corresponding sites (Social Programme, Outings, Sports, Excursion, ...) to try figuring out what they are and prepare your decisions.

14 Aug

Welcome reception

You are all invited  to a Welcome Cocktail , Monday 15th of August at 19:45 at the south end of the  ?rsted building corridor.


Initial Information

Please read carefully the Arrival Information provided at the time of the school Registration, Sunday 14th.


5 Aug


If you wish access to the wireless network on the Copenhagen campus, logon to the CSC participant's portal with the login data you received by email the 5th of August and register de MAC address of your device(s).

Access to the CSC participant's portal will be closed on Saturday, August 13, 2011.
After that date, WIFI  registration will only be possible by contacting the technical staff at the School, and delays are likely to happen.

4 4
Last Mail Info.

Bring it with you
Today, 4th of August, the Last Information before school starts has been sent by email to all participants (pdf version ).
It provides details on airport arrival, registration location and time as well as on-site accommodation and Sports at CSC.


14 Jul

Hotel, Campus

We remind you that CERN will not bear any of your personal hotel, campus (or otherwise) costs. This includes any bar, laundry or extra service expenses, telephone calls, ...


14 Jul


Registration to the school will take place in the lobby of the Grand Hotel, Sunday 14th of August  from 14:00 to 19:00.
At the CSC registration desk, where you will meet Fabienne Baud-Lavigne, you will receive individual school material and instructions.

(in case of late arrival please inform in advance Fabienne Baud-Lavigne preferably by email to  Computing (dot) school (at) cern (dot) ch) or +41  76 487 3981)

2 14 Jul
Sports at CSCs
Do not forget to bring clothes, shoes and gear (tennis racket, ...) suitable for the Sport Programme if interested.

The programme features a range of Daily Sports Options, a special Outdoor Sports Day, as well as the traditional matches and tournaments (Football, Badminton and Tennis).




Welcome to CSC2011. We all hope you will enjoy the school.

Fran?ois Fluckiger, School Director


Hand't Update
Misc. Contests

iCSC 2012

All Forms


All results
Best marks
Podium bios
Success list

Student Involvement

Student Pres.
Tech. Contests

Social Activit.





18th: Summary
18th: Options
18th: Schedule
21th: Excursion

21th: Outline
21th: Schedule


Daily options

Fitness access

Sport Hall

Sport day

Sport details
Participant Lists





Match results
Final ranking


Action Pictures
Final Ranking

Practical Info

Site facilities
Ext. facilities

All Forms